What about 'me'? - AphmautheUnicorn

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Laurance's POV

I was always a looker, no one has ever seen me for me! They have only ever seen me as a handsome young boy, even in primary school people made kissy faces at me but I never understood why. I never got what cool part of me they saw. The athlete? The artist? The hunk? Then one day in 5th grade it dawned on me that non of the girls like ME, non of the freshmen asked me where to go because they were lost, non of my friends were friends with me because I was funny. They thought it was cool to hang out with me. No one understood how I felt, until I met him....

He had blode hair and sky blue eyes. He was like me, followed by a group of girls whispering as he looked at them. He whispered something to a girl with red hair who giggled and then walked away with all her friends trailing behind.
"Hi there!" The boy said cheerfully, I blinked at him in surprise. The boy seemed to be the same age as me but seemed to have a certain tone in his voice, it wasn't hostile it was kind and as if he was worried about me.
"Hi?!" I replied waiting for him to try and take a selfie with me or something. But he didn't.
"My names Garroth, follow me" I felt like I could trust him or at least he was doing a very good job at acting! I hastily followed him, looking out for someone to scream my name, but they didn't. In fact no one came.

We arrived at a big house with birch wood and marble pillars! Garroth beckoned me inside, so in awe I walked in.
As I got used to the beautiful interior I saw a girl!
"Lucinda! WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE AGAIN?!" Garroth questioned loudly at the ginger girl.
"Getting more supplies for my magic shop silly! But your family are the only family who seem to own FIRE WOOD Mr Ro'Mave" But then she looked at me, I had never felt this way before, flustered and speechless I pretended to act cool and said
"sup" In my mind however I was screaming "OMG LAURENCE YOU MEET THIS SUPER CUTE GIRL AND ALL YOU CAN SAY IS 'SUP'?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! She chuckled softly but replied calmly with
"Hi, I'm Lucinda!"
"L-Laurence" Is all I could mange to say at that moment in time. What could I do, I couldn't think of anything so I ran! Out of the door and down the street.

I was alone. But I felt like someone was watching, someone was listening.  My life had been turnedupside down since they left. I climbed up a tree next to a forest and began to cry. I was alone with no one to help me. So I pulled out the knife my parents gave to me and remembered what they said
"Be safe Laurence, and remember us." I held up the knife thinking that if I killed myself maybe this torture would end Then I heard a voice.
The voice sounded faint but like it was next to me. It was a man. "Hello Laurence young boy!" I heard him say.
"Who are you?" I questioned into the air.
"Only you can hear me young boy, so don't shout out like that or people will think your crazy!" I heard the man say, At least he seemed to have a good sense of humour!
"I will ask again. Who are you" I asked again except in my mind this time. Within seconds I heard the man's voice in my ears.
"I am Kul'zac, the wanderer and now, your guide!" The voice said.The voice said. As lonely as I was, I suddenly felt as though I could tell Kul'zac everything so I did.... Then I began to wander the streets I knew so well.

Eventually I came to a orphanage. My parents died last year so I have been living in he shadows for a while. Desperate I walked in! At the counter sat I lovely lady. She seemed welcoming so I confidentially asked
"do you have any spare rooms?" The woman looked up at me and then down at the screen of the computer after about a minute the girl said
"Yes we do! What's your name of date of birth?" This was easier than I thought!
"My name is Laurence and I was born on the 24th September!
"It's nice to have you Laurence, your in room number three!" The lady said as she handed me a key with the number three engraved in it. I ran up the stairs, excited to see what my new room would look like but I did not expect what I saw inside.

It was her, Lucinda I think! She was sitting on a orange bed on the right hand side of the room.
"Hi again, it's me Lucinda!"  The ginger girl said now placing some sort of witch hat on her head.
"I'm gonna go see Katlyn,I be next door if you need me Laurence!" Lucinda said as she ran out if the room. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself before I heard a loud shout from Lucinda
"BTW I'm a witch so be careful!" My mind was racing, I was wondering round and round the room pacing and pacing.  . Sometimes I would just sit in my room and Lucinda would just think I was staring into space not knowing about me and Kul'zac. Kul'zac became like the brother I never had. I would tease him sometimes calling him 'the secret brother' but he would just laugh it off. That's what I liked about Kul'zac, what made us so close. That he could just laugh things off like it was no big deal. I wish I could be like him. But I knew I couldn't because I didn't know his story....

Hope you like the chapter! Please check out my other stories called: The lost elemental sisters AND Travelyn.  Author-chan flies away! Wow

Word count:1037

y account is AphmautheUnicorn

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