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We see two boys as they were seen laying on a hill as one with brown hair was seen wedding a few books and writing in a notebook as the other with fire like hair is seen laying on a tree relaxing and sees the other doing notes.

Ashton: Dude, you're such a nerd

Dimitri: Well, in case you hadn't notice I am trying to finish up a report for school.

Ashton: No worries dude. I did it for you.

Ashton hands Dimitri a completed report

Dimitri: I suppose I can thank you for that.

Ashton: Anything for you brah.

Dimitri: It's just I'm trying to ensure we both pass this year with flying colors, you know that right.

Ashton: I know man, and I appreciate it.

Dimitri: Thank you.

Ashton: Besides, we will always have each other's backs and everyone will always accept us both. And by the looks of it I say from the window in that window over there that you have quite the admirer.

Dimitri looked and saw a schoolhouse as he sees at the window was a girl with long red hair as he then stood up and started to collect his notes and began to leave as Ashton looked at the window and winked at a girl with black hair standing next to the red head as he followed Dimitri as we see in the schoolhouse as the two girls were in a room as there was a chess board along with some chess pieces as some of them were glowing red.

Rias: Who was that boy?

Akeno: What boy?

Rias: The one taking notes a few minutes ago.

Akeno: Well I think he's in class 2B, and if I remember right, his name is Dimitri Leonidas. Why? What makes you ask about him?

Rias: Oh nothing, I just wondered if you knew who he was, that's all. Oh.

We then see Rias as she moves a chess piece on the board.

Rias: Checkmate.

Rias then stood up as Akeno looked at the chessboard.

Akeno: Aw...

Rias: Your trap was very easy to see through.

Rias then started to remove clothes from her uniform and placed them on an arm of a couch.

Akeno: Sorry, I did my best to make it harder on you.

Rias: Thanks, I look forward to next time.

We see Rias as she had removed her shirt as she then removed the last of her clothes and walked off as we see her in the shower as she was thinking about Dimitri as we later go to see Dimitri and Ashton as they were seen walking down a sidewalk.

Ashton: If I'm being honest, that black hair girl was pretty cute.

Dimitri: Nah dude, the redhead is the prettier one.

Ashton: Hey to each their own right?

Dimitri: Right, see you tomorrow man.

Ashton: Alright, stay safe, man.

The two fist bump as they both went their separate ways to their homes as we see that Ashton is looking through his cupboards at his home for something to eat but finding nothing

Ashton: Oh joy I need food again.

Ashton then grabbed his wallet and keys and headed to the store when he was jumped by a guy in a trench coat.

Ashton: Dude what the fuck!?

Ashton then tried getting off the ground but couldn't as he sees that he was pinned to the ground by spears of light as the man was seen holding a light spear in his hand and was aiming right at Ashton's head

Ashton: Let me go and I won't call the cops! Please don't kill me!

Man: I'm afraid that will not happen.

As the man was ready to throw the spear he was then jumped on by Dimitri as he was seen with his arms around the man's neck.

Dimitri: Back off!

We then see the man as he was struggling to try and get Dimitri off of him as he backs up to a wall and slams Dimitri on it as Ashton gets angry.

Ashton: Get off him!

The man then slams Dimitri back on the wall as he then stabs Dimitri in the stomach with a light spear as he then throws a light spear at Ashton's stomach as he was about to make the final blow a blast of red and black energy came and destroyed the spear.

Man: What did you two do, you little shits? And what the hell is that?

He then looks and sees a glowing red seal and looks to see Rias was there.

Rias: Keep your hands off of them.

Dimitri: It's that... redhead...

Dimitri and Ashton then started to lose consciousness.

Man: I'll teach you not to meddle where you don't belong.

He then made a light spear and threw it only for lightning to come and destroy it as he looked and saw Akeno come out as the man examined Rias.

Man: That hair, you're from the house of Gremory.

Rias: My name is Rias Gremory, and who are you? Other than a fallen angel.

Man: Well well, who knew. This town is currently under the control of the next head of the great Gremory family. So they are a part of your household, I take it?

Rias: If you bring any harm to either of them you will get no mercy from me.

Man: I apologize for the misunderstanding. Though it's unwise to let your servants run loose like this. The next time either of them are out for a stroll they might run into someone less quadrant than myself.

Rias: I appreciate the friendly advice. Bear in mind if anything like this happens again I'll make you regret the day you crossed paths with the house of Gremory my friend.

Dohnaseek: No offense but bear in mind that the same thing can be said to you. (Flies off to a portal) My name is Dohnaseek and I pray that we don't cross paths again.

