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A/N: another update yay yay yay :)

I hope you guys like it :) enjoy the gif of my female crush being...uh...idc to be honest but just enjoy it lmao. It made me smile.

(New, beautiful banner by oceanwaved so feel free to check out her cover shop and thank me later, she's an amazing graphic artist!)


"Are you sure it's wise to fast and work in a Café?" my father says as he sits on my bed, looking worried. He's decided to stay at home and neglect going to his garage for the day.

I nod as I fold my hijab. I've had my prayer break for the noon prayer; Zuhr. It's time for me to go back to Halle Café and face Venus as she gushes about Albus Dumbledore being played by Johnny Depp.

I really think being this ignorant must be a sin. Like...can't she manage to just search on the cast or something?

"Hmm. Okay then. Fine," he yawns and stretches his body across my bed. "Enjoy yourself as much as you can," he yawns again and snatches my pink duvet. He wraps himself in it like a burrito and I laugh.

"Uh-huh," I lean down to pat his receding hairline. "Love you, dad."

"Love you Mija. Now go away. You have some money to make," he yawns loudly and I roll my eyes before leaving my room. I really should do something about my bed.

Vanessa is in the living room, eating some popcorn, and watching Legally Blonde. Her eyes shoot up when she spots me and she tries for a smile. I return it with a scowl.

"Please Paulina. You're meant to forgive me. I didn't know it was your Suhoor, honest!" she throws one buttery hand in the air. Popcorn flies out of the bowl because of the movement and I raise my eyebrows.

"I forgive you. But that doesn't mean I'm happy with you," I shrug and adjust the veil around my head. "I'll see you later."

I walk out of the house before she can think of replying.


"Hey Diadem," Damon grins as he sits on the stool beside me. It's his turn to attend to the people at the counter with me. His hair shows signs of a haircut, his skin looks a bit pale and his face is cleanly shaven. His apron is a bit stained with flour but his hair—we thank God for small miracles—lacks the mixture.

I smile and exit my game of Candy Crush. The chocolate stuff was going to make me lose anyway. "Hey Steroid Pillow. What's up?"

He chuckles nervously. "Nothing much."

Silence descends upon us. I vaguely wonder why he looks nervous. He's running his fingers through his hair and his face looks slightly flushed. This is weird because he has always been pretty confident around me.

I raise an eyebrow. "Damon. What's wrong?"

He doesn't glare at my flexible eyebrow. Instead, he presses his lips together in a straight line and exhales a breath. Yes, something is definitely wrong, no question about it. "Uh...Paulina..."

Oh no. When he uses your actual name, you know things aren't going to be pretty. I think of all the possibilities.

Oh my, did I burn the batch of cookies by putting the heat on too high?!

Did I put something that isn't meant to be in the batter? Did I pull a Venus? Like curry instead of nutmeg the cake batter, for instance.

...Is there a distinct feeling of eggshells in the cinnamon rolls?! I could have sworn I picked out every single one, really!

"I did something bad, didn't I?" I sigh sadly and Damon raises both eyebrows since he can't raise one. "I'm a failure."

"Actually, no," he chuckles but it sounds quite wary, "Uh. It's not bakery related."

My thoughts simmer down but I'm even more confused as I watch him exhale slowly.

"Uh. Paulina Suarez...we've known each other for thirteen very interesting days. And it normally takes a longer period of time for me to actually like someone so much," he takes a shuddering breath, "I mean, what I want to ask is this; Paulina, will you...go out on a date with me?"

My mouth drops open in shock as I take in the hopeful look on his face.

Paulina, will you go out on a date with me?

I swallow. My greatest fear is playing out in front of me; having to reject a guy I like.

...Wait. I basically blanche. I like Damon. Oh my God, I like him. Not his samosas or the way he laughs or his hair although they prove to be strong bonus points—I honest to God have feelings for him. Oh my God...

I swallow air and lick my lips. "Damon...you're more than an amazing guy and I'd really love to but you know I can't..."

My words trail off as I take in the sad expression on his face. My stomach clenches painfully and I know it's not from the need to eat food.

