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A/N: I just love you guys :)
The gif though. Kenneth Hall is sexy whoop whoop.
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"Vanessa!" I scream as I barge into her room. I stop short with a wince as I step on a bra. It feels like a Lego.

I bend over and pick it up with a sigh. It's Mickey Mouse themed and I consider taking a picture to use as blackmail one day.

...Nah. Too personal.

She's sitting on her very messy bed, using her laptop to watch whatever she normally watches. Her eyes flicker to me for a moment and she smiles sheepishly.

"Paulina, my one and only sister. How are you?" her grin wavers when I fling her Mickey Mouse bra towards her. It smacks her in the face. She huffs. "Well, I can see that you're not in a great mood."

"Of course I'm not in a great mood!" I throw my hands in the air for emphasis. "Why did you put that video online?!"

She tries to play innocent but her almost visible demon horns only sparkle. "What video?"

"The I Hate U I Love U one!" I narrow my eyes. "Calypso decided to send me the link."

Vanessa sighs like she's in pain. "Of course. Calypso. How could I forget?"

I narrow my eyes at her and she finally cracks. "Okay fine! I decided to upload the video. It was pretty good and I felt like I needed to share your shower developed talent to the world!"

"But I didn't even look hot! My veil was rumpled! It didn't look sexy!" I wail and throw my body onto her bed. My knees connect with the floor and my head narrowly misses a half-eaten muffin. I vaguely wonder how someone can be this messy.

"Please, you looked hot. Damon thought so," she scoffs and pets my head. I smile at the compliment.

"Masha Allah," I nod and acknowledge the compliment but I pause as I realize what she's just said.

"...What do you mean Damon thought so?" I slowly rise from the bed as she pales. She puts her laptop to the side and stands up too. Her pajamas decide to release crumbs. They make their way to the floor.

"Well. Uh. I love sharing beautiful videos with potential brothers-in-law?" she chuckles nervously.

She has every right to be nervous.

I cross my arms and she quickly pushes past me. I watch as she runs out of the room and I pick her half-eaten muffin as a weapon before following her with a sprint.

I'm going to kill her.

In a totally halal related way of course.


How did she even get my number?!

I'm in the living room with my blanket as comfort. I'm busy watching Disney movies because they're innocent enough. Beauty and the Beast is on and I huddle deeper into my blanket, feeling content with my position.

The bell rings and I groan. Only Vanessa and I are home and Vanessa is currently sleeping (on my beautiful, free from crumbs and half-eaten food, bed) so I know I have to answer whoever is at the door.

She sleeps like a modern-day Aurora under Maleficent's spell.

I press the pause button on the remote. The movie stops playing just as the doorbell rings yet again. I groan quietly. "Calm down, I'm coming!"

I wrap myself in my blanket like a samosa and make my way to the door in a very attractive wobble. I open it and wind blasts in my face along with the sweet smell of candy floss and very expensive perfume.

I practically have an aneurysm on the spot as I take in Venus whatever her last name is, standing on my doorstep with a very evil smirk on her perfect face.

"Paulina Suarez. The hobo whisperer. Fancy seeing you here," she flips her hair. It annoys me that she has beautiful hair. I'm also annoyed because, really, is that a Prada purse?

"Well, of course, you'll see me here. You're on my doorstep. My territory. My humble abode. The spot I sweep every morning," I roll my eyes. "What do you want? Didn't we end this conversation last night?"

"You put the ho in hobo," she snaps.

"Wow. It took you twelve hours to come up with a comeback. I'm proud. I thought it'd take longer," I fake a yawn and her face turns red. "So. I'm going to ask again. What are you doing here? What do you want?"

"Damon," her voice is like ice as she gets straight to the point and I feel my eyes narrow at her tone. Really. She's like a Twitter troll, just that this is reality and not Twitter.

"I suggest you catch up on some episodes of The Vampire Diaries then," I try to keep my cool by making my voice as neutral as possible.

She pushes past me and stalks her way into my home. Maybe I should get a restraining order on her. "I don't think you understand. This summer was meant for me to work close to Damon, impress him with my charm, and finally have him wrapped around my ring finger. You're turning into a seriously big pest and I might have to eradicate you."

My jaw drops at her words. Eradicate me? What am I, Ebola? "It's not my fault your personality is boy repellent."

Her mouth drops open at my words and her glare intensifies. Her blue eyes sharpen. "Look. Your ex-boyfriend still wants you. Why? I'll never know and frankly, I don't even care. But I suggest you go back to him and leave Damon for me."

