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Satyalakshmi was laying still on Yudhishthira's hand. He walked towards the backside of huts. He sat on the ground and smiled looking at his new companion, Dhriyukta. "From birth till now, I am like the father of my brothers, An ideal son of my mother, A good Student of my teacher, and am trying to be a good cousin to my cousins. I never had a friend, but now I can say I have a Sakha, Dhriyukta." Dhriyukti smiled and said dramatically, "I am ready to be your friend but I am a girl. My name is dhriyukti baba. Don't mistake again." Cause of shock Yudhishthira jumped and the spear fell from his hand. "Ouch! Idiot Adi Manav!! (Stone-Age Man)" Shouted dhriyukti. "What? Adimanav?" Said confused Yudhishthira. "Yes or what?! You are Adi Manav plus you broke my back-bones idiot!" Scolded Dhriyukti who was feeling extreme pain in her back.
                Yudhishthira thought she is a Demon who is in form of her spear. "Who are you?" He asked. "O, idiot! Right now I told you na, I am dhriyukti. A weapon spirit. Every weapon has one. Your Dhriyukta has me." Replied an angry dhriyukti. Yudhishthira frowned and hold her, "Lemme heal you perfectly." He said while giving her an evil smile.

Dhriyukti POV

Is he gonna heal me? Well, I can trust him, Gopika praised him so much, he can't be bad. He went inside the forest, the smell is pleasant and the air is so cool and fresh. Wow! I feel like this isn't a game but I am in the forest. He went deep inside the forest and put me in front of a tree, I was standing there with the support of the tree. Then he collected some dry branches which were broken because they lost their strength. "Hey if you are gonna give me the beauty products of this era then I will be grateful!" I told him. I want lipstick, eyeliners, mascara, foundation, beauty cream, face pack and all but mostly I want my eye shadows! Yeah, I love beauty products a lot! "If you will silently stand there I will be grateful!" He replied rudely. Mr Rude one day I will bury you alive! He then put those branches in one place and lit the fire. Sighs, I am hungry. Maybe he will give me food? "I love Chinese if you are gonna cook," I told him. He said, "But I am not going to cook Chinese, I'll cook you."
          "WHAT!" I shouted loudly. "Yes!" He replied and hold me tightly. Oh no! This Adi Manav is really bad! I will tell his truth to Gopika! She won't praise him then. "Leave me, you Crazy freak human!" I shouted and cried but he wasn't leaving me. "See your teacher said to take care of me right? And you will melt me here?!" I pointed out. "Yes, he said so, but it is said to kill demons too. You are one for sure." Oh, this idiot is calling me demon indirectly! I struggle and got out of his grip.

POV end

The spear started jumping and running in another Direction, satyalakshmi was putting so much energy as she has to run by jumping only. Yudhishthira started chasing his spear madly. The animals, birds nearby were shocked when they saw the prince chasing a spear. Animals circled them as if they are watching cricket sitting in a big, which is forest, stadium. Birds started singing,
"The prince is running round round round, round round round, round round round.
   The prince is running round round round. Behind the spear, on the ground."
     Hearing them Dhriyukta stopped and started laughing, "See what are they singing." She started singing with them when Yudhishthira hold her tightly. "You can hear them? Maybe you are like nakul. But now you are gonna melt. Say bye-bye to the world demon." Dhriyukti started crying. Her tears started flowing in dharmaraj's hands. He went closer to the flames and forward his hands. Dhriyukti seeing the flames near her started trembling when she took her human form cause she got enough warmth to convert. Seeing a lady in front of him, Yudhishthira unbalanced and stepped backwards.
            He stood in the position, holding Dhriyukta who was half-conscious. He started admiring his beautiful face, wet due to the teardrops. He put her lightly on the ground and thought about what he did. He tried to kill a woman. His head was spinning. He was shouting at himself for what he did.

Yudhishthira's POV

How can I be so cruel?! Is this  what I learnt for so many years?! To kill a woman?! I injured her a lot, I was gonna melt Dhriyukta! Did I just lost myself?!  I thought she is a demon but she is a woman. I was walking fast here and there cause of tension. Suddenly I heard something. I turned towards her and saw her staring at me.

She got up and I went near her. I placed a hand on her forehead to see if she had a fever or what. "I am ok Yudhishthira. Just don't do that again." She said. Her voice was trembling. I scared her a lot. "I am sorry." I asked for forgiveness. "Aree don't. You just called me Sakha, though it's wrong, then don't say sorry na." I smiled at her. She is cute. "Okay, so you are a woman." I said. She nodded and told, "Yes I am human. Woman. But also a weapon spirit. Named Dhriyukti." I smiled hearing her name. Dhriyukti. Beautiful.

POV end

Dhriyukti got up and explained to Yudhishthira whatever Gopika explained to her about the punishment game. "So. You wanna be my friend?" Asked Yudhishthira. "Yes!" Said an excited dhriyukti. She thought he will agree. Yudhishthira smirked and said, "In your dreams girl. You can't be my friend now as I got to know your mission" He laughed at her whereas dhriyukti get angry and started beating him on his chest, "Bad boy, bad boy, bad boy! You won't let me unite with my family?! Bad boy!" Yudhishthira was laughing at her childish behaviour but was sad cause she was separated from her family. He too experienced it in gurukul, through he had his brothers but she didn't have anyone.
   "Okay, I have some energy left. Can I meet Arjun?" Asked dhriyukti. Yudhishthira frowned, "You should try to befriend me not Arjun. Right?" Dhriyukti teased him, "Are you jealous that I am giving importance to Arjun more?" She raised one eyebrow. Yudhishthira coughed, "I never get jealous. Ok, come." They all went towards the cottage and dhriyukti smiled seeing it. "It's beautiful Coco." She complimented. "Don't call me coco." He said. "Lemme call. Your name is too long. Coco is better right? You can call me berry if you want"
      "Nah I won't call you berry. Don't call me coco."
   "I will call! You too call me berry please"
    "Oh, this girl!" He sighed. "Fine call me coco." He permitted her. Dhriyukti hugged him joyfully. "Aww, coco is so cute!" And in front of them, other Pandavas saw berry, which means dhriyukti hugging Yudhishthira

To be continued
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