When you find out what they are (Violent)

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I skipped around the halls and face planted into the floor.

"O-ow..." I groaned as I massaged my bruised forehead.

I looked around and saw Shuu leaning against the wall. He was staring at me with interest as I scrambled up. When I got up I walked towards him if an angry look on my face.


"Why did you trip me?" I asked.

"Because it was funny." He said.

"It wasn't funny at all! It hurted so much! Now I think my forehead is all red and-" I got interrupted from shuu giving a glare my way. That look he made was just plain terrifying.

"You talk too damn much I hope you know that." He growled as he turned and walked away. Jeez, what has his panties up in a bunch!

"H-hey, what's your problem!" I said as I ran beside him.

His legs were so long that even when he walked, I had to run to catch up to him! Or maybe it's because I'm short...

"Your my problem." He said as he walked faster.

I never really met this guy before, since this is my second time. But I can tell that he is usually a chill person. I grabbed onto his sweater and pulled him into the janitor closet. Closing the door and turning on the lights.

"Listen, I don't know what your problem is, but whatever I did, I'm sorry." I whispered.

He just nodded and kept glaring at me. Well, more like my neck. I followed his gaze and it was aimed right where my vein was. I looked back at him to ask him why he was staring. But I was pushed against the door with great force, knocking the air out of me.

I coughed and struggled to get out of his grip. I felt a hitched breath on my neck as I struggled. I was itching for getting my wings out but I didn't want him to find out what I am. I felt something prick my neck.

"EEK!" I screeched as I kicked my legs.

He licked my blood from the cut he made and backed away only to gaze into my green eyes. I gasped as I tried to push him off. His eyes were blood red.

He's a vampire.

My eyes started to water in fright and I totally lost control. My eyes started glowing green as I used my vine powers to tie him up. I could tell my wings were showing since his eyes travelled to my back.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered as I let him go and hid my wings again. The door opened and I bolted out, leaving behind an amazed and mad Shuu and a very confused janitor.



I kicked the girl who was gazing and flirting with my Reiji. She was crying and begging for mercy, making me feel the need to laugh at her failed attempts to make me feel pity for her. I was kicking the crap out of her until she finally got up and punched my mouth.

"YOU *BEEP* YOUR GOING TO DIE!" I screamed as I was about to make a punch that would end her worthless life.

But I got stopped by a hand. I growled and tried to head butt the person behind me. The person twisted my hand and threw me to the floor. I glanced at the girl and her now disfigured face.

"Run." Said a VERY familiar voice. The girl got up and limped out of the door. Eh, she was a waste of energy anyways.

"Senpai~ I missed you!" I said as I stood up. I ran at him and jumped at him. He quickly dodged it.

"What have you done." He asked.

"What do you mean Reiji?" I asked, back to my normal self. His eyes narrowed as he spotted my bloody lip.

"Do you like bleeding?" He said as his eyes turned bloody red. I gasped in shock.

"Y-yea s-s-sometimes..." I stuttered as I tried to figure out how he did that. He then showed me a very sinister smile. I could only gape at the vampire teeth.

"You need a severe punishment..." he trailed off. I was interested in what he was going to do, but at the same time, I didn't want to stay to find out.

I ran out of there as fast as I can. I was tempted to use my powers as well as my horn. But I just couldn't... I couldn't use it on my babe... even if he is trying to kill me.

My hand was suddenly pulled and my body was pushed into the floor. I tried to get up but Reiji straddled me, making it hard to move.

"Reiji... please... don't!" I pleaded as I covered my neck.

He only shook his head and leans down to my lips. I blushed slightly and got shivers up my spine when his tongue touched my bleeding red lip. After licking the blood up from my lip he moved down to my neck.

My face turned pale. He only licked at my skin earning a soft moan from me. But then he abruptly pulled away with his head looking away from me. I saw blush on his ears.

"S-senpai...?" I whispered. I felt a warm breath against my neck. It sent chills up my spine.

"Why aren't you scared of me?"

"B-because I love you!" I said as I hugged him. I could litterly feel his eyes rolling as he pushed himself off of me.

