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A/N: whoop whoop, hello. Yet another gif of Damon above, because why not? Please vote, comment, and share?


Vanessa's mom, Georgia, has always been pretty cool. From day one, ever since she tied the knot with my dad, she specifically told me to call her by her name if I'm not comfortable calling her mom. And sure, she may not know how to cook but she has excellent taste in fashion and knows how to select pretty cool movies.

All in all, I think Georgia is amazing.

But not right now.

I prostrate to the Sujood position and lightly inhale the smell of my perfume on my prayer mat as I hear her quietly laugh at something one of the girls in Scream Queens must have said. Cute that she's trying to be quiet for my sake but she isn't being quiet enough.

I should really donate this bed to someone else. I need my privacy back.

"I'm sorry, did I ask you to pull down my panties and blow a compliment up my butt?"

Thank you Lord—I just finished praying. Hearing that while praying will no doubt force me to do another one from the beginning, once again. I would have totally laughed out loud.

Georgia laughs. "Oh God, that line will never get old."

I have to agree with her on that one. I really do.

I remove my long hijab and start to fold it as she casts a look my way. "Did I disturb you in any way?"

YES. "No of course not," I fake a smile and put my prayer materials in my closet.

"You should really watch this show Paulina, the whole thing is killing me. Metaphorically, of course."

I shoot a glance at her laptop and lightly shake my head. "No thanks. I think I'll pass. Maybe later."

Whatever the main girl is saying sounds like something I'm not meant to be listening to at this very crucial point in my life.

Georgia nods in understanding and smiles at me. "Well. Whenever you're ready to watch it, you know my password."

Then she goes back to watching the show with rapt attention as Vanessa walks into my room dressed like a girl going to a My Chemical Romance concert; a black leather jacket, purple shirt, ripped jeans. Her hair is in a low ponytail.

"Hey, Paulina. Let's hang out. It's been a while," she says. Then she pauses as she sees her mother on my bed, having her solo Scream Queens session. She sighs when Georgia doesn't even spare her a glance. "Let me guess. Game of Thrones?"

"Nah. Scream Queens," I'm already putting my make up in place. "Where are we going?"

"Well. I want a pretzel. So Halle Café. Then I think we should just go for a long stroll."

"No particular destination?" I stare at my reflection. Yeah, pink is a good color on my lips. It's even bringing out the beauty of the pink rhinestones on my blue veil.

"We'll go wherever the wind takes us. Ugh, Paulina, leave your reflection alone, you look good."

"I know," I wink at her and quickly snatch my phone from the bed.

"Bye, mom!" Vanessa shouts as we quickly walk down the stairs. I'm pretty sure Georgia didn't even hear us but that's Georgia for you. Movies mean a lot to her. Netflix is her life. If not for my dad, it would be her soul mate. Her bae. Her boo in training.

"No really. The last time we hung out, it ended with us running from the police because of the graffiti you made us do."

"Hey, it was worth it! Don't pretend like you didn't like writing out Kenneth Hall has a small prick in capital letters!" Vanessa chuckles at the memory and I force myself to keep quiet.

"Yeah yeah, it was worth it, whatever. But it really was one of my weaker moments."

We lock the door behind us and walk towards the Café. An old couple walks out as we finally step on the pavement and they smile at us.

"Good afternoon! Are you twins? You look alike in a very uncanny way!" the old woman says. Her voice is shrill but friendly and she looks like a complete sweetheart. A wrinkled sweetheart but a sweetheart nonetheless.

"Nope. Stepsisters," Vanessa answers for us both. She always has a way of putting the step right before the sister. At a point, it hurt because I consider us blood sisters considering the fact that we're close enough. But I learned to get over it quick enough.

The old man eyes us both. He doesn't smile but his green eyes sparkle. "Well. That's nice. Stepsisters with obvious...diverse opinions and you seem really close. Maybe there really is hope for this generation."

My heart swells at the compliment and judging by the way Vanessa practically grins, I can tell she's very happy with the man's words too.

"Thank you," I say for both of us. "It means a lot."

"No, thank you. Have a nice day!" the old sweetheart smiles at us and turns away with her husband who gives us a large wave.

Well. At least I hope he's her husband. They would make such a cute couple. I ship them.

Vanessa bumps my hips with hers. "I'm hungry, I really need the pretzel. You staring after an old couple isn't going to change my stomach's status."

I roll my eyes. "You're talking about hunger, try fasting."

She shudders. "No thanks."

I chuckle and walk into the Café, bracing myself for the aroma that will undoubtedly make my tummy cry in pain.

Cinnamon rolls. Espressos. Buttered cream puffs. So many different recipes and yet, they all come together to form one beautiful scent.

"Smells like heaven," Vanessa sighs.

"You don't even believe heaven exists," I point out with a slight laugh and she flushes a bit at the truth.

"Well, if I did believe in heaven, then I'd like to think that it smells similar to this."

I don't have the chance to tell her that heaven would have a much better smell when compared to this bakery because she walks ahead of me and makes her way to the counter. Damon isn't there but I can see the planet that shall not be named busy filing her nails. Kenneth is busy watching her with a very much interested look on his face.

Time to block a Kenneth.

I walk towards Vanessa as she starts to tell the planet that shall not be named her order, pointedly ignoring Kenneth. The girl nods with a fake smile and picks up a napkin to select a pretzel.

