March [a new lease of life]

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It's been 2 weeks since the last time I jotted down some words for this diary. There are 2 reasons for this absence: first, I was idle, I admit that. Somehow I just procrastinated this comeback and thought that "oh that's fine". Second, I was up to ears about my studies, but this reason is not truly correct because I still could have spared more or less 10 minutes per day to write.

I offer everyone and myself an abject apology.

Nonetheless, now I have come back! 2 weeks have flied with so many events and special moments. The exuberance of the 8th of March is still etched in my heart and my mind. I received a present from my bf. At the first glance, I was amazed because he gave me a Pandora's box, which cost a great deal of money for one. But he admitted frankly that it was not a real Pandora's box. It was still fine, however, at least he is the first person, male one, in this world who gave me a present on this international day for women.

As of my present state, I'm preparing kind of hard for next week, as well as next month exam. The real battlegrounds are in front of me, and I must do something. We are bound to have a 2-day vacation to SS beach, and I want to use that week to prepare, as everyone thinks about playing and partying. Hope I can conquer my brain on those crucial days =))

Today is normal as other days. My mom went to a beauty clinic to treat her lip with something idk, we ate noodles this noon, breathed a new life into our small house, ordinary day.

Suddenly did I think about motivation, just a few minutes ago. I posed a question for myself "Why I've been pushing this hard? Why I've endeavored to study so brilliantly?" And an answer emerged form the bottom of my head "Study abroad"

Abruptly I reminisced those good old days, when I first watched C's videos, I made up my mind and made very first steps to pursue this long journey. She inspired me by having accomplished high IELTS levels, obtained a full-ride scholarship, then boarded to the US. Myself at that time also wanted to do that, and therefore I tried. I made every effort to progress, advance and advance.

Doubtlessly, there are times when I stop to ponder "Why?" and I look for answers. And the term "study abroad" always ignites my hidden passions, amazingly. This time is one of that. I treasure it.

Even though the more I grow up, the more I comprehend how arduous it is to get a scholarship, let alone a full-ride one. Nevertheless, if she could do it, so could I. Even if every wishes of mine doesn't come true, the path I've chosen is never inaccurate and uncertain.

After all, my life is still long ahead, and I will grow up every single day. I would rather keep this virtual diary here, let it watch me grow. A big adventure starts with tiny steps and falls. Keep your chin up! I believe that one day I will fly to another faraway land and write fascinating pages.

a small corner to nurture hope and self esteem. with love. with lots, lots of love.

Wed. 15

Any day can be a milestone, so can today! I was suddenly in the mood to learn about finance, stock markets, etc. I went to YouTube, searched for them, and loads of invaluable information came in. I cottoned on the fact that I can become a gorgeous, mature woman, a millionaire in the future!

Thu. 16

A day has rolled by! I just study, swot up on the coming exam. Of course I also play a lot, took some photos in an effort to prepare for my future files, and edited a whole video about my pretty face:00

Time flies so quickly and hurriedly. May we all treasure each and every moment.

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