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A/N: I hope you guys love this chapter.
The gif above is someone special who is going to be featured in this chapter :)
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It's not every day someone realizes that someone (read: Damon) decided to not have his day off yesterday.

Yesterday was Saturday. While we were busy running from the Human Oak (before being saved by my army of hobos), Damon was meant to be having his day off. He specifically told me that Saturdays are days that he doesn't have to go to work.

But he came. Despite the fact that I sort of broke his heart and we had to run away from the toxic spirit that is the Blond Douche with his newly employed bodyguard.

...I think Damon is really cool.

I adjust my veil over my head and make sure my eyeliner is winged. Then I walk out of my room and make my way downstairs.

...Why am I hearing animated voices?

I walk into the living room. Vanessa is sprawled out on the couch with her favorite blanket keeping her company. Brave is playing on the TV and...

...Why is Gatsby also wrapped in a blanket beside her?

"Hey Paulina," Vanessa spots me first and quickly pauses the movie on the screen. Gatsby looks up at me with his blonde hair practically standing like he's been electrocuted. I raise an eyebrow as he flushes and quickly looks away from my inquisitive gaze.

"Do I even want to know why you're busy watching a Disney movie with Gatsby at six in the morning?" I give Gatsby a look. "And why are you even here?"

He yawns and I realize that he's holding a big video camera in his arms. "I think it's better if Vanessa relates the story."

I roll my eyes and return my gaze to Vanessa. She clears her throat. "Okay. So you know how Calypso gets so emotional anytime she watches any Disney animated movie?"

I nod. She cries for everything. From Aladdin to The Little Mermaid, you name it. She even cried while watching The Fox and The Hound!

Vanessa continues with her explanation. "So, Gatsby and I went over to her place and we started watching The Princess and The Frog. Then she started crying when that firefly died. Then I scoffed and I was like; 'it isn't even that sad, grow a pair' and—"

I clear my throat. "Vanessa. Roundup, I've got work."

She nods. "Alright. So she made a bet with me that I'll watch ten Disney movies and if I don't cry once, then she'll buy me burgers and fries for the next seven days. And if she wins, I'll go on a date with Gatsby."

"Not that I want to go on a date with her. Calypso is delirious," Gatsby tries to defend himself with a lie. I give him a look that tells him I don't buy it. He averts his gaze and ignores me.

Vanessa shrugs. "So this is the second movie I'm watching. Went through Mulan and I'm all good."

I nod. "...And Gatsby is here because?"

"Calypso needs proof that I didn't shed a tear at all," she motions to the camera, "It's creepy but Gatsby is a good popcorn bowl holder."

...For Gatsby's sake, I hope she loses this bet. The boy has been chasing her for a long while and she's too stubborn to admit to herself that she likes him. And he's too chicken to do anything about it.

But now isn't the time to play matchmaker. I wave at them both and walk out into the slightly dark morning as I make my way to the bakery.

I walk into the bakery and I spy Kenneth cleaning the counter. Mr. and Mrs. Hall are nowhere to be seen. They should really just give the bakery to Kenneth; they're hardly ever here these days!

"Hey Paulina," he waves at me and I wave in reply before walking to the cleaning supply closet to get the mop.

We work in relative silence; Kenneth busy with arranging the pastries while I mop the floors.

"Venus! I said no, don't you understand me?!" Damon walks into the shop and pauses when he sees me mopping. He gives me a sheepish grin and I return it just as Venus storms into the bakery.

I blink. Why does she look like the Rated R version of Sharpay Evans?

"Please Damon, please? I promise to leave you alone if you do this!" she pouts her perfect mouth at him and I roll my eyes.

"What's going on?" Kenneth raises an eyebrow at the scene in front of him. I shrug and wait for one of them to answer.

"Damon is just being a big baby. I told him I want to meet his mother soon, and he's telling me no and I don't know why!" Venus shrieks. She walks over to Kenneth in muddy pink heels, ruining my hard work. I clench my teeth.

If only maiming female dogs was a good thing...

"Because that's such a weird request. Who randomly wants to meet someone's mother?" Damon sends me a pleading look and I stifle a laugh as I turn away from him to put the mop back in its rightful place.

"Why would you want to meet his mother?" Kenneth sounds puzzled. At least he's speaking for us both.

