Demonic Bakugan/ Diamond Faction?

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From all the punishment that Dia had endured, this one certsinly took the cake. Mostly due to Leonidas impatience and constant demands for a brawl. It nearly felt as if the punishment stayed in a state of a limbo time loop. Once it was over, it felt as if she could finally go back outside again. It was the most blissful feeling to take that first steps in her front yard again.

"Finally! Any longer in that room and I would have RAGE!! Now girl find me a challenge! I've been  longing for a brawl!" Leonidas flew up to Dia shoulder. Battle Hungry for a fight.

"Okay, okay. Please calm down. There's a park where kids gather to brawl, it also be good practice for me too!" Finally her ever brawl!

She's never been so excited! Even more than her going to the Myu Myu Warrior Princess fan event. Cost her three months of allowance though it was all worth it!

Hopefully brawls could feel that same rush of excitement! Her heart filled with excitement more as she made her way to the park.

"GRR! YES! I SHALL CRUSH ALL THOSE WHO DARE STAND BEFORE ME!!" Leonidas seemed to sink his claws and fangs into his foes. Ready to CRUSH all before him.

Dia couldn't help but feel nervous from those words. Guessing Leonidas was locked in that capsule for a long time if he was this riled up for a brawl.  His dormant rage that he held pent up with his body was leaking out.

What would happen when that rage is fully unleashed? May the brawls that they would engage, may they let off some of that steam.

If she only knew the dragin she was about to unleash against those poor brawlers.

The two arrived at the park where they could see numbers of kids brawling against one another. Factions clashing against one another. Elements crossing path with each other as one attempts to gain victory over the other. Bakugan of all types battling to prove one's strength over the other.

That was what brawls were in Leonidas eyes. He would be the one to crush them to prove that he was superior out of all the weaklings! All those fools shall tremble at the his strength.

The pair managed to find a challenger who had a Darkrus Fangzor. The kid thought that he found a novice that he can easily crush his opponent.

The boy was much younger than her. By the looks of it, the boy could be no older than eight years old. His eyes were green that seemed to sting venom into whoever they look at. Matches his choice of partner perfectly as it were fate the two would be partners. His black hair was slick and all tangled up. It could remind you of the mythological creature Medusa though if she were a boy. He wore a white shirt that was covered by a black jean jacket. Ripped up jeans and his black sneakers looked like they been through a few tussles. The dark dirt stains were a clear sign that he knew fights other than brawls.


"DROME UP!" Both Dia and the boy called out as the ground illuminated.

In mere seconds, the drome that was made up of transclusive hexgon shapes that immediately blend in with the area.

Completely invisible as if it took the chameleon ability to hide itself.

"Heh, you'll be crying home to your momma when I beat ya!" The boy taunted. Before he brawled out his Darkrus Fangzor.

The cobra like Bakugan flicker it's tongue before hissing at Dia.

"Bakugan Brawl! Rise up Leonidas!" Dia rolled out the bakuball on the bakucore.

Leonidas towered over Fangzor size by a couple feet. His body was pure white and diamonds coated a majority of his scales. His wings were large as the diamond spiked from the bone of them. The wing span was large as a building, the very least two. He has a very muscular build that he could crush anything in his grip. His claws on his hands and feet were made entirely out of diamonds. His eyes were an emerald green color. Three diamond horns were on his head. One horn on both sides of his face, while the other was on his head. His pride mark as it is said that dragons hold their pride in their horns. His tail was a trident with diamond spikes on it.

Leonidas stood proudly at 800g

800Gs?! Never before had a bakugan been seen with that much power before a brawl began.

"What the?! HEY HOW THE HECK IS THAT LIZARD THAT STRONG?!" The kid demanded to know. Refusing to believe what lies before his eyes.

Did this bakugan take  vitamins that increase power?! If those exist then he be first in line!

"Foolish human!" A dark aura wmitted from Leonidas as he stared daggers at the boy. "This is my strength. NOW WATCH AS I CRUSH YOUR WORM OF A BAKUGAN!"

A bakucore shone infront of Dia. It shone bright as if it was from the Haos faction but more of a randow like glow. She reach over to throw it but nearly fell from the sheer weight of it.

WHAT WERE THINGS MADE OF GOLD?! TITANIUM?! How the Awesome Ones could even lift this without trouble shocked her. It look easy on the video.

Her muscles roared in pain as she managed to hurl the bakucore to Leonidas to raise his power to 1000G.

Leonidas then processed to crush Fangzor as he had promised. He grinned darkly befor unleashing a nighmare against the cobra Bakugan.

"PRISMIC HURRICANE!!" A large spiral constructed by crystals came from Leonidas mouth as a powerful force that aimed towards Fangzor.

It truly brought the meaning of "One shot K.O." to life.

"" The boy fell to his knees in disbelief. He had lost to a complete newbie.

It was only then that he could feel the aura that Leonidas gave off. It was like he was coated in a dark magic that made anyone nearby want to puke their insides out. This was NO BAKUGAN. Only one word could describe this monster.....

"Demon.....SHE HAS A DEMON!! GET AWAY!!! GET AWAY!!!" He scrabled to get away. Barely managing to get his bakuball.

