Competitions And A Day Full Of Sports

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Lily's POV

The rest of the week was an exciting one. It turned out that the sports competition was coming up. Asher, Cole, Jason and Ryan each practiced like crazy. Me and Laura had been talking over the phone. Carter's trial was next week and I couldn't be more nervous. Preparing myself for telling the story to the judges in front of other people was nerve wracking, but I did it to gain freedom from the treacherous chains that used to bind me to Carter.

Asher and I decided that we would go on our first date a few days after our trial. In the mean time, him and the guys would practice for the competition and I would catch up on my studies. Due to multiple distractions, I had fallen kind of behind. I wanted to pass my finals with flying colors so that I could get a scholarship at a good university. While taking a break from the hours of constant studying, I would go see Asher practice. I had also tried to watch the other's, but they told me that they didn't want me to. Apparently, they wanted to get a completely foolproof reaction at the big game. I already knew that they were amazing at their sports so I didn't see the point in what they were doing. Still, I respected their wishes and left them alone.

Finally, it was the day. I was given special front row tickets by each of the guys so that I could enjoy everything. I decided to leave my hair down and wear some jeans, a white t-shirt and a hoodie that I had tied around my waist just in case I started to feel cold. I made my way down the bleachers and to the football (soccer) field's 'special guest' area. This was where most of the people from universities looking for sports prodigy's and people with special tickets sat. The guys were each getting ready for their games so they couldn't see each other's performance.

Just as I reached my seat, the players walked out. I looked at them carefully, spotting Jason right away. He was looking at me and grinning, waving crazily. I waved back and gave him a thumbs up sign. Before I knew it, the whistle blew, signaling the start of the game. I watched as the players kicked the ball from person to person, Jason getting quite a few goals in. Honestly, it was one of the easiest wins I'd ever seen. The players from the other team looked like they weren't even trying. I mean, I didn't know a lot about football, so maybe it was just that Jason's team was too good.

Once the referee announced our school's team to be the winner, I expected Jason to be extremely happy and immediately rushed out of my seat to go give him a big hug. I got a bear hug in return, but when I looked up to his face, he seemed a little downhearted. Naturally, I asked him what was wrong. He told me that he felt like the game was won by his team because the other team was immensely horrible, and they wouldn't have won with another team. I stared at him in complete shock. I told him,

"Jason, you didn't win because the other team was horrible, but because you guys were great. I'm certain that if another extremely good team came, you would still win, thinking they were horrible, because you're team is just too good at what they do."

He beamed at me, giving me a brotherly kiss on my cheek. I smiled back at him and said goodbye, wanting to go to Cole's ice hockey match. Jason was heading to the after party. I was invited to it, but I instantly declined. I didn't want to have to go through seeing drunk people everywhere and handling the guys. As I made my way to the ice hockey rink, I saw Cole lurking outside, fully in his gear. I walked up to him and hugged him, him returning it. He asked me to sit inside and I quickly wished him good luck before going to sit in my seat. The players came out on the ice and started playing once the whistle blew. The puck was going from player to player in Cole's team while the other team kept trying to take it out from beneath Cole's hockey stick. He passed it on to a player who scored a goal, securing one point for his team. I eagerly watched in my seat, knowing that they needed one more point to win. However, the other team scored a goal, making it a tie between the two teams.

I could see Cole take a deep breath and slide the puck across the ice with his hockey stick, skating gracefully. Passing it on to members along the way, and dodging attacks from the opposite team, he stood in front of the goal, waiting for his team members to pass it to him. I watched as the opposite team's members crowded around Cole once he got the puck. He looked around, looking for an opening, and hit the puck through a tiny gap in between the players, and straight into the goal. I jumped up, cheering loudly, hearing the other people from my school also yelling happily. Once Cole got off of the ice, I rushed to the locker rooms, not caring that 'guys only' was printed on the door, and quickly gave him a huge hug.

"Congratulations! That looked like a scene right out of one of my favorite books or something." A/N: Yeah  I just did that. ;)

He chuckled at me and said,

"Thank you Lily. And since we won, I must get rewarded. For that, you need to do exactly what I'm gonna tell you."

I nodded at him, waiting for him to tell me what he wanted. He smirked evilly, making my heart drop, and said,

"You're gonna play the piano in front of the university agents at the swim meet."

All the color drained out of my face.

Done! I feel sad to say that this book is soon coming to an end. I really hope you all have enjoyed it so far and thank you to anyone who has taken the chance to read it. Love you guys so much! Peace out!

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