July [knuckle down to studying again]

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Thu. 13

The title of this chapter has spoken volumes. As last week I went to my school so as to register some courses, I got this year syllabus. I will only have to study 8 subjects, more or less, but this year curriculum is totally brand new to me, and some lessons are definitely longer as well as harder. Accordingly, I made up my mind and got down to my study again. This year is gonna be far more stressful than ever, due to some reasons: firstly, I have to travel to school alone (and you should know that the traffic situation in my city is horrendous, and I have to travel 16 kilometers per day, and I'm not a master at riding my motorbike), secondly, new class, new mates, new teachers, new curriculum,... basically everything is new, and I need some time to adapt. Thirdly, competitive environment. I don't want to fall behind my classmates (everyone here is certainly gifted and intelligent), hence, I must run before them.

In a nutshell, I must study NOW, or else I'll regret this lengthy summer.

So to sum up my journey up to now, I have learned 3 lessons of mathematics, 3 lessons of literature, 4 lessons of physics, a bunch of IELTS practice exercises (this doesn't count much in terms of my "measuring up journey" but they're essential when it comes to particularly reading and listening). And I'm "warming up", getting ready, and start retrieving my lost knowledge of specialized English (pronunciation, difficult grammatical structures,...)

I'm so hectic, but I love this time. Being busy, productive is still far better than being bored of playing all day long.

I'm also up to my ears in extracurricular activities. I've been applying for some projects and you know, it's great fun yet grueling.

I'd be happy to update like this, so let's wait. I can assure you that in a near future, I'll have much more things to jot down!


Sat. 15

I just got so emotional and now I'm dying to write something as a reminder for myself and yourself.

I got a leader position at a club of my school! The Head of translation department. This is my very first leadership at an extraordinary club outside my classes, outside my schools. I've always considered these kinds of environments as a threshold, a preparatory step to equip me with needed skills. I want to succeed in my life, I want to control my future, have essential skills, improve myself, change my weaknesses into strengths, so I take the lead. I try distinctive roles, departments, bravely joined in clubs and projects just in order to ensure myself that: I'm great, I'm not inferior to anyone, to prove that: I can do it, don't be afraid. This is my very first step of my consecutive success in the future, and I want to give it a warm hug. I don't know what the future holds, but this chance gives me so much confidence and faith in my infinite possibilities. Thank you all for trusting me. I'll try harder to exceed your expectations in the future. Believe me, I can do it!

I also believe that you are amazing, so let's be brave and try, don't be idle, things will turn out to be fine.

by the way, today I'm firmly convinced by LOA and subs. I received 1 million (currency) from my grandma (not my mom's mom but she's my relative). She's so generous, I was taken aback by that. At the first glance, I saw inside the gift to find a notebook and an envelope. I thought it was intended to be given to my brother because today it's his birthday and he's sick. But while celebrating the birthday of my brother and my mom's mom, my relative gave it to me. I really appreciate it. I said thank you, but before I left the house, she told my mom that keep the envelope carefully and everyone was stunned. I went home, opened it and ... 1 million! omg i guess i should give away my documents to her daughter for money's sake.

i love you forever <333


Sun. 16

this morning I struggled yet had fun =)) after breakfast, my dad returned home first as he told me he would began operating the car, and I had to returned home by my bicycle to take the keys. I thought that we would go to my destined cafe together but no. When I had put the bike in my house, locked the doors carefully, I went out to realize that my dad was nowhere to be found =)) I panicked a bit, then called him. And guess what, he had intended to let me go on my own! We misunderstood each other, and therefore I returned home again, opened the doors, made up my mind and tried to pull out my motorbike. It was crazily heavy! I perspired profoundly after having pulled it out. So bad...

But after that, things ran like a clockwork. I arrived at the cafe 3 minutes earlier, ordered beverages, greeted some people, chatted about our schools,... Quickly did time reach 9.30 am, my mom informed me that I had to go to a nearby hospital because my little brother's conditions became worse, the doctors there kept him at their place. At that time, I didn't bring my sun coat, so I returned home, struggled with my motorbike again, took some stuff and hurriedly came to the hospital.

In the afternoon, I was at my grandma's house (at noon I and my dad ate there with other people), I got invited and went to a fair with my aunt. It was located at Complex 01, a lovely antique-styled place with open space and some compounds. There were dozens of stalls, shops, cafes, restaurants there. If you have plenty of money or a great outfit, you'll certainly love taking photos and shopping there. We bought 2 plates, ate a croissant, had 2 drinks, an ice cream, 2 key chains, 4 small cakes. They were costly yet of high-quality. After all, I did not bring my own money so I just ate, didn't bring anything for my family and myself. This was such a rare opportunity to explore a new place! I'm grateful for the whole Sunday! Thank y'all!

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