"It's okay," he quickly plasters a fake smile on his lips that almost leaves me bleeding in the heart, "I understand."

No, you don't. "Damon—"

He shakes his head, mutters something about needing "some air" and quickly walks away from me. I watch helplessly as he jumps over the counter and makes his way to the door.

I take a shuddering breath and exhale before picking up my phone. I click on the contact card; Ophelia Claw and put the phone to my ear.

She picks up on the last ring. "Paulina? What's up?" her voice is hushed and the curiosity takes over.

"Why are you whispering?" I look behind me to see if Kenneth or Venus are close by. Judging by the way I can vaguely hear Venus whining about the dough being too sticky and Kenneth telling her to "man the fuck up", I guess they really didn't hear anything that went down between Damon and me.

"I work at a library," she chuckles. "My boss believes silence is the golden element that makes a library."

"Isn't the element meant to be about books?" I raise an eyebrow at the logic of her boss.

"I know right? But oh well. Whatever," she hums a laugh quietly. "Anyhow, what's wrong? You sound a bit down."

I don't only sound a bit down. I'm also feeling a bit down too. "Damon asked me out."

Her shriek makes me pull the phone away from my ear. "Oh my God, finally! I've been waiting for the day he'd finally grow the balls to ask. Paulina—"

There's silence and muffled shouts. I can hear her mutter; Yes, of course, I'm really sorry and It won't happen again Ms. Applebottom.

"Sorry. I guess I was a bit too loud," she chuckles nervously and I smile at the sound although I know it doesn't reach my eyes.

"It's okay," I reply.

"Cool. Anyhow, I know you said yes. When is he taking you out? Where? Oh my goodness, I can just imagine the little nephews and nieces, oh my God, the day—"

"I said no," I blurt out and her celebration automatically halts. "I can't date him, Ophelia. I...like him but I can't go through the whole dating process with him."

The silence on the other line makes me fidget. I take a shuddering breath and continue. "For one...it's Ramadan. I'm not meant to be concentrating on things like this. I'm meant to be reading my Quran, praying, getting closer to God. And dating me isn't going to be normal. I've never been kissed and I plan on it to stay that way. I don't even hug. Dating me is completely in the emotional realm and it's not going to be easy for Damon if he's expecting a normal relationship that involves hugs and kisses—"

"Did you tell Damon all of this?" Ophelia's voice sounds understanding and I breathe a sigh of relief. Thank God she isn't a spitfire like Vanessa. How would I survive?

"No," I gulp and glance at the door. "I didn't. He didn't give me a chance to," I pause. "That and the fact that my tongue felt like cotton."

She chuckles but the sound isn't too full of light and enthusiasm. "Damon will understand. All you have to do is clear it up with him. Okay?"

"Yeah...okay. Thanks, Ophelia," I exhale. "You're a good acquaintance."

"We follow each other on Instagram. You liked all my pictures. We're friends now," her laugh is hushed but sincere and I can't help but smile. "I'll talk to you later. Damon is currently trying to reach me."

"Okay. No problem. Later," I say and I quickly cut the call. I fiddle with my veil and look around. I can still hear Venus complaining and Kenneth trying to comfort her so my secret is safe.

The door opens and an old man saunters in, walking towards me. I put on my best fake smile and correct my posture.

"Welcome to Halle Café. My name is Paulina. What can I get you?"


Damon walks in when I'm leaving for my evening prayer break. He pauses as he sees me and I gulp when he looks away from my face to look at my shoes.

"Hey Damon," I cautiously walk up to him.

"Hey Paulina," he clenches his jaw and my heart hurts at the sight. This is going all wrong.

"It's Diadem," I correct him and his eyes snap up to look at my face. "We'll talk about this when I get back...maybe. But before I get back, can you please Google facts about Islamic relationships?"

He regards me for a moment and smiles slowly, although it doesn't reach his eyes. I still call it progress. "No problem, Diadem."

I nod and walk out of the Café with a little spring in my step.

a/n: yes he asked her out but she rejected him sigh. Anyhow! Let's see what will happen next?

Stay tuned and find out in chapter 14 of Diadem! I hope you like the gif. Saint Potter.

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