December - January [nostalgia and hopes]

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Mon. 26

Suddenly did I realize that this week is the end of 2022. How fast the time flies! This week is gonna be both harsh and serene so let's look forward to it, shall we?

Today I don't have to hit the school because we're preparing for tomorrow's examination. This opportunity has brought me some precious thoughts, and deep feelings. I felt the tranquility, existence, breath of my body, my house, and everything. I felt the briskness of time and the joy from small videos that are on youtube. I found myself calm and independent even when I'm alone. I loved every moments I was here, even when I wasn't productive whatever.

But I also cottoned on a truth: my trustees, my family, my best friends,... are vital. They bring me to the outside world, to many down-to-earth things, they assist me to be me. Without them, a day is dreary. Maybe I can live alone for a day, a week, but a month is next to impossible. This fact dawned on me: I'm not that introverted, I'm extroverted after all. I do admire the sluggish life of some vloggers who live alone in the countryside, make friends with the surroundings yet I can't be similar to them.

This truth, I believe, has revealed something inside me.

------- special --------

This is the final week of the year, so I'll summarize my year here:

January: I can't remember well, obviously, but I moved to my current house! Everything was kinda new, and my family was busy renovating and decorating the house for New Year. This time was also the month when I decided to pursue my specialized English pathway.

February: New Year if I'm not wrong. It bristled with elation and convertional. I was green with envy as I desperately wanted to be a gifted, excellent student. At that time, I still learnt via computers.

March: I first studied intensively English! I was a newcomer: did not know anything outside class lectures =)) but quickly did I conquer the massive amount of knowledge. Besides, we first went to school after 9 months staying at home. It was quite fun then, meeting old friends, ...

April: my birthday, although it is now rather blurry in my mind... But it was a blast for sure. There wasn't anything worth remember ;v genuinely...

May: the last month of my academic year. We were going to class consistently then, and dealing with lots of tests :(( but the final result turned out pretty well: 9.6 average. I also went on a 2-day trip with my school. We headed to a bay which was recognized by UNESCO. We unquestionably painted the town red!

June: a meal with my whole class and some more people at a faraway destination. I traveled to an island with my huge fam. We ate seafood, hopped on an electric cab several times a day, enjoyed a beach in which only my tiny fam swam, took photos and still learnt my lessons!

July: crazily did I come back to school =)) I had a month and a week (?) for summer. That was all. I dragged my body to school and started immersing in tons of homework and knowledge. Teachers began warning us about the importance of this senior year yet few students could comprehend what they were saying. btw, I had a brand new class, 3 times a week. It was a blast. I got to know many people, a brand new society where renowned rappers, dancers, and singers were in: hip hop.

Autumn: sun were shining crazily. I said goodbye to my appealing dance tutor, and seriously started learning.

September: A new academic year officially commenced. Do you believe me if I claim that I just studied for most of my time =))?

October: I made a small game for my family playing together, some letters,... it was my mom's birthday.

November: I continued my projects, applied for 1 club more, attended a meeting, an interview,... Did it for the extracurricular activities ;>>

December: extensively learnt all the subjects. I wrapped up 2 projects, and now still carrying on 1, maintaining other social stuff. Not really memorable but that's it!

of course I did more than I enumerated above, but I swear, what striking memories are all on the list. What's about next year??


Tue. 27

everything aside, I'm thinking only about the exam!

My dad, genuinely, really cares about my examination. Today my mom bought some eggs for tomorrow's breakfast, and he told her off! Do you know why? Because in my country, it's believed that eating eggs before an exam is unlucky as an egg's shape resembles number 0. My mother told me this accident and I was amazed, astonished =)) He cares about my affairs, hence, he wanted me to achieve my maximum scores without any hindrances.

My little brother is kinda adorable these days, though he's always like that idk =)) He reminds me of my futuristic children (yes my babies in the future and I'll be their mom omg). I've been wandering how to nurture kids successfully. I mean, if my child goes out of my control, I think I'll regret for the rest of my life =00 Therefore, I want to take care of my young bro, or at least witness his growth in order to make sure that bringing up my kids won't be something that's "novel" or "strange" or like that.

Update: Sun. 1
Lucky enough, I got relatively great results this final! We rehearsed kinda hard(?) for our performance for some periods, and in the fullness of time, we did well! Though there are some points that we are not satisfied, the overall product was a real merit! My photo of me and my companion speaking out at first was taken by a foreigner, which is absolutely ineffable! That was my first time on stage as an MC!

Happy new year!
I went to my hometown as usual, and I was the only person who stayed up late till midnight so as to welcome a new (and only) 2023! No resolution this year as everything that I'm doing has already been my long-term resolution. I received some new-year words from my schoolmates and classmates, esp, I went to the field to take some photos with my cousin! Accordingly, I changed some stuff on my social media account:3

Lots if memories these days! A year is ahead, let's fight for cheerful and satisfying times, girl!

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