Ayato x depressed reader

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(Hey  guys Kanato been sick nasty kids at school....I'm so mad but Laito is going to go get my medicine so I feel better I'm gonna try to post 3  stories today and I'm gonna try my best so here we go..... Also a trigger abuse....)

You was sitting in your room.....you never came out..... Every time you step out that room ....you get slapped....punched in the gut....the arms....stomped on ...the back......your legs...... Until one day....you saw a Angel...... He was very handsome and cute........

"(Y/N)?" You snapped out your thoughts and looked up and meet eyes with the green orbed Angel....."You ok....I brought you some food...." He placed the sandwich near your bed......You quickly got up and ran towards him and hugged him tight...."I-I wanna leave!" You sobbed and tighten your arms around Him breathing hard....He kissed your cheek and rubbed your back..."I'm so sorry (Y/N)....but please eat I promise you.....we leave..." he said in anger and sadness.....there was nothing a eleven year old could do.......but one day he promised y'all will be together...........
(6 years later...)

You was so tired and hungry.....you heard screaming and yelling from downstairs...you wanted to get up but pain was all over your body from all the beatings......
Your body went numb as the door slowly opened.... You ran in the corner.........Ayato came in and ran to you..he was covered in blood and he squatted down..."Come on let's go~" he held out his hand....."b-blood..." He blushed and picked you up...."its ok (Y/N)...."
He thought it was cute you was shy and low on speech....He carried you out using his speed to a big house (their house..) He smiled,"Reiji gonna kill me but I don't care!!" He knocked on the door and A older boy with black hair and glasses blinked but didn't say anything......"We escaped Reiji and I found her can we keep her?"
Reiji blushed and nodded.."Sure you know her name?" Ayato walked inside holding you...."Shhh  stay up we almost to our room....."
You closed your mouth and sobbed and held onto him.......
He laid you down and treated your wounds........you blushed as he kissed your thigh.....he also blushed and looked up at you....He lays down besides you and started kissing you..."Hey...we free now..." "mm~" you closed your eyes..."Hey look.." He held your hand ,"we can be together now ok~" you nodded happily...."close your eyes~" he said wiping your cheeks...... You nodded and close your eyes........
You both lay beside each other stabbed in the abdomen lifeless....as y'all took y'all last breathe he held your hand...."I love you~" you heard him say and you closed your eyes.....
Kidnapper: dumb kids...that's what he get for disobeying me~*walks out locking us in there*

(So you and Ayato gets kidnapped and held prisoner and Ayato visited u every night so y'all could be together he killed a guard and you blacked out thinking y'all was saved and at peace and you both got stabbed and killed by y'all kidnapper but you and Ayato are together now I might make a lemon about him sneaking In one night :)   )    (if you want a lemon over this just ask ^°^ or ask teddy~)

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