I'm Your Shadow

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I wrote this in the point of view of depression. This was for my English assignment and I had to write about sorrow. I got an A+ on it. I wrote 3 poems...hope you enjoy this one.

Hold onto me my dear, I won't let you go
When someone says "I love you"
I'll comfort you the way I always do.
Don't hate me, I'm a part of you
If you don't believe it,
Look at your scars.
Your emotional ones my dear,
Not those on your body.
I'm permanently there for you to see
You hide behind a mask.
Don't show anyone how you feel
That only hurts you more and more.
Your like a star my dear, you shine
Yet you don't believe it.
You never did, did you?
Hold me close, I'm never leaving you side.

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