When Reality Meets Magic

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Cover by:
Top left: Water-Hopper
Top right: Animekitkat9901 DeviantArt
Bottom left: ArtArtzy DeviantArt
Bottom right: sail_the_sea
Edited together by me

Seto was indeed, the most feared sorcerer to walk on Minecraftia. Son of both the first Sorceress and Alchemist, he holds knowledge and magic beyond the human mind. His spells cause 10x as much damage, his curses last eternity, and his intelligence can solve any problem with few words spoken. With his pure aura of purple, he's untouchable.


Seto sat in the far back of his library, letting levitating books float pass him as he searched for a certain Latin one. He's gone through about 100 the past 10 minutes. At this rate it'll take him a week to get through all of the Latin ones.

He looked at a few more before stopping the trail of books. A couple dozen crashing to the ground in a loud bang. He didn't flinch, since he gave up often on finding a book and let it all drop. He pushed his chair back, sending it scraping across the stone floor.

Seto was tired, there was a full moon out and illuminating his library with a soft white. He glanced around as the quietness set in, giving him a panicked fear. The dark didn't scare him, he loved it. Just what lived inside it scared him.

Making a small purple flame in the palm of his hand, he made his way to a pair of oak doors near the east side of his library. Then those lead to the main hall of his stone castle. It wasn't as big or grand as Sky's pure gold castle. Seto's was more for protection against the elements for his books.

He silently made his was down the dark hallways, the only light was the moon and flame. His footsteps and cracklings flame were the only sounds. Seto made his way up a stairwell, leading to a couple dozen bedrooms and bathrooms.

Some time ago, he was a leader of some small time followers wanting to learn magic. Once again, he was never the 11 million leader of an army. Not even close to Deadlox's 2 million. By now, each room stood empty besides one.

Seto walked into this bedroom, lighting up the room with small candles. One one side was a bed, and other had a closet with assorted purple clothing. He wasn't a fan of fancy things, he just needed what he held dear.

Dropping the cloak to the floor, he tiredly made his way to the only window in room. A pair of French doors leading to a balcony. He would spends night under the moon studying Galactic or another language. He could now safely travel all around the worlds and speak to villages.

Opening the doors, he took in a deep breath, the smell of rain heavy. Living so close to a forest did come with disadvantages and advantages. Tomorrow he'll work on patching up some stone so the book and lab won't get damp.

Standing there for another minute or two, he glanced around, and noticed something off. A fairly new piece of paper was tangled in some vines growing off to the side. Curious, he made his way to it, picking it up and opening it to read it.

Just like that, the peaceful night was shattered. The tension laid thick and Seto crumpled the paper in his hand, a burst of flame destroying the rest. As he let the ashes blow away, he mumbled a spell, hints of French laced in it, and the ashes became tiny bursts of fire, making sure the paper didn't litter the ground.

"Diamond," Seto growled, before storming back into his room.


The Diamond Minecart, or known as Diamond or TDM. Well known alchemist of his time. He was gifted such amazing knowledge of potions and technology. Crafters whispered that he was ahead of the time, and stuck in the future era. With his companions, he surely made the leading scientific discoveries.


Diamond flipped through a book, yellow from age. It was encoded for sure, cause it did not resemble English at all! He hummed in annoyance and flipped the next page, seeing a sketch of a potion recipe.

"Aha! Here we are," he yelled to nothing, holding up the book. He spent the entire night looking through this book. He had to... Borrow this book because it had a small potion bottle on it. So it had to had alchemy in it!

He stood in his lair, or lab. It had a glass ceiling, letting in the morning light. Laid around were machines of all sizes and colors. Potions lined another white wall. He was in the middle of it all, bringing the needed ingredients. I mean, the spell looked old but Diamond may need it.

"Mmmm... Redstone... Glowstone... Pink dye? Red roses?" Diamond mumbled to himself, a little surprised of the mixture. What kind of potion was this? He mixed them anyway, watching the liquid go dark red, then got pink, and back to a light red.

Diamond looked at the book, seeing if he could make sense of the words. It was chicken scratch to him, but maybe he could...

His lab doors slid open, revealing a very pissed off Seto. Diamond didn't have time to hid the book before the sorcerer was in his face, purple wisps coming from the corners of his eyes.

"How dare you break into my library. Steal my book," he shouted. Diamond took a step back, but Seto followed, "I've had it with you thinking you own everything. News flash. You don't."

Diamonds back hit a machine, successfully cornering him to face Seto's wrath. His eyes glanced back at the potion. Just a sliver of hope that it could help.

Seto was beyond livid at Diamond. He was just sick and tired of him thinking that he was a higher status than he was. For crying out loud he was the sorcerer here! Diamond is just a wanna be sorcerer with his little technology. Seto felt a ball of fire threatening to spring from his hands.