"I shouldn't do that to a woman like yourself." He said as he stood up and walked away.

"A-are we still friends?" I asked. He only chuckled.

"When were we ever friends?" He said as he closed the door after going out of the room.


I felt the fall wind wip against my pale cheeks as I slowly walked on the sidewalk with a book in one hand. Without realizing it, I was walking through someone.

"H-HEY!? YOU! DID YOU JUST WALK THROUGH ME!?" The random human said as I walked farther and farther away from him.

Soon after I heard fast paced steps Thumping on the ground. I turned around only to be pushed inside an alley way. I could have gone transparent but what's the fun in that?

The man seemed to be the one that was yelling at me.

"I have no business being here. Get away from me mortal." I said sternly.

The man started having a hissy fit but got control over it. By ripping my shirt off, exposing my pale blue bra. I looked down in disappointment because that one was my favorite shirt. The man growled at my reaction and started to play with my breasts. I turned away and kept reading my book.

"Disrespectful human." I muttered under my breath as I read the words to my book.

"I have had enough of it!" The man angrily said.

I looked up at him expressionless as he ripped the book from my hands. I made a grab for it but he ripped it in half. I stared in awe as the pieces of my favorite book were flowing through the wind. I felt tears go down my cheeks. But I stayed emotionless.

The man then pushed me against the wall as he tried to undo the buckle that was on my belt. I sighed out loud as he finally did it. It takes me an hour to unbuckle it while it takes him 12 minutes.

"Please let me go." I demanded.

"You're really straight forward... and demanding. Also expressionless. It sounds like a good mother. Am I right?" He said while he snorted.

I pushed him off only for him to pull out a knife. I didn't need to worry about that. I can't get sliced anyways. He put the knife near my throat as he played with one of my breasts. I blushed a little.

"Get the *beep* away from her." A very familiar voice demanded. The man turned around, giving me a chance to slap him. Which I did.

"I will *beeping* give you a million babies. Now let's be a good girl. Now turn around and bend down to have fun." The man growled. I didn't listen.

"How about you let ore-sama' s girl go!" The voice yelled again but nearer this time. I looked over to see the red haired boy from the food stand. I blushed and shyly waved at him. He waved back but was glaring at the man.

"Get out. I'm sure she would have come running to you if you were that important." The man snorted again.

"I REALLY didn't have to give you a second chance.... but you blew it." The red head said as he leaped at the man. The fight was a blur but soon I heard bones snapping and agonizing screams that could be heard from a mile away. I looked at the red head.

He was... drinking... the man's blood.

After about 23 minutes he got up and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. I inched closer to the unmoving man. Well, I think it's the man. You could see every joint and bone. Even though the man was fairly chubby. Then he was so pale, someone might think he is snow. Or maybe a ghost.

"D-don't you need a jacket?" The red head asked as he handed his own to me.

I can actually live in Antarctica without a house nor food since... I'm dead. I looked over the red head. He seems... nice. He is nicer than any other huma- vampire out here. I should treat him nice too. It's only fair.

"No thank you! You can keep it. I'm not cold." I said while smiling.

"Well, y-your um... shirt got ripped..." he said while his eyes were gawking at my breasts. I blushed then snatched his jacket from his grasp. I never thought anyone would care for me like this! I put in his jacket.

"So... your a vampire ore-sama..." I stated.

"Er... yea."


I jumped up on top of the building for no reason. I landed and saw Laito biting a girl. I stared at them. With hunger. My eyes turned black.

"Hello Laito... mind sharing that?" I grinned ear to ear. Litterly.

He looked at me with wide eyes. I noticed what I was saying and doing so I just waved and just jumped off the building in embarrassment.


(My friend wrote that one P.S. this is probably going to be the shortest one in the book.)


I walked in school wearing my brightest colors today. Pink and yellow. There is also some white. I bumped into Laito.

"Hello bitch-chan. So, would yo-"

"No. Laito, I'm like 3 years younger than you." I said. It's true. My intelligence was way far greater than any middle schooler. So I got into high school at an early age.

"Aw... your no fun." Pouted Laito.