"Hey, Pluto. Where's Damon?" I pipe up.

The pretzel drops from her hands as she frowns and stares at me with a deadly look. If I were fro-yo, I'd definitely be melting.

"Dude, my pretzel!" Vanessa wails. She looks heartbroken and I feel a bit sorry for her. She must have felt a connection with that particular knotted, baked goodness of dough.

Before anyone has the chance to speak, Damon walks out of the kitchen looking panicked. No doubt, Vanessa's wail attracted him.

"Pretzel? What happened?" he asks quickly, eyes darting around without really registering anything. There's flour in his hair and on his apron and a smudge of what I suspect to be batter on his cheek.

He looks adorable.

"Nothing Dame," Venus, the Voldemort look alike flutters her lashes, "I dropped a pretzel. Can you pick it up for me?"

Damon stares at her with a curious look but does as she's requested. He starts to hand it over to her when our eyes meet.

I watch as the pretzel drops to the floor again.

"Okay, why the hell are you guys dropping pretzels whenever you see Paulina?!" Vanessa is absolutely livid and she looks like she'll burst someone's head if she isn't given a pretzel.

Well. I don't mind if the head that's going to be popped rhymes with Benneth. Saying this from a completely neutral perspective, of course.

Damon quickly turns on the charm. "Sorry...Tiara?" he quickly squeezes himself between Kenneth and Venus and quickly uses a napkin to pick two pretzels. "It's on the house. Sorry for the inconvenience."

Kenneth frowns but says nothing.

Vanessa raises an eyebrow but takes the pretzels nonetheless. I don't miss the way Damon narrows his eyes in jealousy when he sees the movement of her eyebrows.

Poor Steroid Pillow.

"Tiara?" she asks him. She doesn't seem flustered by the comment—just genuinely confused.

To my surprise and happiness, Damon quickly gets a napkin and wipes his face, looking red as he glances at me. "Well, I call Paulina Diadem and you guys really look alike so yeah, you're Tiara. Practically the same meaning."

I grin at Damon's shy countenance as he shoots me nervous glances. No doubt about it; he's embarrassed. Maybe it's because of the flour is in his hair and how messy he looks.

And also, maybe, because Vanessa has a killer glare.

"Okay, cool, don't call me that. My name is Vanessa," she finally smiles at him and sends me a coy smile. I can tell that she's already imagining how the first date between us would go. And maybe the names of our imaginary children too.

"I'm Damon. Nice to meet you. Uh, I'm baking chocolate chip cookies for Paulina's iftar right now, so maybe I'll see you later?"

"Sure. Bye."

Damon gives me one last parting look and walks back into the kitchen, looking flustered. It's so cute seeing him this way so I really don't have the energy to make him feel better.

But to be honest, why should he be feeling flustered that I'm seeing him in all of his cooking looking goodness?

Kenneth actually has the guts to look angry. To be honest, I forgot he was sort of there. My bad. "Since when did you and Damon get all chummy?"

"Since the day she realized you're like knock off...Prada," Vanessa, ever the loyal stepsister, holds my hand protectively and starts to march off with me.

I turn to blow a mock kiss at Venus and Kenneth. "Have a nice day!"

When we're safely outside from the heated glares of those that really don't need to be named, Vanessa laughs.

"I left with a somewhat savage note and you had to go all My Little Pony on them at the last minute," she makes sure we're a few yards away before she turns to face me with a full-on guffaw.

"Hey, I had to do something to spread the peaceful cheer," I defend my actions as I laugh.

"Did you see the look on the girls face? Cannibalism must be in Vogue now," Vanessa continues to chuckle as she bites out of her pretzel. I pretend like my stomach isn't hurt.

"Uh-huh. But enough about Pluto and Ken. What do you think about Damon?" I make sure my tone is nonchalant and casual.

Vanessa sends me a sly smirk as she chews on her free snack. "Well, he has a charming voice. And he has nice hair," she rolls her eyes. "But I thought you don't go for his type?"

"I have a type?" I feign innocence and she rolls her eyes.

"No, but really. I approve." she nods slightly. "He seems okay."

"That's what you said about Kenneth too," I laugh and she has the decency to look sheepish. Not that I blame her but Vanessa approves of anyone as long as the person has a sweet tongue and a really nice voice.

"Worse judgment of my life," she chuckles.

I can't help but let my inner broken-hearted girl agree.


I can't believe Damon actually went through the trouble of buying me a whole bucket of Maltesers!

I stare at the bucket of chocolate goodness with wide eyes and quickly pick my phone. The other foodstuff doesn't even get close to making me salivate because my mind is stuck on the beautiful bucket of round, solid chocolate.

Me: You got me Maltesers. How did you know it's my favorite?

I drop my phone and wait for his reply. I start going through all the stuff he made for me. I smile as I finally pick a container full of chicken wings and I grin.

Can I put a ring on him?

I'm halfway done with the beautiful pack of chicken wings when I get a reply.

Steroid Pillow: Maltesers? I'm sorry but that didn't come from me. But I could get some for you tomorrow?

I blink owlishly and drop the phone. I quickly pick the bucket and scan it for a note.

Sure enough, there is one.

Get back with me? -K.H.

I don't bother with a reply. I keep the Maltesers in my wardrobe and make a mental note to look for a blond hobo to give the bucket to.

Kenneth only gives his love to blondes.

And I'll make sure that a blond will definitely get the love.


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