April [aglow]

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Tue. 25

Somehow I experience lots of emotions on the same day. Happy due to my high literature and English scores, frustrated as that of maths was the lowest. Loved as I spent time with my bf, we bought food, laughed, cheered, and learned,... Blue since time passes too rapidly, I will soon have to part with my friends.

All of a sudden, I came across old memories, and old photos, and I realized that this week is my birthday! A lot has happened, and a lot has changed within a single year: a new era with sub, endless studying, unforgettable trips, new people, new bf, new emotions, many first-times, many classes and work, many projects, many accomplishments, ...

I am deeply grateful for everything and everyone. I am truly living my days with people I love and I feel comfortable with. I would sooner offer my greatest thanks. For everything.

In this new age, much more is going to happen, and I will try my best to succeed this year. 15, for me, it's a milestone, and I will make this milestone aglow.

Fri. 28

Genuinely, today was kinda fun. I, together with 6 friends, or 8 off the top of my head, went to a café to study. We spent 2 periods there (roughly 100 minutes), and we didn't study much unfortunately:(( All the same, the most precious thing was the fact that we had a rare chance to gather and do something useful while still having fun. I have a short video about it, hope it will be retained for a long time in our minds.

Today I expected to get loads of gifts from my beloved, yet he didn't have enough (the delivery was postponed some times). Some of my friends gave me their gifts, some didn't. So I should wait till after the holiday.

Sun. 30
Yesterday was my birthday 🎂 I received plenty of wishes from my friends online, from my family, relatives,... I was over the moon when I saw their messages. The birthday cake was beyond my expectations! It was extraordinary and exotic, its taste was just wonderful! The T-shirt my cousin gave me was great, too, as well as other things such as facial washing, supplements,... This birthday is just so adorable 🥰

We headed our hometown, and the traffic was somewhat horrible. Congestion occurred everywhere, we needed to use bypasses. But yeah things were great!

Today we went to a farm nearby, and we had a ball! Lots of photos were taken, and yeah the farm was pretty in its own way, hopefully we will be able to return to this place, a more beautiful place.

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