"Duh. It's obvious that mothers help to knock some sense into their sons. She'll meet me and know that I'm the right choice for Damon and not some freaky starving Latina," she sends me a pointed glare and I roll my eyes as I wear my apron.

"Venus. Please. I'm not starving; I'm fasting. Plus how would you know what she'd think if she'd meet you? Maybe she doesn't like Regina George clones," I slap a smirk unto my face and she rolls her eyes.

Her expression is suddenly cold and her lips gloss over to something similar to a cross between a smirk and a sneer. "How would you know a true mother's choice? Didn't your mom die as soon as she gave birth to you?"

The silence is deafening as I stare at her with wide eyes and a broken heart. Kenneth steps back from her like he's shocked and from the corner of my eye, I can vaguely see Damon muttering curses and making his way towards Venus.

I gulp and avert my gaze to the ground before nodding. I make my way to the door, fists clenched. Damon grasps my hand. I shrug it off and walk out of the bakery.

Then I start to run.


I've always wondered why I've never had the guts to call Georgia "mom" even with the fact that she's been married to my father for more than five years.

I mean, don't get me wrong; Georgia is great. She knows her way around Netflix, I can gossip with her if I need to and she's very supportive of me and my choices.

But she's not who I see as much of a mother figure. She's too...chill. And I'd like to think that if my mother lived after giving birth to me, she'd be one of those moms that would know how to cook and try to baby me while embarrassing me in front of my friends. She wouldn't let me go out anytime I wanted and she wouldn't be so eager to please me. We'd have screaming matches because I want to rebel and...I know I should be grateful for Georgia but the heart wants what it wants.

I kick a rock as I make my way back to the bakery. The sun is finally out and I don't know how much time has passed since I hightailed my way out of the place but I know I can't be a chicken.

Does she want to play dirty? Fine. She's free to do so.

But I'm Paulina Quinn Suarez. And Venus is irrelevant. I don't even know her last name for God's sake.

And honestly, I don't want to.

I walk into the bakery and it's a bit full. Kenneth and Damon are at the counter and both pairs of eyes swivel to look at me. I ignore them both and look around because while Venus may be irrelevant, I'm in the mood to put her back in her place. She's nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Venus?" I turn to face Kenneth. He gives me a wary look as he quickly exchanges a glance with Damon.

"She's in the kitchen with mom," Kenneth clears his throat. "Are you okay?"

"Just peachy," I roll my eyes at him.

I watch as Damon walks out from his space behind the counter and removes his apron. I raise an eyebrow at him. "Is something wrong?"

"...I have something to show you," he gazes at me with dark eyes and I look away. "I didn't have my off day yesterday and I think you may need an off day now. Right?"

...The offer is so tempting...

I look over at Kenneth for permission since he is the son of my bosses. He nods and gives me a hesitant smile. I return it and remove my apron before following Damon out.

"Where are we going?" I ask him and he smiles down at me with a hidden secret in his eyes. It makes me feel warm. I quickly look away and turn my gaze to the concrete beneath my feet.

"You'll see."


"...Why are we standing in front of a castle?" I blink as I look up at Damon who is busy rubbing the back of his neck like he's nervous.

He chuckles. "If this is a castle, would you like to be my princess?"

My jaw drops at the implication of his words. "No way. Shut the fudge up. This is your house?!"

"Well, apparently it's my castle but yeah. Welcome to my humble abode," he winks at me and steers me towards the mighty building. The gravel crunches under my feet as I make my way towards the expensive-looking door.

The whole neighborhood is full of big houses. Tall, large "duplexes" with balconies and gravel and fresh green lawns and pretty yellow paint with grey roofs.

It really is like an estate full of castles, I kid you not.

I stare at the heavy looking mahogany door with slight fear and wonder. What do I do? Knock? Put my palm against it? Lick it? Oh my God, what—

Damon presses the doorbell without preamble and I blink.


Damon shoots me an amused look and I roll my eyes before looking away. The door opens and I face...

Oh my Allah. Butlers actually exist?

The old man smiles when he sees Damon but sends me a quick look. "Master Damon. Welcome back," he opens the door fully and I try not to preen because OHMYGOD he has a British accent too!

