Road Trip To Happiness

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Lily's POV

The next few weeks weren't very interesting. The guys never left me for even a second. Whether it was at school or anywhere else, they were always there with me. I felt bad but they said that they had nothing better to do anyways. I continued my job because no matter how thankful I was to Asher and his amazingly sweet family, I still had to move out at some point. I tried to eat as less as possible at their house and mostly got my own food or didn't eat anything. I also continued to go to the boxing gym. The weeks flew past and suddenly, mid-term break had started.

I had a break from my jobs because they would always give one to students who were working whenever a holiday came up. That was one of the best things about my jobs. After the last day of school before the break, Asher, Ryan, Cole, Jason and I flopped on the couch. For some reason, they were all grinning wickedly. Well, Jason, Ryan and Asher were. Cole had his stoic expression on, like always. I sighed and said,

"What is it? Why are you all grinning like those creepy clowns who chase you at the fair because they want to "take a picture"?"

They just shrugged. However, Jason looked as if he was constipated. I raised my eyebrow at him and saw a trail of sweat run down his brow. Wait, was it hot in here? It was freezing outside! He shot out of his chair, as if he had sat on a burning hot stove and yelled,

"I can't take it any more! I don't care what you all say, I'm gonna tell her anyways. Lily, we have a tradition of going on a road trip which ends with a two day stop in the outskirts of town. We usually book a room in a hotel and run around, spray painting the place and running from the police. Which is a horrible thing to do but it's fun. Anyways, it was supposed to be a surprise but I just couldn't hold it in anymore."

The guys were sending him glares whereas I was looking at him in shock. Did he just say spray painting and running from the police and road trip and hotel? That was a recipe for fun! After getting over the initial shock regarding what he said, I whooped and shouted,

"When are we going?"

They all seemed shocked by my reaction. I could feel my happiness dissipating into confusion as they stared at me for a good few minutes. Cole broke the silence by saying,

"Are you not going to lecture us on how dangerous it is and everything? Or at least say no?"

I was beyond confused and with incredulity I asked,

"Why would I do that? It's an opportunity to have fun. Anyways, I'm gonna go and pack while you guys pack your stuff. When are we leaving?"

Asher closed the mouths of the other guys and said,

"In an hour. Pack warm clothes, other necessities and water. Oh and also, bring your camera."

I just nodded and went upstairs. I took out my black ripped jeans, a white hoodie, a leather jacket, some converse, a warm, reddish pink, bell sleeved, fleece crop top, a black t-shirt and one of my various black, silk pj's. My mother had a habit of wearing silk pajamas and passed it on to me. Because of that, I would usually always wear the silk pajamas or sometimes, a sports bra and shorts if I had gotten beaten. The pajama's consisted of a black, kind of lacy camisole and shorts. I packed all of those clothes, my travel sized toiletries, and other things that I would need in a knapsack.

I started to walk downstairs but felt a hand wrap around my arm. I tuned around to see Asher dragging me to my room. He shut the door and cornered me against the wall. I blushed a deep red as he said,

"I told you that I'll make you happy. This road trip is going to be the first stop on the road trip to your happiness."

I smiled at him. He kept looking at me intently, making me even more nervous. Suddenly, he moved his head forwards, kissing me on my cheek. I could feel my blush turning impossibly deeper. He removed his arms from beside me and I quickly walked outside, trying to hide my flushed cheeks from the vision of the guys. However, they seemed to notice and smirked at me. I avoided their gaze and cleared my throat, saying,

"You all ready?"

They all just nodded. However, Ryan said,

"Well, judging by your flushed cheeks, we could wait for you guys to go back to uhm... doodle doing in the bedroom. Although, I'm not too sure that you want us knowing what you were doing."

I glared at him and he held his hands up in surrender. Judging by the smug expression on his face, he wasn't surrendering at all. I had an idea and I smirked. I walked past him, purposefully bumping into him, which made him bump into Cole who punched him in the stomach. I smirked as he glared at me. What can I say? Teasing doesn't sit too well with me. We all piled into Asher's BMW and threw all the stuff in the back with the spray paints. I watched as Cole and Jason fought over who was to drive. Jason won and Cole just huffed. However, he saw me and said,

"Well, I get to sit with Lee."

Jason glared at him and tried to switch spots again. Cole quickly sat beside me before he could. Asher sat on my other side and Ryan sat in the front with Jason. We all buckled up and took off. I smiled as Cole and Jason started to fight over which song to play. I could already tell that this was going to be a fun trip. I pushed away all my worries and for once, felt myself letting go completely.

I'm excited to write the next part. Gonna go write it right now! Anyways, PLEASE comment, vote and share. Thank you to anyone who is reading this piece of my crazy writing and bearing with me. Love you all! <3

Any Kdrama's to recommend?

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