"Whatever." I said as I walked away. I kept walking until I saw a purple haired student sitting in the corner crying. Feeling bad, I walked up to him.

"What's the matter?" She looked up and I got the shock of my life. It was the boy that I met at the candy shop.

"O-ohh hi!" I said surprised.

"Don't you know my name?" He frowned.

"Er... no."

"Kanato." He said as he stared intently at me. I blushed at the attention he is giving me.

"KANATO!" I yelled as I hugged him. He jumped startled.

"Can we go somewhere else?" He asked. I nodded my head cheerfully as he took my hand, guiding me in the gym closet.

"Why are w- AH!" I screamed. His eyes turned red and his soft weird smile turned creepy. My eyes widen. He took a couple of steps towards me but I ran backwards, towards the door. As I tried to open the door the lights turned off. I screamed at the darkness and closed my eyes.

This is not my imagination. It's too dark. Someone, please help me.

"What are you talking about? I'm not going to hurt you. Alot. Just a little. Don't worry." Kanato said somewhere in the darkness. Was I saying that out loud?

"Why are you doing this?" I whined as I realized that the door was locked from the outside. I slid down the door as he came even closer to me.

"You don't have to be afraid. You can hug teddy while I take your sweetness." He said as he crouched to my level. He put teddy snuggly in my arms as he leaned down to my neck.

"I'm scared..." I squeaked as I felt his lips on my neck. I felt a sigh and a kiss that was left on my neck.

"I can't do this to you. At least, not yet. You can keep teddy... if you want." He blushed at his own words. Why was he so threatening a minute ago... but now he is so cute that I might die from it.

"It's ok." I smiled at him weakly.

I couldn't really see well. He nodded and turned on the lights. He helped me up and started apologizing over and over again. I kept nodding my head.

I finally got out of the closet. But he had his arms wrapped around me.

"Eh, Kanato, your arm." I said, slightly blushing.

He smirked and lowered it, resting it on my thighs. I squeaked as he tightens his grip. Well... I probably shouldn't upset a sociopath vampire. So I let him be. I kept on having to ignore the stares people were giving us.

(Lol kanato is a slight perv in this story. Because DUH his blood relative is... a worst perv. -_-")


"Subaru put that down."

Today, I was bossing Subaru around. Reason why? Because it's fun!

"Why..." he growled as he dropped the book.

"Because... reading is... uh... its going to mess your pretty up." I said.

He blushed and looked down at my words. We've been hanging out for 4 days and he is already brightening up to me.

The sad thing is that he never let me touch him or go near him. So I made up this plan that will surely let me touch him. I mean, is it that bad to touch some one?

"What are you doing?" He asked me as I made my way towards him.


"Stay away." He said agitated.

"Wow, your already mad? You mad bro?" I laughed as I approached him. He took a step back. I took two steps to him. This kept repeating until he was up against the wall and I was slightly on him. His face was scarlet.

"U -um... move." Shouted as he pushed me up. I jumped back on him and hugged the heck out of him. He is so... huggable!

I felt him shaking from anger. I frowned. I hate t when he is angry. He is so nice and stuff when he is calm.

"Stop it subaru."

"GTFO OF ME!" He yelled as he pushed me against the wall.

He was heavy breathing. I wasn't scared or anything. It was just unsettling. Imagine a frustrated mad man holding you against the wall. It may look like they might eat or punch you. Well, instead of crying like most girls would, I was glaring hatefully at him. His frown deepened and punched the wall next to my head.

"Subaru... calm down."

"..." his breathing was under control but it looked like he wasn't trying not to do something.

"S-subaru..." I blushed at the staring he was giving me.

"I'm sorry..." I was about to question why he said that but he dipped his head into my neck.

I felt a prick and sucking. I moaned out his name as my arms tightened around him. His arms were around my waist and they pulled me closer to him. I know what he was. It doesn't matter to me if he pricks me. But, he can't bite me fully. It'll poison me.

Subaru released me and had a blush on his cheeks.

"T-that didn't happen." He stated.

"Of course. Handsome blood-sucker." I teased. He blushed and looked away from me.

"Tch, whatever baka."

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