Damon smiles at his Butler. "Thanks, Charlie," he walks in and pulls me in with him. Oh yeah. I'm meant to walk in. Not stand in place like I don't know what to do with my legs.

"And who is the pretty lady, Master Damon?" he eyes me with piercing grey eyes. I try to smile but I think it's a bit strained.

Well. Can you blame me? Damon is apparently filthy rich! He has a Butler for cinnamon's sake!

"This is Paulina. Paulina, this is Charlie," Damon formally introduces us and I clear my throat.

"Uh. Hi Charlie. Nice to meet you," I wince. Okay. How do you greet a Butler? Do you use a suave English accent? Do you curtsy? Do you shake his wrinkled palm?!

Charlie smiles at me. "The pleasure is all mine," he winks at Damon. "She's quite pretty, Master Damon."

"Well, don't get any ideas. I've got dibs," he laughs, and then, he steers me away from Charlie.

...It's like the wonder never ends, does it?

The hallway is long and pristine white. Marbled tiles shine under my feet and I can see expensive-looking statues acting as bodyguards as Damon takes me to wherever he's taking me.

Where is he taking me?!

I blink as we finally walk into a big room. A large plasma screen TV sits on the wall and a collection of pure white chairs surround it. Perched on one chair is Ophelia who is busy munching on some popcorn.

And perched on another chair is a young-looking, olive-skinned woman. I gulp as her eyes land on me.

Damon practically shoves me fully into the living room. Ophelia looks to my direction and gasps when she sees me.

"Oh my God, Paulina! Hey!" she stands up and makes her way towards me. She gives me a bone-crushing hug and pulls away.

"Hey..." I trail off as she pulls me towards the woman. She continues watching me with a hooded expression on her face and I bite my tongue to keep myself from blurting out that she's quite beautiful—or you know, by kissing her butt with compliments.

"Mom, this is Paulina. The girl Damon and I have been telling you about," she grins as she sits beside her.

...Wait. Mom?!

I blink as she stands up and towers over my frame. Her dark eyes sparkle and her coal hair falls in waves around her shoulders. "Paulina, how are you? I've heard so much about you."

I try to smile as I push my confusion away. "I'm fine. You have a lovely home Ms..."

I can't complete the sentence because I don't even know their last name oh my God what has life come to?

"You may call me Aubrey," she grins and settles down on her seat. "So you're the girl that stole my Damon's heart, aren't you?"

"Mom. Now is not the time to embarrass me," I look up at Damon just in time to see him roll his eyes with a smile. Her laugh echoes around the room and I blink because she looks too young to have kids this old.

"Anytime is a good time Damon," she turns her attention back to the TV, "Would you like to watch Suicide Squad with us? We haven't gone too far."

I nod because I really don't know what else to do.


"How is it that you and your mother look nothing alike?" I hiss as soon as we make it to the kitchen. Aubrey has been so nice to me; she even made Charlie buy a set of prayer materials so that I can pray in the comfort of their home.

And now, it's almost time for me to break my fast.

Damon shrugs. "Who says you're the only one that doesn't have, according to Venus, a true mother?"

I blink as he continues speaking. He sips from his can of Sprite. Charlie is busy ordering Chinese food so Damon is free from work in the kitchen.

"Ophelia and I were dumped on a doorstep when we were barely two—Aubrey's family took us in. They took care of us and Aubrey was always like a mom to us so you could say when she got old enough, she adopted us and took care of us to the best of her capability, and then, finally, she struck gold. And now, here we are. One simple family," he drops the can of Sprite and smiles at me with happy eyes.

"...Why are you telling me this?" I wrap my arms around myself and gaze up at him. His smile is wider as he looks down at me and I ignore the butterflies in my tummy trying to make me giggle.

"I don't know," he says, "But I do know that I've never taken any girl home to meet my mom."


"Yes," his voice drops to a low whisper, "And guess what?"


"My mom loves you. And I don't need Venus telling you otherwise. Okay?"

He doesn't even need to tell me twice. I can see the conviction in his eyes and I can tell he's being very sincere.

"Okay. Thank you, Steroid Pillow."

"Anytime, Diadem."

A/N: halfway done with posting these chapters again and I want to cringe and take it down but no I WILL NOT DO SUCH.
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