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In this interactive-command-game you have to work together with other players to help the clan survive the harsh conditions. This game relies on the community to he active and you can role play in the designated rp zones in the replies on each chapter if you wish. To survive you must Hunt for the clan, healing the injured, defend the clan and you can even fall in love and have kits(bringing more players into the game)

please read all of the information! I know it's a lot(very painful to type it all 😅) but it IS VERY important stuff! Also the hardcore aspect of it will be adressed soon!

♡ How This Works ♡

(If you want to join you can submit your oc in the sign up chapter)

Everyday a new chapter will be uploaded with the clan's status, news, etc for that day all commands and role play stuff will happen in the comments

1 day in real life = 1 moon(month)
3 moons = one season

Also one more important note! Role-playing is completely optional! Just so you know, although if you do make sure to keep it to the designated role play zones in the comments! And keep new comments for commands! Also you can role play your cat catching prey but unless you do the command to catch prey but it will have no actual affect on the clan.

And now onto the most important part of this game! Commands/tasks

A Task is any action that is from the command wall like Patroling, Hunting, healing, fighting, etc. All tasks with a few exceptions cost one energy

Normally a cat would have three energy but age, sickness, temperature, etc. Cam change that

To do a task, you have to submit a command

Commands are comments that start with a "/" and explain the task, for example:

"/hunt alone"

And at the end of the day(irl) I will reply to all the commands with the outcome. The result depends on your cats skill in the task and other variables.

Some tasks can or need to be done in groups example:

[Sandpaw]/patrol with Mosspelt and Leaffur

[Mosspelt]/patrol with all
[Leaffur]/patrol with all

You can also not add any names to the original comment and just let people volunteer if you wish. Up to 5 cats can go on one group task at a time

♡ Tasks ♡

Sends your cat into the wild to catch prey for the clan. Go alone with the command /hunt alone or in a group of 2-5 with /hunt with. The number of caught prey depends on the skill level then edited by the season and other variables. And for every extra cat in a group(starting at 3) you get 1+ extra prey

Sends out your cat to gather herbs for the storage. Go alone with the command /forage alone or in a group of 1-3 cats only medicine cats and medicine cat apprentices can forage. 1+ herbs if the group is full depends on skill level and stuff

Sends out your cat to gather branches. Branches are used to reinforce the camp, if the camp strength gets to zero until it is at at least to 1 every day(irl) a cat will get hurt by a den collapsing on them. You can go alone with /forage alone or in a group of 1-3 cats with /forage with if the patrol is full then +1 branches. It takes 7 to repair one point. Depends on skill and stuff

Patrolling keeps the club's border strength up 0.5 every cat on the patrol out of 20, the more full it is the less likely the clan is to be attacked. You cannot patrol alone, you can have between 2-5 cats per patrol to go on patrol use /patrol with the border strength will decrease every day(irl) by 2

Can increase a skill level by 0.5 every time. Whoever is training you must be a higher skill level than you in the skill you want to train (the first leader/deputy start with max skills) Medicine cats only have Hunting, Healing and Foraging. Warriors Have Battling, Hunting and Foraging but can only forage for branches to train do /Train (skill) with. You can only train with 1 cat per task.

Allows a Medicine cat or medicine cat to heal wounds and sicknesses as long as they have the required skill or herbs to heal the certain sickness or injury to heal a cat use /heal (patient's name) and the patient can only be healed once a day

Medicine cats and any apprentices cannot take a mate or have kits. To take a mate you must have a relationship level of 3 to ask them to be your mate then to have kits you must have a relationship level of 5, to have kits you must   have a mate and use /breed (mate's name) it will use up all your remaining energy so it's best to do it once you have 1 energy left and you can have a litter between 0-5 depending on the season and health of the queen and the queen will be pregnant for 6 moons at 4 moons they will lose an energy point and at 2 they cannot do anything and have zero energy and then until the kits are apprentices they will have only 1 energy, also you can only bond twice a day and it doesn't use any energy(neither does flirting but you can only flirt once a day)

The queens will have 3 energy as their urge to protect their kits will give them strength. And medicine cats will be unable to fight or forage but can still heal. And no one can leave camp the only available action is to do /attack to attack the enemy or /defend to try and defend yourself, which lessens the chance of your cat being hurt

Do /attack to attack the enemy or /defend to try to defend yourself, which lessens the chance of your cat being hurt

♡ Skill Levels ♡

Skill levels are extremely important. They affect the outcome of a task like how much prey you cat or branches your cat brings in.

Skill levels go from 0-5

The skills you can learn are

Medicine cat:
Healing and Foraging

Hunting, Battle and Foraging(only for branches)

To level up you need to train you Can increase a skill level by 0.5 every time you train. Whoever is training you must be a higher skill level than you in the skill you want to train (the first leader/deputy start with max skills) and warriors can only forage for branches medicine cats can forage for branches and herbs. to train do /Train (skill) with. You can only train with 1 cat per task.

You don't have to be a apprentice to train, as long as someone is there that has a higher skill level you in the skill you want to train then you can level up! Aim to get to 5 in every skill!