Before he could react on the impulse, Diamond dove to the side, did a roll, and ran to the table, grabbing the red potion. As soon as Seto saw it, all the anger was replaced with fear. The purple smoke gone from his eyes. Diamond narrowed his eyes, lifting up the potion.

And smashing it on the ground.

Red smoke filled the room, blocking both their visions. Diamond started to cough violently, falling into his knees. Seto covered his mouth, fear leaving and anger rising again. One the smoke thinned out, Seto caught sight of Diamond again.

Diamond was still coughing, eyes shut and one hand covered his mouth. Seto stared for a couple minutes before flicking his wrist. (Look at that flick of that wrist!!! Sorry...) Long, purple, transparent like strands came out from behind Seto, and slowly made their way to Diamond. (No this is not tentacle porn.)


(I am reconsidering)

By the time Diamond noticed, the strands had wrapped themselves around his arms and legs, successfully keeping him tied together. Seto didn't make a move to step forward, he stayed watching a few feet back. Diamond immediately struggled, but the strands only seemed to tighten. One slid around his chest, and coiled up to his throat. He stopped after that, a little afraid now.

"Look at you," Seto spoke after a moment of silence, voice empty of emotions, "you thought you could get away with taking what's mine?"

Diamond watched him for a second before answering, "I only borrowed-," the coil tightened, cutting off his airway.

"You didn't ask," Seto snapped, now taking steps forward, "I've been keeping track of your... 'Borrowing'. Every time you take something, I never see it again. When I ask you about it, you say you lost it."

Diamond moved his hands around, trying to grasp the strand keeping his hands bound, but his hand went right through it. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Seto, smirking.

"Nice magic trick you got here. Is this some optical-," Diamond was cut off again, struggling to breath. Seto's face was going red with anger, and the wisps of purple were back near his eyes. (I'm just imagining Sans so... Yup...)

"You still think it's all child's play with magic," Seto's voice was barely above a whisper, but Diamond heard the anger, "you still think... That it's all fake."

Diamond couldn't register what had happened. In one moment he was on the floor, next he was slammed against a wall, ears ringing from impact. Seto had just moved a hand, eyes trained on his. In the next instant he was against the other wall, a crack echoing off the walls. Diamond felt blood dripping down the back of his neck, and his heart count was down to four.

"Does that seem fake to you," Seto's voice was raising in volume, Diamond was thrown back against the other wall, "does this seem like an opTICAL ILLUSION TO YOU!?"

Diamond's vision blurred, heart racing to keep his heart rate up. He could taste blood in his mouth, and could feel it dripping down his neck. Seto made two fists, and the coils around him tightened. Breathing was becoming more and more difficult, but Seto didn't let up.

One heart. Half a heart. And the coils loosened. Diamond let out a gasp, air rushing to his lungs. His hearts started to regenerate, slowly but surely. Seto walked to him, his footsteps loud as they echoed. As he reached him, Seto noticed... A problem growing. Diamond was too out of it to notice, but Seto surely did. He chuckled darkly, allowing the coils to tighten just enough to be able to make Diamond stand before him.

"Pathetic," Seto whispered, "acting so cocky and confident; but here you are, unable to stand by yourself, and hosting a little problem."

Diamond was able to process what he was saying, still weak from the low heart count. His nerves were finally registering, and now he was aware of how hot it was suddenly, and how his clothes were so uncomfortable. The potion. That's all that was running through Diamonds mind.

Seto shifted his hand to the desk, a levitation spell was placed on his book and brought to the pair. Seto glanced at the page. Standard Latin. Nothing too difficult. He read through the spell, and chuckled.

"You mixed a truth and lust potion together. Heavy affects on the person closest to it. Luckily I've built enough immune to spells," Seto smiled slyly, "but you must be desperate to... Get rid of this spell."

Diamond felt his face heat up at that, struggling even more to get out of these bonds. They only seemed to tighten more, along with the problem. Seto chuckled and dropped the book with a bang, getting Diamond to jump. He inched his hand closer, making the coils of magic drag Diamond closer to Seto. Seto's eyes were trained on him, the wisps still there but more for intimidation.

Once Diamond was close enough did the bonds loosen, allowing his feet to be placed firmly on the ground. Seto may have been shorter than him by a couple of inches, but the sheer fact that he was in control made Diamond feel all so smaller. Seto stared him down for a few moments before twirling his finger. Almost all the coils left Diamond, all but the one around his neck and chest. Seto hummed in thought and tapped his cheek, a wicked (LOL) smile spreading across his face, making him seem much more darker and creepy.

(So I just realized its the fourth and I'm not mentally prepared to write smut but oh well hope you enjoy the downhill ride from this point)

Seto curled his finger to make the coil around Diamonds neck pull down so he was bending forward, now Seto's height (short bby). Their faces were centimeters apart, a Diamond could feel Seto's breath ghosting over his face.

"We're gonna have some fun."


I'm stopping here

Happy birth rubymoonrise


I had an anxiety attack when dealing with all these books and cut it short

What happens is up to the imagination.

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