Sleepover with the Powerpuff girls.

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Lily's POV

Throughout the day, I thought of what Asher had said in the janitor's closet. The boys never left me. When I refused to eat lunch with them in the cafeteria, they took their lunches and came along with me to the library. Asher was smirking so widely, I thought his cheeks would split. I wanted to slap it right off of his face but couldn't. I forced myself to walk whenever we had to. My back was killing me.

Even Ryan noticed and he asked me if I was alright. I told him that the allergies were making me a little dizzy but that it was something that was normal. Thankfully, no one asked me anything after that, even though Asher still seemed suspicious. When I finished my school, Asher pulled me aside and said,

"The guys and I are spending a night together. They want you to come so it's my third instruction to you. We'll drive you so don't worry about transportation."

I groaned quietly and took out my phone with a shaking hand. I dialed the psycho's number and Carter picked up. He said,

"What do you want my love?"

I shuddered and said,

"I-I am invited t-to a sleepover b-by my friends. Am I a-allowed to go?"

I cursed myself for stuttering and awaited his reply with my fingers crossed and my breath held in. After a few agonizing seconds of complete silence, he said,

"Go ahead my love. But make sure to make me my favorite pancakes the day after tomorrow. Or know what happens sweetheart."

I paled and hung up when he said goodbye. I walked towards the guys with shaky legs, both from the pain on my back and the threat that I had just received. Cole walked up to me, placed a hand on my shoulder and said,

"Are you okay, Lily?"

I mustered up a smile and nodded. He looked at me again and put his mouth close to my ear and said,

"I know something is up. I've seen you wince whenever someone touches you, and no allergy causes anyone to stagger like you're doing. Tell me what it is when you feel like it. No pressure."

I was left shocked once again. The cover that I had managed to keep up for two years, was blown up in just a few days. Thankfully, Jason and Ryan didn't seem to suspect anything.... yet. I took in a deep breath and walked towards the rest of the gang. I could feel both Asher's and Cole's eyes on me as I walked past them. They sighed in unison and walked towards the rest of us. Suddenly, Ryan jumped up and said,

"Powerpuff girls, here we come!"

At that, I burst out laughing. I laughed so hard, I could barely breathe. They all looked at me in shock and Jason said,

"This is the first time I've seen you laugh. Wow."

I payed no attention to their gawking and continued to laugh. After about five minutes of the boys gaping and me laughing, I wiped away my tears and said,

"Powerpuff girls? Bad boys?"

Ryan looked sheepish as the rest of the boys shot him glares. I softened and said,

"Don't worry, I love them too. Oh, and also, I can have the sleepover with you guys."

Jason and Ryan whooped while Cole and Asher just smiled. Jason then grabbed me by my shoulders and basically dragged me to his car. He said that my staggering was slowing them down and that he didn't want me to pass out halfway there. I actually had a hard time not passing out from the immense amount of pain on my shoulders. Cole and Asher pried his hands off of my shoulders and let me walk by myself. I would've thanked them but I didn't dare to even look their way.

We reached a normal looking house with a front garden and a white exterior. Apparently, it was Jason's house. He was the only one who didn't live in a mansion. His parents were in California and had bought him a house here because he didn't want to go with them. I walked inside of the house with Jason and the guys following us. He told me to put my school bag in his room and to change into comfortable clothes. I then looked at the ground and said,

"Um... I didn't bring any?"

It came out as more of a question than a statement and he smiled at me reassuringly. He gave me an oversized t-shirt and told me to change in his room. I changed, making sure that my back wasn't exposed and put my hair out of it's ponytail. Having my hair in a ponytail or bun for too long always gave me a massive headache. I took off my jeans and put on my shorts from my boxing bag. Yes, I carry my boxing bag everywhere. You never know when you need to punch something.

I then walked out of the room to see four, almost naked guys in their boxers. I screamed and ran back into the room. I yelled out a,

"Have some humanity people! Don't pull a Tarzan on me and go walking around in nothing but underwear."

They all burst out laughing and I heard Cole say,

"You might as well come out because we aren't going to change. Comfort is a vital part of a sleep over and we're not sacrificing it for an innocent little girl."

I smirked when they said that. Innocent my a*s. I wasn't as innocent as they thought. I had never done the deed but I definitely wasn't innocent. I walked out with the same smirk on my face and a blanket wrapped around my body. Hey, it was cold okay? They followed me with their eyes as I sat down on the sofa and I turned around and said,

"Are you all just gonna stand there or are we gonna watch some Powerpuff girls?"

They were probably just shocked that I wan't blushing or anything. I had to admit, they were super hot with muscular bodies and also very handsome but I knew how to control myself. Jason put in the CD for the show and I couldn't help but snicker a bit. They all started glaring at me and I just smiled back innocently in return. I was warming up to them but I knew that I had to be careful.

I wondered how the rest of the night would pass by. What I didn't know, was how it would turn out to be so, extremely chaotic.

Finished! If you liked it, PLEASE comment, vote and share. <3 Peace out!

Any show recommendations?

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