Chapter 2

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"Ugh" I groaned as I sat up. I looked around to see myself in a purple room.... I got up from where I was laying and walked to the door. 'Stay cool yumi stay cool' I said to myself and walked out of the room closing the door quietly behind me.

I walked down the long hallway and entered in a family room?

"Didn't anyone tell you it's impolite to snoop around someone's house" a stern voice I knew to well said.
I turned to see... Reji skamaki. "I'm very sorry reji.." I said and bowed.

"Fufu~ u smell a human" I turned to see the voice belonged to... Laito.. Great
Before I knew it all of the

Sakamaki brothers were in the family room. "Well since everyone is here would you like to introduce yourself?" Reji said. " konichiwa I am yumi, yumi Kawasaki." I said and bowed. "Alright well I am-" " reji Sakamaki 2nd oldest, shu is the 1st oldest, Ayato the 3 oldest, Kanato the 4th , laito the 5th and Subaru the youngest oh yes and there's teddy as well." I cut off reji. "They all looked shocked even shu looked shocked.

"And then there is Yui also known as " bitch-chan, or chichinima (A/N: is that how you spell it??)  or pancake or livestock" I said

"How do you know that?" Reji said. "That's not the only thing I know.." " and I can show you!" I said and went closer to them and took out my I phone. " Subaru..crush my phone you will loose a limb. And Laito touch me in bad ways I will take you somewhere in this house that is "special" to someone here and make you into a pretty doll." I said with an insane smile.

I went on the funimation site and typed in diabalik lovers more blood and played the first episode for them to watch.

    (After the 1st episode)

"So that is how I know a LOT about you guys" I said. "Would you really do that to me melon-chan?'~?" Laito asked me. "No" I said "yay!" "I would first torture you in ways not even imaginable" I said as my face darkened.

"Come on kana-chan!" I said happily and grabbed Kanato. "Let's play!" I said " ok! And let's eat sweets!!" "Ya!!" We went to the kitchen and grabbed all different kind of sweets then ran up to his room.


Ya sucky chapter I know...


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