Wildest dream prt 1Laito x Ayato x Reiji

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Ayato woke up in a field of flowers in a unbutton down too...."where am I?"

He looked around for a way out and he heard Laito whisper..."Ayato come here ~"

Ayato turn his head and he fell into a cloud and Laito Was a demon his long tail wrapped around Ayato waist ..."fufufu you so cute~" he pulled him close and he saw a scar on his shoulder

"You had an awful death~"

"How did I die..."

Reiji popped up behind Ayato he was a fallen angle black wings shoot out from his bare scratched up back and he had sharp teeth and his glasses were no where (no cap he fine without the glasses too)

Ayato jumped and turned around and Reiji grabbed his neck......

"So you died how cute?"
Ayato grunts....."Is this heaven or hell!" He gripped Reiji hand .

Laito purred in his ear.."it's the after life and look your an angel...." he gripped Ayato white pure tail and tug it and Ayato yipped....

"Now it's the best part he's in heat need to be Mated with ~"
Reiji popped his bones..."mmm he smell like strawberries and watermelon ~" he smirked at Ayato and Ayato moved away from them...

"You knuckle heads!!!" He charged at them but Reiji grabbed his tail and pulled it

"Ah!~" his tail twitch and his face beamed red...'is I'm like a hybrid?!~' he thought

'This has to be a dream!'
Laito pulled his hair roughly and bit into his neck...

"Ah!~" Ayato face scrunched you then Laito removed his clothes and kissed down his back and Reiji watched them...

"Reiji help!!!~"

Reiji sighed..."why you like it tho.." he smirked

Ayato shuddered and look down

Laito licked his ear and he shuddered..."what's wrong fufufufu I wanna see what sounds come out that mouth of yours~"

Ayato got hard and he cussed understand his breathe and growls at Reiji..."You block head when I get to-"
Laito bit into his ass cheek sending paralyzing poison.....

Ayato legs gave out and he fell and he got in a fetus position trying to talk and move....

"I put you in heat for Reiji so you can have kids~"
Ayato grunted and look up to see Reiji infront of him with a sinister smirk and his wings wrap around them both....

"Now it's time to start the mating ~"

Reiji held Ayato face up and started kissing his neck

"R-Reiji stop~" he closed his eyes cuz he couldn't move and Reiji kissed his neck on down

Ayato panted...." I cut your thro-" Reiji kisses him and slide his tongue in his mouth....

Reiji kept a plain face...."Your my property Ayato and if you won't act straight I know how to get you straight ...." he smirked devishly and his sharp fangs came  out  oozing pink stuff and he bit into his neck..

"Ack!~" pain swept through his body and Reiji spoke in his mind..."I'm making a womb inside you with my blood you feel better in a minute ~"

Ayato vision got fuzzy and everything went black...

(I will continue this it came to me in a dream so this is part one...might make a huge ass orgy hell idk)

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