New System! (Punishments, Forbidden romance and more!)

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Hello! So Brindleshine suggested I add forbidden romances and after some thought I came up with a new system! Here ya go!

Punishments are if your cats got caught doing something bad! The leader of the clan gets to choose the punishment but can't choose how long that is determined by the random generator!

1 season 60%
2 seasons 20%
3 seasons 15%
4 seasons 5%

You also cannot do anything bad while you are on a punishment!

Become an apprentice again

Unable to leave camp for a season(you can only train, repair dens, bond and heal)

You cannot eat until you are famished

Trapped outside camp for a season (you can only hunt alone and forage alone. (No bonding)

now there is another punish ment.. being Exiled but you can only be Exiled if you get caught doing 3 bad things in a game year!

Exiled, you cat eats last, and can only do hunting alone and foraging alone(for 10 seasons)

Forbidden Relationships
Now this was requested by Brindleshine if you have any ideas or suggestions just ask me! (On the information page tho)

If mates every day there is a 15% chance of being caught
If you have kits the action has a 45% chance of being caught

1-3 moons 35%
4-6 moons 75%

When you give birth there is a 85% chance of being caught

If you didn't get caught then your kits will be raised as foster kits
Everyday after there is a 2% chance of being caught until you or your mate dies
Every time you interact with your kits (like training and stuff) there is a 15% chance of being caught

I know that sounds confusing! But you don't really have to worry too much about it! Pretty much there is just a high chance of being caught! But it is possible. Also the punishments will apply to both warriors and medicine cats

Bad things

Steal prey
Automatically eat first the next moon/day
35% chance to get caught

Eat herbs
+1 energy the next moon/day
-2 herbs
25% chance to get caught

Train in the dark forest
+1 fighting the next day/moon
-1 energy the next moon/day
15% chance to be injured
50% chance to get caught

These tasks don't require any energy

Feel free to suggest more punishments and Bad tasks! Or make a suggestion to tweak something!

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