April [you]

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Tue. 11

Today is such a special day. Nor because it was something neither it was someone stuff, it was the whole afternoon spending together.

Initially, I told my mom that I would stay at school to learn with my bestie, yet my bestie had her own arrangement today, hence I was alone. Genuinely, I spent time with my bf (I told him to stay with me and he readily agreed without any hesitation).

I successfully persuaded my mom that I was at class studying all alone and that was fine, but an issue hung over my bf. His mom told him off for not coming home after school, and she thought that my bf hung out with friends (without permission, obviously). We were panicked at first, then I instructed him that he had better assure his mom that he was studying with me and that was totally safe at class. Some photos were great evidence, maybe, and in the end, she agreed.

We studied a lot, not so productive, but acceptable. We didn't do anything wrong, therefore I wasn't so scared (except for our kisses, we virtually kissed in front of the camera, and they were kinda deep) :((

We always pray that nothing will be revealed

Fri. 14

Today my mom sold my bunk bed at a reasonable price, and tomorrow we will dismantle it so that the buyers can deliver it to their house. It's a good news, all the same, I can only spend 1 night more with my lovely bunk bed... it's gonna be emotional and memorable.

We always seek for huge love, and tend to take no notice of invaluable things around us. The same thing apply for this bed, it's been with me more or less 7 years, with lots of changes, ups and downs.

It witnessed my cries for my ex bf, it witnessed my growing up, it witnessed many nights I stay up late to learn maths, or English,... It's been here for a long time enough to create a deep impression, to etch into my heart a hole that can never been filled. Now it's on the verge of going away from me, forever, I just want to say thank you for being such a great bed, allows me to sleep soundly daily. This cozy corner is amazing, I am deeply indebted for you, my bed.

This moment reminds me of my old apartment and my old house in my hometown. Everything will be things of the past, but memories are eternal. We should appreciate every smallest things. Perhaps this life is too busy, too fast to document, but I hope that we will all treasure things we have.

Love you, bunk bed. You're such a loyal companion.

Sun. 16

Finally the bunk bed was dismantled! Now it's on the first floor, waiting for the transportation. My parents asked my uncle to help them bring its components down to the first floor, they were absolutely hefty. Then the whole 5 people had lunch, drank bear, ate grilled squids. After that, my father took me to the trial test center, and surprisingly, we were caught on the spot by the cops =)) My father drank alcohol, and his face was as red as chillies. He just had 2 bottles of beer, however, and was not intoxicated whatsoever. But the cops were kinda upset and strict, they have been holding the motorcycle ever since, as well as my father's driving license. What an experience on a test day!

The test was fine, of course I won't know the results till next weekend, but I found it much easier than other crazy tests such as CNN's or CSP's. Hope it will live up to my expectations. Speaking of expectations, I got several questions wrong just due to the s and no-s stuff =))

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