Akeno: That was a close call, I can't believe these two would run into a fallen one. But if we don't do something they'll both die.

Rias: They won't die. (Walks close to Dimitri) They'll live, I'll see to that myself.

We then see that the morning had come as we see Dimitri as he was seen in his room at home and started to wake up and he noticed that he was in his room.

Dimitri: Man, what just happened. (Looks at himself) Hold on what happened to my clothes? Why am I naked?

He then moved the blanket on his bed and then sees that in the bed was had someone else in it

Dimitri: (in his head) I got lucky? Sweet! Let's take a little peeksie at the feetsie.

Dimitri pulled the blanket up to show a pair of manly feet

Dimitri: (in his head) Meh I've seen worse. (Out loud) WAKE UP!

The blanket moves to reveal Ashton's head as he sees Dimitri.

Ashton: AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!

Dimitri: What are you doing in my bed!?

Ashton: Me?! This is my bed!

Dimitri: But how did we even get here?

Ashton: I don't know, and don't touch me!

Dimitri: Dude, that's not me.

Ashton: Wait, if you're not touching me, then who is?

Ashton then removed the blanket fully as he then looked to see Rias and Akeno were in the bed and both of them were naked as the two boys screamed in shock and fell off the bed as they saw the two girls.

Ashton: No way... Dude, this is crazy!

We then see Rias as she starts to wake up.

Rias: Dimitri?

We then see her sitting up as Akeno starts to wake up as well.

Akeno: Hello.

The two then started to yawn as Dimitri and Ashton both blushed seeing the two.

Ashton: Not to sound like a total perv but why are you both naked?

Rias: Good morning.

Dimitri: I am so confused right now, is this even real?

Ashton: This isn't some kind of crazy dream? Quick punch me in the face.

Dimitri then punched Ashton hard in the face.

Ashton: I felt that.

Rias: This is real, as well as everything else you both had experienced as a matter of fact. My name is Rias Gremory and I'm a devil.

Ashton: A devil?!

Ashton then went to a drawer and then pulled out a cross from it as he then heard a sizzling sound as he then dropped the cross and held his hand in pain.

Ashton: It burns! Why does it burn?!

Ashton looked at his hand and saw his hand had a red mark from holding the cross.

Dimitri: What's going on?

Rias: Why that should be obvious, you both are devils as well.

Ashton: Oh that smarts!

Dimitri: What did you do to us?

Rias: Saved your lives.

Ashton: But why us?

Akeno: Because we both want you.

Ashton: Ok...

Dimitri: But what time is it anyway?

Then footsteps were heard as Ashton heard a voice.

???: Ashton, it's not national go to school whenever you want day.

Ashton: Oh crap! I know! I'm awake! I'm trying to find my pants!

Ashton was seen running around in circles in a panic.

Ashton: Don't just stand there D, help me find our clothes

Dimitri: Right!

Ashton: Girls, quick cover yourselves in this!

We then see Ashton with the blanket as we see the door open as we see a Chinese woman in blue as she sees Dimitri and Ashton as they were on top of Rias and Akeno.

Ashton: Uh...

Rias: Good morning, how are you today?

Chun Li: Fine... Ashton... You and Dimitri are late... And naked.

Ashton: First off, who are you?

Chun Li: My name is Chun Li and I am the person assigned to protect you by your parents.

Ashton: Oh, I'll be down in a second

Dimitri: Well just as long as my parents don't know I am here.

Chun Li: About that...

Dimitri looked and saw a woman who was his mother standing behind Chun Li.

Dimitri: Oh...

Patricia: Dimitri, you're late... and naked...

We then see her go downstairs.

Patricia: Do you know what he's doing up there?!

Jeffery: Why are you yelling at me? What? Is he and Ashton reading some girl magazines? Let the boys have their time!

Patricia: No, they were real! They were alive and naked on Ashton's bed!

Jeffery: Alright, stop the car, you mean they have girls up there?

Patricia: Yes! And I don't know where they're from but I never seen-

We then see both Dimitri and Ashton both on the floor.

Ashton: Dear god, make us both birds so we can fly, far, far away from here.

Rias: It's quite a party here in the morning.

Akeno: I agree.

They both looked up and saw Rias and Akeno sitting up and not covered up with the blanket.

Ashton: You're both not covered up anymore.

Akeno: Yes, we know.

Dimitri: But we can see your stuff.

Rias: Want us to stand up and give you a better view. (Stands up)

Ashton: She did not just say that did she?

Dimitri: I think she just did.

Rias and Akeno then both walked over to some neatly folded clothes which was theirs as they both started to put on their panties as they both turned to Dimitri and Ashton.

