Ha fooooo. HA FOOO!

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Lily's POV

The weight of everything that had happened to me made me drop like a grandma trying to vault over a cushion but falling on her butt instead. I dropped to my knees and started to cry. I could see Asher rush over towards me from my peripheral vision but was too busy crying to care. Suddenly, I felt warm arms wrap around me and lift me up into someone's lap. Then, my head was buried into someone's hard chest and I continued to cry my eyes out. I sobbed for what felt like hours as Asher held me and rocked me to and fro.

He lifted my head up and said,

"You're hyperventilating! Breathe along with me, ok?"

I nodded and what he did next made me laugh like a maniac. He closed his eyes and went,

"Ha fooooooo. Ha fooooooo. HA FOOOOOO."

At first, I had no idea what was happening, but when I realized that he was trying to help me breathe, I burst out into laughter. The kind of laughter that makes your stomach hurt. He looked at me and scowled but I continued to laugh. His face also morphed into a small smile but he didn't laugh along with me. I spent a good five minutes laughing before finally calming down and catching my breath, probably looking like a fish trying to attain oxygen out of water. I went to the changing room and quickly wore my hoodie over my sports bra and some jeans before meeting Asher in the car.

He looked at me for a minute and then said,

"The guys were worried about you. I'm gonna tell them that you're awake and they're probably gonna show up, so I suggest that you change or shower before they come."

I nodded my head and looked out the window for the rest of the ride. It was spent in silence. Silence that wasn't exactly comfortable or uncomfortable, but the kind which would make you sleepy. The cloudy weather made it seem like it would rain at any moment. When we reached his house, we got out of the car and went in to the house through the huge gates. I found myself lost in it's beauty once again and kept wondering how I would ever be able to memorize the way to places over here. Asher seemed to sense my confusion and lead me to the room that I was given.

I instantly took some clothes into the bathroom and stripped. My body wash, conditioner and shampoo were already in the huge bathroom along with a stack of fluffy, grey towels. I washed the sweat off of my body with the body wash and then shampooed my hair. The shower was the place where I thought about things the most. That and my bed at night. I kept thinking about how lucky I was to be able to get away from Carter and how kind Asher and his family were to me. I still didn't understand why he was so nice to me and decided to ask him about it later.

I waked out of the shower, fully dressed and drying my hair with the towel, when I felt a huge being jump on me.

"Oomph- what the heck?!"

I looked up to see Cole literally on top of me. He had a worried look on his face and seeing it made me soften. I hugged him back and he smiled at me. Then came Ryan with a huge hug. Bigger than Cole's. I could see my non-existent claustrophobia kicking in. Finally, Jason attacked me. Thankfully, he gave me a normal hug with a box of chocolates. He said,

"We were so worried about you Lee."

I ignored the nickname and just smiled at him. Then Cole looked at me and said,

"We understand that you don't wanna tell us what happened right now, so we'll leave you."

I looked at him gratefully and jumped five feet into the air as Asher said,

"So, now that the reunion is done, let's go watch some movies and eat some popcorn or something."

Maybe it was just me, but I could've sworn that I heard annoyance in his tone and saw Cole, Ryan and Jason smirk at him. I blinked at them in confusion and shrugged it off when they gave me blank looks. We spent the entire night watching the powerpuff girls and I couldn't stop laughing. It was still a shock to me that these muscular, handsome, bad boys were obsessed with them. They all glared at me except for Asher who just rolled his eyes. I felt bad about the fact that I was making fun of them and eventually stopped. We spent the entire time laughing at the show and at ourselves.

If their goal was to distract me, then I would have given them an A+. I completely forgot about all of my problems and spent the evening just enjoying myself. We ordered Chinese takeout and ate, laughing at Ryan's disgusted face when there was too much sauce in his chicken. The guys then had a "who can drink the most coke in one go?" challenge and Cole downed two one liter bottles in one go while we all stared at him in shock. We then decided to play tag like a bunch of three year olds and all the guys seemed to have had it in for me. They chased me while I ran like a headless chicken.

It's safe to say that even after being chased by all the guys, I still won. How? Well, they all ran face first into the wall and quit the game after that. I had a great time.

I didn't know that it would all be in vain after the boys left.

Finito! Comment, vote and share please. Love you all! Peace out.

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