May [hanging over the sky]

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Fri. 12
Genuinely it's been a long time since I last wrote an entry in this diary.

I have been preparing for this week test, and well, I am not really ready? I'm not sure. But I was scolded by my head teacher for staying with my bf though there was not my fault entirely and my bestie was there too. I hit the roof after she had gone =)) I spent time with my bestie in the hope of having some last great time with her.

We have tried new way of having lunch! It was not so horrible yet fairly apt for us as we can choose our seats.

Sun. 14

Today I took a mock test in English, hope it was fine. Compared to the last one, I think this time was harder than last time, so I do not expect high scores you know. But it was a real experience, and I can feel a bit of the intensity of the test which takes place on 12th of June. I am really looking forward to that day, that important day.

I am desperate to take a test (as soon as possible? Who knows) as I am fascinated by all amusing events ahead. Some trips to the beach, buying a new motorcycle, hanging out with friends, ... but the first and foremost is becoming a lqd's student.

Let's fight! I believe I can do it!

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