Akeno: How do you both feel?

Dimitri: What?

Rias: Where the two of you were stabbed?

Ashton: We were stabbed?

Dimitri: How did they know about that?

Rias: Your bodies are amazing.

Rias and Akeno both started to put on their bras.

Rias: You both took quite a lethal blow and somehow were able to recover in just one night. Can you help me with this?

She turned her back to show the clasp of her bra as Dimitri looked at her.

Dimitri: Oh of course, just a second.

Dimitri then put on some boxers and pants as he came and helped Rias with the clasp as he clipped it on.

Dimitri: So, just curious, how come we were naked?

Rias: Even when you became a devil, your wounds couldn't heal on their own, so I held you close and used my magic, it only works if we're naked.

Dimitri: Wait, you held me close?

Ashton: (Points at Akeno) But why was she with us?

Akeno: I just thought I would keep you company after Rias healed you both.

Rias: And don't worry, we didn't do it, we're still virgins.

Ashton: Ok, but you didn't have to tell us that.

Dimitri: Well we should go and get ready.

Ashton: Right.

We later see them heading to school as we see Dimitri and Ashton both with Rias and Akeno

Ashton: Oh no people are staring at me.

Dimitri: And by the looks on their faces I say they believe that we're both Akeno and Rias' boyfriends.

Ashton: Or that we are both total perverts

Dimitri: But let's just hope this will blow over soon.

Random Student: You douches! How dare you!

Ashton: Doubt it. And it starts already great.

Dimitri: Let's just go.

We then see them follow Rias and Akeno to the school house as Dimitri and Ashton saw it.

Dimitri: That's the same school house we saw you two in.

Ashton: But why bring us here?

Rias: There are some things we have to explain to you.

They then went inside the schoolhouse as Dimitri and Ashton sat down and saw Rias and Akeno accompanied by a boy with blonde hair.

Dimitri: So why do you want to talk to us?

Rias: Since you asked, I'll be frank with you both, I'm not the only devil here.

Ashton: Wait, so there are more of you?

Rias: And the winged man who attacked you both yesterday was something else, a fallen angel attacked you two and killed you

Ashton: Wait what? But how come we're both still alive?

Akeno: You both were reincarnated as devils using the evil pieces of Sun Wukong and Hercules

Dimitri: Wait so that we both now have like what, the abilities of the two gods?

Rias: Exactly. Ashton has the monkey king's powers and you possess the abilities of the god of strength Hercules.

Dimitri: Ok, but why did that man attack us?

Rias: It would appear he had to kill you two unless you both possess something that was dangerous or threatening

Ashton: Like what?

Rias: You both possess sacred gears that the fallen angels want.

Akeno: Think fast Ashton!

Akeno tried smashed Ashton with a hammer only for him to summon a golden staff and knock it out of her hand

Rias: For example Ashton possesses the staff that the great sage once wielded Ruyi Jingu Bang. As for Dimitri he possesses something unique.

She then threw a ball at Dimitri as he held his arm out and saw that a shield with a lion's face appeared blocking it as he saw he also had a sword in his other hand.

Rias: The weapons Dimitri possess represent the nemean lion, the beast that the god of strength had defeated using only his bare hands.

Dimitri: So is there a reason why you want us?

Rias: Oh we don't.

Ashton: Really?

Dimitri: Then why save us?

Rias: I have my reasons.

Dimitri: Ok. We'll see you later.

Rias: Before I forget, these are for you both.

She then handed Dimitri and Ashton two boxes.

Rias: These will be of use to you both.

Dimitri: Ok.

We then see them both heading off to their homes as we see Dimitri as he was seen in his home in his room as he looked at the box that Rias had given him as he then opens it and sees that the box had chess pieces which had 2 knights, two bishops, two rooks, 8 pawns, 1 queen, and a chessboard as he pulls them out.

Dimitri: A chess board? But what I don't understand is where's the king?

???: You're the king, you idiot.

Dimitri: Huh? Who said that?

???: Look in the mirror you fucking dumbass!

Dimitri then looked at the mirror and sees a red knight holding a glowing king chess piece

Dimitri: What the? Who are you?

???: Doesn't matter. Just know you'll be seeing me very soon.

Dimitri: Ok but what are you exactly?

???: I go by many names, but you may call me Steve for now.

Dimitri: Seriously?

???: Fuck no!

Dimitri: Fine but what about-

Dimitri then looked and saw that the mirror had only his reflection on it as he laid on the bed as he began to wonder what tomorrow will bring.

End. Hope you guys like this and for a bit of info this takes place way before meeting Asia and fighting Riser Phenex

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