"Sorry but who exactly do you want?" I slam the door behind me and lean against it. "One minute, you're flirting with Damon. The next minute, you're playing love games with Kenneth."

She rolls her eyes like I'm the one lacking brain cells. "I'm waiting for the main dish slash dessert. That doesn't mean I can't have an appetizer to keep me going."

...I wonder if there's a totally halal related way to say thot be gone. Or a Harry Potter spell to make her disappear into another realm? Did she just compare two boys to a three-course meal?

"Venus whatever your last name is. I'm tired and I really want to continue watching my movie in peace," I open the door and gesture for her to leave. She remains rooted to the spot and my eyebrows furrow as she grins like some knock off version of The Joker. Or Harley Quinn. Whatever.

"Oh Paulina honey," she rolls her eyes and makes her way to the door with slow precise steps, "Damon is a nice guy. I'm a pretty girl. You're trash. You're watching Beauty and the Beast which is the greatest irony. Who do you think is the Beast—me, the princess who is always willing to please Damon or the stuck up freak a.k.a you?"

I fake a smile because this girl needs to brush up on her Disney classics. She's basically just set herself up. "The Beast turned out to be very gorgeous at the end. He still ended up with Belle," I lean my body against the door and smirk at her, "But who do you think you'd be in the Beauty and the Beast universe? Gaston, the one that got rejected by Belle...or Gaston, the one that will never be half of what the Beast was?"

Her mouth opens to no doubt say something but I roll my eyes and slam the door in her face. I lock the door for extra measure and I casually make my way back to my seat to complete my movie.

She's such a female dog and not even the good kind. If I must exchange words with someone, at least the person should have good comebacks. I don't have time for her amateur specie.

As I sit down, my phone rings. My eyebrows furrow when I see the caller ID. I quickly pick the call.

"Hey, Damon. What's up?" I snuggle deeper into my blanket and look at the Beast, aka me in the Beauty and The Beast universe according to Venus, who is frozen on my TV screen.

"Thank God. Hey Diadem," he sounds breathless. "So I was cleaning the windows and I saw Venus leaving your house. I hope you're okay and stuff."

My heart warms at his question. "I'm okay. She just came over to sprinkle her bad aura around but I'm fine."

"Okay good," he sounds relieved and I raise my eyebrows at his tone. Is Venus really that much of a threat? "I was worried."

"Why would you be worried?"

He coughs. "Well. Venus is Venus. She has the tendency to be..."


He laughs and I imagine him nodding in agreement. "Yeah. That. She can be very iffy. And a bit insane according to my sources. She's...physically dangerous."

I roll my eyes. "Trust me, Damon, there is nothing I haven't handled. Venus is an amateur and she's really lucky that I'm not in the mood to make her think about her self esteem."

"You sound like some kind of evil pageant queen."

I laugh. There he goes being himself again. "Yeah, I guess I do."

He sighs. "But you're sure you're okay?"

I nod. Then I realize he can't see me. "I'm peachy."

"Okay then. Cool."


"I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Why not today?" I can't help but let the disappointment shine in my voice. I wince and he laughs.

"Because I have something very important to do. We can text all night long if you want."

I don't want that. I want to see him but it's obvious that he really does have something to do.

"We can't text all night long, genius. You have to work in the morning."

He chuckles but it lacks humor. "Yeah, but I won't be able to see you much anymore. Mr. and Mrs. Hall are back and they still think that you and Kenneth are meant to be."

His voice takes a bitter tone and I laugh. "Someone sounds jelly."

"I'm not jealous," he sounds flustered. "I'm just saying that it kind of sucks that Kenneth obviously told them we're getting closer. They're going to be spying on me twenty-four seven."

"I understand," I say. I really do. It's obvious Damon loves his job and it's also obvious that he must have some form of respect for Mr. and Mrs. Hall. I'm just going to have to set it straight to them that Kenneth and I are never going to happen again.

"Yeah," he sighs and he suddenly coughs. "Yeah mom, I'll get your ointment on my way home."

It's obvious that one of the Hall's has decided to grace Damon with their sugary presence. I laugh at his choice of words. "Ointment? Really, Steroid Pillow, that's the best you could come up with?"

"Yeah, I love you too, I have to work, bye!"

The dial tone greets my ears but my heart thumps wildly in my chest at his parting words.

I love you.

I quickly leave the couch and make my way upstairs. I have to recite a long Quran verse to keep these butterflies at bay.

He still tells his mother that he loves her, aw. He's boyfriend material.

A/N: Vote, comment, and share?

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