Too Much Sorrow-DreamCatz

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Aphmaus POV

I had a past. One that contained too much sorrow for the angels host. Irene. She never wouldve come. I would've even been a mute, not being able to talk to anyone. Even the boy who mightve been my brother, and my definite best friend left me... when I was 5... Well, I thought he was. Irene says he reminds her of someone. Someone called Shad, the Destroyer. Surprise surprise. He destroyed my heart. Actually, maybe I should just take it from the top.

I was a small 5 year old. I had no recollection of a life before the woods except the image of a dark haired, tan lady with a white dress, navy Clark, and white Angels wings putting me underneath the tree where Aaron found me. I'd been dropped in the middle of the woods, with a seven year old I hardly knew, called Aaron. He was tall, tan and had black eyes, the same colour as his hair. I actually used to tease him about it being the same colour as his bottomless soul. Hehe.

One day when I was 7, we were very low on firewood, so aaron volunteered and went out. We lived in a tree house, but made a fire at the bottom, Sometime later, when I was asleep, he returned and took all of our tools apart from a spear and a knife. I stayed in the camp for a week, until I realised he'd left me FOREVER. Saddened, I walked away from the camp, the only home I had ever had.

4 hours later, I emerged from the woods. Me and aaron somehow knew basic things about the real world like speech, reading, writing and maths. For example, 2+2=fish. Technical difficulties, *BEEEEEEEP*. Like 2+2=4. I knew where people like me went too, so I crossed the street, and spoke to an oldish lady.

Someone's Granny: hi lovey! How can I help you. Are you lost?
Aph: hi! No, I'm not lost. I'm asking for directions for the orphanage.
Random Lass: oh! I'll walk you there!

Me and the lady got to the orphanage, and she dropped me off. I walked into the building. It looked nothing like the children's homes in movies. They look old, and dingy. But Rosewood Orphanage was white, and had a tinge of blue.

I remember my 5 year old self checking in. I was left in the orphanage for 8 months and 3 days. I counted, hoping for a mum. Until a tanned girl called Sylvanna, and a dark haired man called Zack came in. They were asking for a younger sibling for her oldest son Dante, who was 9, and someone, preferably a girl, the same age as her other 7 year old daughter Nana, as a playmate.

I was the right age, and was picked. We had a great relationship. I had been going to school, and getting my grades up, even though I was still only young, so I understood most of the topics. Until that night.

I was 10. Me and everybody else were coming back from a restaurant. Sylvanna was driving, and Nana had called shotgun. I was in the back with Zack, and Dante. Suddenly a black truck pulled out, ramming into the side of our Peujot. The car flew over, onto its back. Thick red liquid dripped into my eye. And then I black out.

When I wake up, the first thing I notice is the smell. Blood. Everywhere. I uncurl myself from my ball, and take my hand away to examine it. It comes away, sticky with blood. And not just my blood. I gasped in horror, and crawled into a leaning position against the car. Sylvanna, Nana dante and Zach were all laying on the ground, their heads twisted at strange angles. I started inhaling, then exhaling very quickly. Then I slid to the floor, realizing what this meant...

I was alone again. I couldn't even keep a family. I noticed a car part, and took it into my hands. It was oiled, but coated with a little bit of mud. And it was also wickedly sharp. Taking the piece, I started sawing on my arms, depressed.

But then a light surrounded me. I could've sworn I saw angel wings, but it was probably just a hallucination, from blood loss or depression.

Images flashed through my head. A boy with blonde hair and cyan eyes. The only girl with blue hair and blue eyes. Someone with brown hair and blue eyes. Somebody who had white hair and emerald green eyes. And...

A boy with black hair and black eyes. They reflected his soul... Aaron.

Then a voice entered my head. It was soothing, and I was instantly calmed and relaxed from the woman's tone. The wounds from sorrow, and wounds full of blood felt healed.

???: relax, aphmau. I am Irene. Irene the Matron. I am only here to help you child. You have fought well. I can see it is finally time for me to intervene, and help you see the world, my child.
Aphmau: are you my mum? Trying to take me away from deaths arms!
Irene: I'm sorry. Your mum... (troubled pause, thinking) she's gone. Not dead, but gone from this world. Think of me as a loving, guiding friend! One who'll never leave.
Aphmau: thank you irene. Thank you.

I still lived in the forest, from then on, but irene protected me. Helped me. Healed me! We were best friends, and she taught me some of what she knew. She taught me basic healing, and showed me how to hide and show my soft white angels wings. They were slightly fluffy, and warm too. They gave me a sense I was protected from him. Aaron. He's evil. I know it.

It had been about a year. I hadn't really been counting. But... I fell out of our tree house. Mine and Satan's treehouse. And by Satan I mean aaron. And the loud thump was heard by some people. And they brought me to a different orphanage. This one was a reddish colour, the normal colour of bricks. It was in between some apartments, and was called Phoenix Drop Orphanage.

I entered, and got a roommate named Travis. He was new too, but wouldn't explain his past. I guess it was only fair since I couldn't tell him mine. Irene advised against that. I could feel her surprise as soon as she saw him, but I didn't question it. Now that I think about it, he reminds me of someone. White hair, emerald green eyes... Nah, probably nothing.

I'd been at PDO (Phoenix drop orphanage) for a week now, and it turned out I had to go to PDH, the school around here. Great. Well, atleast I've made a friend. Me and irene only talk in our minds, so it's strange forming actual words for the first time in quite a few months.

Of course, doctors, and the orphanage mistress, Ms Bitte, were curious how I survived. Well, curious is an understatement. But I weaved them a story of me being in a coma. They believed it. I knew I had to keep mine and Irene's secret safe, even if it meant never getting to use my warm, safe wings ever again... For our friendship. Because without her in would be dead. It's only fair that I return the favour. And I believe that.


Thanks for reading! Sorry I've been on a little hiatus in my other books, I've been plotting this one! Hope this was enjoyable to read. Have a great day or night! Author sama out!


Word Count: 1294 Words 🙂

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