March - April [having a ball]

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Thu. 30

I cannot believe that today is Thursday. I mean, indeed Wattpad slipped out of my mind:(( Whatever it was, I wanna sum up my days!

I have prepared for this weekend trip: green hair, hair straightener, clothes, crop tops (my besties insisted on my wearing tops), pair clothes with my bf (idk whether he remembers to put our clothes into his bag or not), ... Obviously I have not done yet, but it makes me in high spirits, as if tomorrow I would go on a vacation! To tell the truth, this whole week I have to sail through 2 tests at class, and next week at least 1 final-term test =))

Everyone is preparing for their stuff, too, and I wanna grasp this chance to study hard! Yesterday my mom found out me burning the midnight oil at 12:30 and she was upset. She concerned, undeniably, but I can manage that. Genuinely, I still have some homework to be finished up, and I really must double down on learning incessantly:((

I and my bf have some ups and downs these days; nonetheless, everything is fine now (?) After all, I do have affection for him and vice versa, and I want to "burn" this love this weekend. From the outset, I wanted to drink some alcoholic beverages with him (we would have to hide), but it seems that he can't buy them (online shopping is a bit rushing, and we are not allowed to drink wine). As a result, I made up my mind: we will drink normal things, that's all. No "out of bounds", no hideaways,...

I think now I had better learn literature or English. Bye ~


To tell the truth, everything happened these 2 days is just a bit overwhelming.

We arrived at a shrine first in the morning. I woke up early, got ready and my father took me to school by our car. It was drizzling and I didn't wear uniform! I thought everyone wouldn't wear because I just understand them: they disobey almost all the rules. But to my great surprise, they DID wear uniforms ... I was left out, yet luckily I had my bf who wore 2 layers of uniform: jacket and shirts, hence I borrowed his jacket and pulled the zip to cover everything. And we had a great time at the shrine, it was holiness-laden. I really enjoyed the surroundings of the shrine, the architecture with curved roofs, ... We also had some amazement when a boy in class T had a crush (?) on my closed friend, though she had had a boyfriend already.

Then we came to the restaurant to have lunch, and got to SS beach! I did expect the villas to be gorgeous and spacious, but it was too simple and minimalistic. We, at first, went to the wrong one, and we had a quarrel to get 2 rooms on the third floor. Well, as usual, the whole class never get on well with each other. That's why when we went to the beach for team games, we just sat there and did nothing. The girls (with the exception of my group) even didn't sit, they strolled around and played with other people. Of course I did hang out with my bf, we talked and chased. It would have been so fun if my bf hadn't slipped and bled. I had to gave him some first aid bandage and I was extremely worried! His toe was obviously in bad condition and he intended to keep me in the dark. Yeh, the first time I worry about a boy, truly.

And we put makeups on, took a shower, got ready for the night. I can tell you, lots of people in my school, they just look forward to this night, this party, when they wear their uttermost magnificent outfits, dresses,... hang out with friends, take nice photos,... I also "glowed up", and I swear my green hair was so discernible. I was kinda panicked when I cottoned on the fact that people just looked at my hair, my face, guessed who I was and talked about my hair. But I bought them with 20 (currency) and they suited me so well. I went on with the hair, and yes. Memorable.

At night I became kinda tired, one reason is that I initially jumped and danced to the beat, one greater reason is that I was reprimanded by my teacher for getting on the coach late. I became so unhappy ever since. I tried to had some time with my bf, which now I wish I had tried a bit more =)) We did nothing but hug, chat and kiss, as I had promised him to do this. The first time kissing someone, not a fleeting kiss, but we did a bit more than that. Memorable.

The next day we went to a Christian church, which was so so so so elegant and exactly similar to what you see in illustrations! The holy site was far better than any church I had ever been, with its ceiling covered by famous arts of European artists in the 18th (?) century or something like that. The windows were nice with colorful crystals, there was a statue (idk whether it is called a statue or not) of Jesus. The exterior was elegant with gray color. Overall, I would rate this church 10/10 points if there was a poll.

Eventually, we came home, with exhaustion =)) everyone did want to go more, I would decline that offer (if there was one), because my mood didn't support that. any way, it was the last time I went on a trip with my school, and with lots of new experience, it will undeniably of significance.

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