♡ Health ♡

Cats can be taken down by sickness or injured in a battle! Also healing a cat can fail! Here is a list of all the injuries

Slightly injured
If not treated it becomes injured, 1- energy
2 herbs

If not treated it becomes severely injured, 2- energy
5 herbs

Severely injured
If not treated the cat will die, the cat cannot do anything
8 herbs

If not treated it becomes green cough or red cough, the cat loses -2 energy
3 herbs

The cat cannot do anything, if a kit they will die if not treated if a adult or apprentice they have 2 moons before dying
10 herbs

The cat will die if not treated and cannot do anything
12 herbs

♡ Hunger ♡

Hunger shows how well your cat has eaten over the past couple days. Cats will automatically eat every day in this order

Famished cats
Starving cats
Hungry cats
Medicine cats
Inactive players

If you wish to save your prey for the others then do /don't eat and they will not eat for the day, because if a cat doesn't eat for a day they will get hungry which gives them -1 energy, but if they eat that day the next one they'd be fine.

No prey for a day
Hungry, 1- energy
They need 1 prey to go back to normal

No prey for two days
Starving, 2- energy
They need 2 prey to go back to normal

No prey for three days
Famished, all energy gone
They need 3 prey to go back to normal

No prey for four days

When you are hungry, famished, etc. When you eat you will eat all the necessary prey you need to get back to normal unless you don't eat at all by using /don't eat also being hungry, starving or famished increased your chance of being sick

♡ Seasons♡

Higher herb chance

Higher kit survival chance, prey and herb bonus, higher chance for battles

Lower prey chance.

Lower kit survival chance, lower herb and prey chance, lower chance for battles

♡ Events ♡

Every 15 days a random natural disaster will happen. It will last 3 days, beginning at 14 days. The worst at 15 and then it fading off at 16. Here are a few out comes.

Fires(ruins 25% of the branches and 25% off the herb storage)

Floods(ruins 25% of the prey and makes clan strength go -3 every day instead of -2)

Droughts(less chance of finding herbs or prey)

Thunderstorm(chance to get struck my lighting of you go out and 25% higher sickness chance)

Blizzard(doubles the sickness chance. and forces cats in camp at the high point)

Frost(destroys 25% of the herb storage and makes it harder to find herbs)

Thieves(steals 5 of every thing for three days. And they take the prey before the eating order starts)

♡ Kits ♡

Unless your one of the first 15 cats to join the game, you have to wait till two cats have kits and if no cats are on the waiting list then the two players will play as the kits and have multiple cats. When a Tom and a she cat breed a litter of kittens are born 6 moons(6 days) later at 4 moons the queen loses 1 energy at 2 moons the queen loses all energy and until the kits grow up the queens had 1 energy. And breeding takes the rest of your energy so its best to do it at the end of the day. Normally kits are skill level 0 and have no responsibilities, however, there is one command a kit can use /play you can play once a day, but if you play 4 times before ranking up to an apprentice, you will get skill level 1 once you become an apprentice.

Ages And Ranking Up ♡

After six days(6 in game moons) of kithood, you can rank up to an apprentice you can choose between a medicine apprentice and a normal apprentice. There can be as many medicine cats as you want

Kits (0-6 moons)

Apprentice (6-12 moons)

Warrior (12-999999999 moons)

Medicine apprentice (6-20 moons)

Medicine cat (20-999999999999 moons)

When you become an apprentice you will be assigned an active player with high skills to be your mentor. Who is in charge of your training but you don't have to train with your mentor! You can train with other warriors as long as they have a higher skill level then you in the skill you want to train, and medicine cats can only train with each other.

After 6 moons(days) of training you can become a warrior/medicine cat your full name can be different from the one you signed up btw!


Punishments are if your cats got caught doing something bad! The leader of the clan gets to choose the punishment but can't choose how long that is determined by the random generator!

1 season 60%
2 seasons 20%
3 seasons 15%
4 seasons 5%

You also cannot do anything bad while you are on a punishment!

Become an apprentice again

Unable to leave camp for a season(you can only train, repair dens, bond and heal)

You cannot eat until you are famished

Trapped outside camp for a season (you can only hunt alone and forage alone. (No bonding)

now there is another punish ment.. being Exiled but you can only be Exiled if you get caught doing 3 bad things in a game year!

Exiled, you cat eats last, and can only do hunting alone and foraging alone(for 10 seasons)

Forbidden Relationships

If mates every day there is a 15% chance of being caught
If you have kits the action has a 45% chance of being caught

1-3 moons 35%
4-6 moons 75%

When you give birth there is a 85% chance of being caught

If you didn't get caught then your kits will be raised as foster kits
Everyday after there is a 2% chance of being caught until you or your mate dies
Every time you interact with your kits (like training and stuff) there is a 15% chance of being caught

I know that sounds confusing! But you don't really have to worry too much about it! Pretty much there is just a high chance of being caught! But it is possible. Also the punishments will apply to both warriors and medicine cats

Bad things

Steal prey
Automatically eat first the next moon/day
35% chance to get caught

Eat herbs
+1 energy the next moon/day
-2 herbs
25% chance to get caught

Train in the dark forest
+1 fighting the next day/moon
-1 energy the next moon/day
15% chance to be injured
50% chance to get caught

These tasks don't require any energy

☆ The Prophecy ☆

Dewclan may seem bright with new life but a dark secret lurks deep within the light

Dying and Re-joining ♡

If/when your cat dies you will be put of of the game, however you can always re-apply and be put at the bottom of the waiting list *tag two people*

That's all I think! If you have any questions comment them below!
Also if its not hard enough I'll probably end up adding more strict game rules

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