Dodgeball and Bruises.... Great!

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Lily's POV
I woke up and instantly groaned as I felt my stiff body covered with bruises, cuts and scrapes from Carter's amazing display the night before. I was too tired to get up, but dragged myself out of bed and went into the shower. I turned it on to a medium high setting and washed away the blood and sweat on my body. I then decided to wear a grey hoodie and some yoga pants. I grabbed my beloved converse, and put them on. Doing the usual makeup routine that covered the bruises, I grabbed my bag and left for school.

I always walked to school. It was autumn at the moment, and I knew that winter would arrive soon enough. My favorite season was winter. The snow gave me memories of some of the best times that I'd had with my family. I smiled as I thought of the snow coming in just a few months. I continued to walk to school. Carter didn't usually drop me off, because he didn't want to be seen beside me. I didn't understand why he was so dead set on keeping me, yet he never wanted anyone to know about me. Eh, it must be the mental issues.

The only exciting part of the day was when the bad boy group walked by. I didn't check them out like most girls, but was curious about them. They weren't players, which was surprising, but if they were, they would definitely be the most successful ones in our region. On the right stood Jason, also known as captain of the football team. With dark brown hair and warm brown eyes, his looks made girls swoon. Next to him was Ryan. He was a basketball team player which made the girls love him even more. He had tan skin with hazel eyes and light brown hair. On the left most side stood Cole. Cold, mysterious and the ice hockey team captain. His brownish blonde hair and blue eyes were enough to make any guy jealous. Lastly, the king of the bad boy's. Asher.  Also known as the swim team captain. His brown hair and light brown eyes were considered to be looks to kill.

They were called the "Fabulous four" or the "Handsome hunks" or the "Sport prodigy's". Hated by the boys for stealing the hearts of women that they didn't even want, and loved by women for their looks. Honestly, good looking people are given too much credit.

I made it through my classes like a zombie trying to earn himself a brain, and went to the locker room to change for the last lesson. I wore my gym shorts, t-shirt and hoodie, before walking into the gymnasium. There stood our "hot" gym teacher. He wan't the stereotypical "chubby guy who bosses everyone around, telling them to be athletic, but has to look at himself in the mirror first" kind of guy. In fact, he was a fit and muscular man with good looks and a charming smile that made the girls swoon. That didn't mean that he was a good teacher. He would just tell us what to do, and start running on his little treadmill.

Coach came to stand in front of us, and flashed us all his smile. I rolled my eyes as the girls squealed like love sick dolphins. He said,

"OK, so today we are going to be playing dodgeball! Zack and Asher, you're the captains."

Oh great! Zack and Asher were rivals. Why? I didn't know. Now, I may be a wallflower but I was actually pretty good at sports. That's what earned me the title of "the girl in the hoodie who's got some kick*ss moves". That was why I was one of the first people to get picked by Asher. Our team consisted of all of Asher's best buds, me, a few of the smart people and a weird guy who would always stick his finger into his eye. Don't even ask. Anyway, we were playing pretty well, other than a few people getting out of our team. I played like I always did, and was surprised when Asher complimented me.

Suddenly, a ball came flying towards him while he was looking elsewhere. I jumped forward, and caught the ball, realizing that a scowling Zack was the culprit.

 Asher seemed surprised, and said,"Nice job, and thanks. You're pretty good at this."I was left shocked. He looked at me as if waiting for an answer, but he got none. It had been so long since someone had actually talked to me at school. The fact that it was the bad boy king made it even more weird. As I felt an extremely painful hit on my back, I realized that I was out of the game. Suddenly, I felt a warm liquid flowing out into my completely white hoodie. Asher's eyes widened as he saw the hoodie getting soaked with blood, and so did mine. Before anything else could happen, I raced towards the coach and desperately tried to tell him that I had to go. Unfortunately, he was too busy listening to his music and didn't hear me until a minute later.

When I finally caught his attention, and he gave permission for me to go, I raced out of the gym, not missing the shocked look on Asher's face. Oh sh*t! Seriously?! Could my life not have gone normally for once?! I sighed as I walked inside the locker room. The bell rang, and I knew that I only had five minutes before the girls came in. I rushed to my gym locker, and realized that I had left my clothes in my other locker. Oh god. Suddenly, a panting Asher came into my view, and he looked around wildly. He spotted me and started to speed walk towards me.

I made a few prayers inside my head just as he reached me.

Oh boy..

Finished! Hope you all liked it! Make sure to comment, vote and share! Love you all. Peace out.

Hazelnuts or chestnuts?

(Or allergies?)

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