November [changing twilight]

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Sun. 6th

Today's supposed to be a relaxing day, for many people, but I have felt so many strange yet familiar feelings... As usual, I attend my English class, and we did a test. The result turned out to be rather good. I was exhilarated and thought about exercises that I have done well, and reading parts that I wholly needed to improve.

After that, I cooked lunch, spent time on YouTube, and then came back to my studies. While doing homework, I was listening to Case Closed OST (the bride of Halloween) and it was unbelievably beautiful! The sounds were moving, thrilling, and ethereal. What an unforgettable soundtrack! In the wake of that emotional flow, I chose to savor my playlist. Many memories passed by, and I just let my imagination run wild. I dreamt of a day, standing amid the meadow, gazing at the stars; I dreamt of a day, I go to Japan, and Europe to romanticize my life...

Though I did regret my wasteful time watching films in English, from some aspects, they're worth it: I felt and conquered my rich imagination after nearly a year. For a long time hadn't written, read, or anything innovative, but now I come back to the route with the hope to develop and express myself. Though a lot has changed, I've changed as well, my ability, ideas, and flair are still there waiting to be exploited.

Some last words, I've tried to learn Japanese and it's arduous indeed :) I'll try my best to be a polyglot!


Mon. 7th

Workload today. I have so much stuff to learn in order to surpass other people and achieve the highest scores in my decisive exam. Just so many things to finish :( my to-do list is becoming a place of queuing tasks... But don't worry, I'll definitely wrap them up this weekend.

Nothing really interesting happens today, unfortunately. I recorded some videos for my upcoming YouTube videos and I browsed some old photos in my phone's library. Ah! This morning I ate paté bread after a long time! It tasted delicious and aromatic and brought back memories of an old diner that sold mainly sandwiches. The bread was cheap then, now each loaf of bread rises to 15 thousand dongs, criminally expensive.

So perhaps I'd better cease here. I need to come back to my studies :3


Tue. 8th

A pretty ... normal day. Literature aside, everything is fine and somewhat beyond my expectations. My class is gonna have hot pots next week, but my friends and I aren't really hooked on the notion of sitting and eating and chatting with them :/ I voted not to attend that meal, and so did some of my friends.

The whole class is looking forward to the upcoming trip to Mai Chau. They're planning out tons of stuff from clothes to cosmetics to food to snacks to what I have no idea. I asked my friends to buy some snacks that they liked and they agreed. I'll drop in a grocery to get some. Yeah but it's the story of some other days, not today.

Thu. 10th

Yesterday I forgot to put some lines down here. Today my class are preparing for November 20th. It's just a "teacher day" indeed, but some students are exaggerating matters. They planned out decorations, balloons, gifts,... without consulting anyone, then, ironically, they compelled everyone to hand over money, 10 thousand each, for the class stuff.

I was pissed off. They did not have any sense of cooperation! They literally did everything based on their takes, which is disconcerting.

Annoyance aside, today is a fine yet polluted day. It's a little bit more smoky and overcast than other days. I want to escape to Mai Chau to breathe fresh air :((

Perhaps that's all for today. Buenas tardes!

Fri. 11/11/22

Such a beautiful date, isn't it? Today I feel like I'm more productive and prolific than other days. I read and reviewed some pages of "If I wish I knew when I was 20". I'm mulling over issues around my YouTube "career" and endeavoring to seek a solution for them. This book is just too high-end to appreciate.

I received my history result! I got the third prize of CG district! I learnt everything from scratch and I spent more than a month to complete all the stuff. Hard work paid off, absolutely. I got the triumph, as I pushed beyond my old boundaries, as I dared to challenge myself. I'm so grateful and proud that no word can describe utterly my feelings. Can't wait to announce it to everyone and bring the prize home.

My class wrapped the 20-11 decorations up! They glued the balloons, words, flags all over the room. The colors are good, but the only problem is that they're kinda oversized. They don't really match the small wall of our class. Anyway, ornamentation is worth celebrating. Also I need to thank them for buying and preparing these stuff, irrespective of annoying side stories.

Perhaps this is enough hah :3 c u soon ! Hasta luego


Sat. 12

I had a dinner with my relatives at my grandparents' house. I helped my aunt and my mom wrapped spring rolls, pillow cakes. I served the meal and enjoyed it with my beloved family, became stuffed with food. Simple as the dinner was, it ranks among one of the most pivotal activities of my whole week. The assembly unites everybody, opens an opportunity to care about people who will care for me in perpetuity. Simultaneously, it recharges the energy in me, fortifies my strength, benevolence and hope.

As for school, I got on pretty well with it. I think we ought to set these stories apart. I'm just so grateful for today, for the weather, the meal time, my mates, my breath and me.

Thank you for a week. With many distinctive feelings.

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