Dear Future Me

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I want you to look back at all those years you've spent crying about stupid little things.
I want you to smile and shove it all in your pocket.
The past should be in the past by now.
Forget all the tears you cried,
I hope you finally opened yourself up to new people.
Forget the days you spent wondering if they were all lying to you and talking shit behind your back.
You made it
Your out.
No more worries
You can be free to be you as much as possible.
Just remember those friends that you loved so much that even after you had to let go...
You still held them to you heart.
I hope you are at peace.
I hope you are happy.
I hope you don't think that life is really crappy,
Hell I hope you finally got the courage to publish one of your books...
Because this was all that it took, a simple phrase:
You are not dumber than a box of rocks.

We proved him wrong and now we can stay strong.

                   ~Elizabeth Wessig 9-22-16~

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