6. Star Sky- Pulsar

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Reviewer- Sarah


Your cover wasn't bad I actually quite liked it but my first impression of it was that it was a nonfiction story about the stars/planets but that was just my personal take on when I first saw it. It's still a great cover and it's definitely not something that you see very often on Wattpad.


For some odd reason I automatically just adored the title of your story. I'm not even quite sure why I liked it so much but something about it just fit well together and it immediately sparked my interest. It made me want to click on the story to see what it's about which is always a major plus!


I quite liked your description. I'm someone who wouldn't normally read a story like yours just based on personal preference but somehow you bewitched me into truly getting excited to see what it was all about. Great job on your part with that!

Grammar and punctuation:

You already have a great sense of grammar which is something that you don't see a lot on smaller stories. I would say that my only suggestion really for you would be to just expand your vocabulary a bit more. It's just sometimes your word choices are a bit repetitive and that's not necessarily a huge issue but I feel like you could start reaching your full potential in writing if you just spent a little extra time on researching a bit for your vocabulary.


Your plot had me very intrigued from the moment I started reading the story. It's something that I personally don't see that much on Wattpad so it was really enjoyable to get the opportunity to read something completely different and slightly out of my comfort zone which I ended up loving to pieces! Once again you did a fantastic job on it.

Your characters:

I liked how you wrote your characters it gave me the right amount of information about them without giving too much away which is definitely something that is not easy to master in writing. Overall I quite enjoyed most of your characters and I'm excited to continue to read more about their journey.

Overall thoughts:

Honestly, my overall thoughts are that I will be forcing all of my friends to read your story because I loved it that much! But honestly, it was a really refreshing story and I'm so glad that I got the luck of getting to read it. Continue the great work I wish you and your writing journey the best of luck.

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