Running away like the little girl. His words against Dia had been reflected back at him.

"GRRR....ANOTHER" Leonidas was not satisfied. In his eyes, that was not even a challenge.

Dia could only nod. She was in a state of disbelief herself before a smile stretch wide across her face.

Not only had she got her first brawl but she won. SHE WON!!! Not the way she had wanted but still a win!

After nine more brawls, Leonidas gained the nickname "Demonic Bakugan at the park. All he faced and defeated were convinced that he was not a Bakugan but a demon in disguise.

Dia couldn't ignore the looks of horror thst they recieved though. The kids faces that greeted her with faces drained of color and eyes filled with fear like they were traumatized. All because they had challenged the one named Leonidas and his partner.

Clearly the two would have to settle some ground rules. Mostly so they could still have opponents to brawl.

The big question was: Would Leonidas bother to listen to her?

The two arrived home, much to Leonidas displeasure. Dia had tried to explain to the dragon about her curfew but he claimed it was an excuse to halt his winning streak. Either way Dia was exchausted. Simply throwing those bakucores were a workout all on their own. Not to mention that not anyone really wanted to brawl them afterwards. Though Fia could recall one brawl was being recorded despite the crushing defeat of the boy's Pyrus Cloptor.

That Bakugan kept EYEING Dia in a creepy way which made her skin crawl. Leonidas seemed to sense this because he brutally clobbered that floating eye into mush. Whether he did it for her sake is unclear. Dia was thankifully nevertheless.

After dinner and hetting ready for bed, Dia needed a much needed chat with her guardian Bakugan.

"Hey Leo, may I ask you something?" She turned to the dragon who grumpily gave her his attention.

"What?" He replied rather rude. Still angered by how he only got ten brawls in today.

Not that any were WORTH his time. Mere pebbles he could crush underneath him. He hungers for a TRUE BRAWL!

"You aren't like any Haos Bakugan I've seen before. You have insane power too! You K.O'd all those Bakugan with one attack alone. Just what kind of Bakugan are you?" Dia tried her best not to anger him anymore than he already was.

Leo looked at her with a face that said "I KNOW YOU DID NOT SAY THAT". It seem to annoy him more than anything. Like she had insulted him like bullies do.

"Firat of all, never associate me with those "LIGHT OVERBEARING BAKUGAN!!", I am a Diamond Faction Bakugan bakugan! The strongest faction of all!" He boasted as he went face to face with Dia.

Diamond? Dia never heard of the Awesome Ones mentioning that one before. Could that be why that lab had Leonidas? Could a new faction have been discovered? COULD SHE BE THE FIRST DIAMOND FACTION BRAWLER?!

"That's why your bakucore was different from a Haos one. Is that why it was heavier too?" Dia asked Leonidas.

"Yes. Our bakucores are more dense and heavy since they store more power for us. You actually impressed me that you could lift any with your scrawny arms girl. It seems you are worthy of me" Was that an insult or a compliment? Both still were kind of hurtful.

At least that explained why she was struggling with the bakucores earlier. Something new she learned about her bakugan.

She yawn as her exchaustion was taking her over. Tomorrow she had to  find a new place to brawl since the park clearly wouldn't want to fight the "Demonic Bakugan".

Leonidas attacks wounded them beyond the brawl. Shatter both their bodies as well as their will to ever brawl him again.

Leonidas rested on the pillow which was on the desk. He was too prideful to admit that it was extremely comfortable than anything before.

Soon Dia was entering the land of dreams. She could never imagined that brawling could leave someone this exchausted. Hopefully she would get used to it, otherwise she drop dead tired everytime after a brawl.

At the Styles household, Wynton styles was browsing the Awesome Ones channel to see how their views have been. The ratings and view were on an all time high.

It seems that their latest brawl video was getting the most view of all the videos they uploaded this month.

Though it would have been better if he and Trox had been able to beat Dan and Drago. He would surely beat the pair next time.

Just as he was ready to turn in for the night, a video title caught his eyes. He had to blink a few times to make sure he was reading the title correctly.

"Brawl verus the Demonic Bakugan"

Wynton clicked the video to see a Cloptor being brutally defeated by a bakugan he had never seen before. He could feel the shivers from just watching the brawl. His face slightly paled as he watched the dragon bakugan stomp Cloptor into the ground multiple times before going back into a bakuball.

"Just what kind of Bakugan is this?!" He asked. Questions flooding his mind  as to who this Bakugan was.

"Hmmm...I have not seen any Bakugan like this" Even his partner, Troxx was at a lost for mystery bakugan identity.

Wynton then noticed the owner of the  bakugan. He remember that girl from his art class. He remembered how the teacher would praise her artwork. He couldn't help but admit she was cute. He didn't know that she was a brawler.

"I want to find her and know more about her bakugan" Wynton told his partner with his goal set in mind.

To find the mystery girl and her "Demonic Bakugan". To learn more about the one who wields such a powerful Bakugan. To find the answers to the questions that would trouble his mind for the night.

This was what would lead to Dia to meeting one she idolized. To take yet another step down her journey as a brawler. To meet the ones who not only discovered the Bakugan but as well made the game of "Brawling". To learn more about Brawling and hopefully.....



Grant Dia long desired dream.

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