4. A Prince and a Bladesmith

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Reviewer- Sarah


Your cover looks really good and I'm able to read the title clearly. Though I would maybe suggest a different font or get rid of the bright red color of it. It would fit more with the photos on the cover if it was more neutral but nevertheless it's a great cover.


The title is straight forward and helps you know what the story will be about.


I loved your description. It helped me get a sense of the story and it got me interested in the book. I also loved how you put all of the credits in the description.

grammar and punctuation:

Your grammar and punctuation could use some work. In the later chapters that I read I can tell that it's already starting to get better! I would suggest going back and fixing some of the errors with capitalization and punctuation. I saw that you start a new line after every sentence and I would recommend on you stopping that. It just seems a bit abrupt and out of place when you do that. One of the other issues I noticed was when your characters are talking you don't usually end their speech with a capitalization. Instead I would suggest putting it like "Hey, how are you?" Selena asked looking up at her friend. The last error that I was noticing was how it's a bit out of place on how you put the characters emotions. I would suggest maybe googling a form on how to show you to display the characters emotions in a better worded way.


Your plot seems good and steady and it's something that I would definitely read.


I love your characters and you put a good basis and set the character plot for each of them. I personally am really enjoying Rosé so far. She seems like a sweet character and I'd love to see where her character goes.

overall thoughts:

Overall, I really enjoyed your book and I love the fact that you do daily updates! I believe that as soon as you fix those simple grammar errors then your story can have great potential. I wish you the best of luck on your writing journey <3

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