Laito x reader( the password)

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(I love Laito 😊)

It was midnight and you was trying to get out(first night let's just say.....) you remember the brother of the triplets name Laito took your phone and didn't break it for some reason......

You slowly sneaked Into his room........

You was scared but brave and tip toed to get your grabbed it and turned it on..

Password:_ _ _ _

"Huh? What the? " your code didn't fit ....."real smart Laito..." you then felt a hand on your shoulder...."ohhhh shit......."

"What are you doing (Y/N)?~" You felt that perv smirk......
"Oh.... Um...lost my glasses!!" you fell to the floor touching everything........
You then felt weight on your body as Laito was on top of you.......
"L-Laito get off!"
He covered your mouth and sigh...."I will give you your phone back if~" he rubbed up your nightgown rubbing your thigh......
You blushed red....

"L-Laito..." you said after he let go of your mouth..........
He lifted you up off the floor,"you need to be punish (Y/N)~" He sat you on his bed and cupped your face".......I wonder what you taste like (Y/N)?" you shivered as he grazed his teeth over your neck....

"L-Laito!!" you squeaked as He sinked  his fangs in your whimpered as he held your hips down.......
He broke away and sighed,"you taste so good~ now I'm gonna make you forget about it~"
He licked your ear...(whisper)
Your eyes widen when he said those words....
(Will continue)

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