Old memory Ritcher x male Cordella x Laito

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"Laito... come"

A young Laito looked at his brothers at the dinner table....

Ayato has a worried look on his face and Laito smiled sweetly..."I be back I promise ..." he got up and Subaru stood up....
"Laito didn't mean it!!! It was my fault to!!" He started to cry and Laito did too....

Shu grabbed Subaru and sat him down.....

Ratcher sighs... he grabbed Laito hand and they walked outside...........

Ayato cried hard....

Laito looked at Ritcher.... with a pale expression...."why did you take me away from my brothers..."

Ritcher sighed..."I picked you because your easy going and you do anything for candy but this is important you can't tell a soul..."

Laito nods as Ritcher handed him candy....

"Ok I do it..."

Ritcher got Laito high off a drug he put in the candy and Laito woke up in  a fancy room...
"Un- cle " he hiccuped and  the door opened it was cordella ..

"Papa!" He giggles and held out hands.....
Cordella sighed and he took off the mask..."Laito so innocent..." he put the mask back on and he walked up to Laito and kissed his forehead...." bring me the rope..."

Laito tilt his head as Ritcher walked in with a mask and he tied Laito up...

Laito looked confused and still high..."what you doing?"

Cordella put his hair in a pony and he hovered over Laito and removed his clothes with scissors ....

"Dad what's going on?" Little Laito squirmed....

"Shhh Laito we have to do what is done...."

Laito got nervous..."am I getting a tattoo..."

Ritcher sighed and he played a song the voice was beautiful that it hypnotized Laito and Cordella kissed Laito and Laito kissed back

"Nmm ~"
Ritcher whispered..."it's her.... isn't it Cordella...."
Cordella cleared his throat.... "yeah..."

Laito smiles sweetly...."what's wrong Dad?~" Laito purred..... "can't get me out of his body you know your little spell isn't gonna work you know.."

Ritcher growled..."we know how to get you out physically and we gonna banish you..."

Cordella held up his hand..."Ritcher hush.... you can't be in our child like this!"

Laito laughed his eyes turned gold like hers(switch parents gender roles)

Cordella growled and he kissed Laito neck...."my love come out of there.."
Laito squirmed..."n-no!"

Cordella opened a box and he took out a vibrator..."I'm too big and I don't want to scar my son for life.... Ritcher...."
Ritcher got on the bed and held Laito small wrist down and kissed Laito....
"Mmgh!~" Laito squirmed trying time get away but Cordella pins  his legs down and he started to stroke him  and Laito whimper and made fist

Cordella put lube on the vibrator and  he shoved it inside his small hole..

Laito moaned as it was penetrating his insides...

Cordella started chanting words from his head and Laito groaned and coughed up blood from his mouth into Ritcher and Ritcher moved away spitting out the blood....

"S-stop it hurts papa!" Laito shook his head and
Cordella growled.."for a little longer relax so it won't hurt!~"
He kept pounding the vibrator turning it to the max inside of Laito...

"Ah!!~" Laito hit Cordella in the face and he pin him down...."it's not you Laito it's your mother... now stop resisting.."
Cordella pushes the vibrator deeper hitting his spot...

"Ahh!!~" Laito has his first orgasm and his eyes were widen... he stood there  in a daze.....

Cordella moved away and pulled it out...
"Laito can you hear me..."
Ritcher started cleaning him up....

Laito face soften...."papa.... why was momma here?"

Both there eyes widen......

Laito was sitting on his bed years later thinking about what happened that night..... Ayato was laying down beside him...."you sure you don't remember that time you broke that mirror......"
Laito stayed silent

He had a flash back of him infront of the mirror he broke it and he saw his mom... his eyes widen and he shrieked ....

(Our flashback)

Laito lies.."everything was foggy....... I can't remember anything ..." he looked at Ayato and smiled...."let's get some sleep yeah?"
Ayato nod and he went to sleep

Laito was still open and he heard There mother whisper...

"My sweet boys..."
A tear went down his face and he closed his eyes

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