November [new routine]

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Mon. 21
Genuinely, I don't really have a new routine, just because...

My favorite subs have been all deleted from YouTube! This is too shocking for me to believe and get over! Subs are my favorite music that I listen while sleeping, they heal my brain, my soul and my heart. Without them, I'll feel so despondent:( Absolutely, I can substitute eliminated subs with others, but my fav ones have accompanied and helped me for a long time and I am just engrossed in them :( Omg, this time is not the first time. Earlier this year, a whole series of fabulous subs were also deleted by YouTube! I feel so sorry for subs makers as their hundred-thousand-subscriber channels have gone. I found new subs to stand up for old ones, hope I can get on with them.

Today, many graduated students came back to my school to met old teachers. Groups of students dressed in cool uniforms of renowned schools are my dream now:) Next year I also want to come to my current school to meet my teachers. It must be proud to do so, since only successful and brilliant students have enough courage to return.

Tue. 22

I was taken photos by my school media department! All of the students who received brilliant prizes from district competition had that privilege. The media department longed to appreciate and compliment us, so they did that. We were taking photos tranquilly and the drum suddenly pierced that serenity. Loads of students from nearby classrooms rushed out and looked at us curiously, which is kinda awkward. Hence, we put off till the following period. My photos were incredibly glamorous and shiny. They were beyond my expectations, clear, full of lights. Nonetheless, in all those photos, I closed my eyes as I was laughing so bad :D anyway, I will have rather pretty photos to show off!

Thu. 24

Yesterday I was snowed under deadlines from school and clubs, hence, today I'll write all the stuff that have been going on.

First things first, World Cup! The whole globe is shaken by the heat of this supreme championship. If I didn't have heaps of homework, I would go to the living room to watch football matches with my dad. My classmates dare to play "gamble", they guess which teams will win. Everyone is thrilled to read and observe each and every matches. my dad and other boys that I know, they stay up through night to stimulate their favorite teams. I just love this heat of football! It feels like the whole world is getting closer, notwithstanding the physical distance. Everyone is connected by an invisible string - soccer. I'm kinda exhilarated when talking about World Cup!

Also, owing to World Cup, I've had an opportunity to discover more about new lands and people, such as Qatar, Uruguay, Korea,... there're a number of countries that I barely know. I fancy exploring other culture and people, you know.

Suddenly, I remember that this time is near Christmas! Omg, today my class listened to some Christmas songs and I imagined me playing with snow, decorating Christmas trees,... My imagination ran wild and it gave me a strong feeling and a fortified drive as well. I must obtain a scholarship, then go overseas, go to a non-tropical destination, and enjoy my dream time. How lovely winter in Western is!

Btw, I'm hesitating so hard. Should I enroll in the Russian language at my dream school? If I apply for Russian course, I'll have to get on with it for 3 years, and I also should do something related to this language. I'm afraid that my parents would object to this option... I think about choosing this because to get into Russian class requires less scores than English class, while both class have to be dealt with the same test. And that test is crazily arduous...

What to choose now? :((

Fri. 25

Lots of stuff is going on. Early this morning, I received some complements from my head department, from my club's President. I was over the moon as I had been shy away from showing off my History accomplishment. And guess what, I was obtained 300 thousand (pls let me refuse to divulge the currency), the same amount of money that my school faculty gave me a week earlier. At first my lecturer declared that if I had the 4th or 3rd prize, he would give me 200 thousand for real. And he increased 50% of that, which makes me feel really grateful and proud. As a result, I've got 600 altogether and I can confidently pay for 2 extra lessons. Love this news:3

Another good thing is that I got my expected results! Last week I took a full IELTS mock test, and my results are not really bad, though I could do better. I got 7.0 in Listening (that's my real ability, so I don't have any quarrels about it) yet only 6.5 in Reading. My Rea score could have been higher if I had read the instructions thoroughly. They said I had to write A, B, C in lieu of "eco"; however, I wrote "eco" in my answers sheet. Had I done exactly what they had told me, I would obtain 7.0 in Rea. For Writing section, another tragedy happened. Task 1, which is much easier than task 2, turned out to be the inferior. Overall, I got 5.5 for Writing, and I am rather content with my exertion on task 2. I've just acquainted with task 2 stuff for, actually, less than a month. However it is, I really need practicing more.

That's all for an informative day!


Sat. 26

Today I spared a little amount of time watching natural world on television. I've heard a lot about the discovery program on TV yet I hadn't watched them till today. I got to know more about ants' hard-working life, saw how they lay their eggs, saw a snail gave birth to more or less 5 eggs in a hole in a foreign garden. I observed some rabbits which ate lettuce. Abruptly, I realized how sensational tiny cameras are! I'm grateful because thanks to those high-end lenses, we can explore fully our vast globe. These programs can be found on TV and the Internet, remember to tune in! I recommend watching National Geographic, or if you are rather busy, you can listen to Discovery's podcast. They raise our awareness of environmental issues so please be engaged in these meaningful events.

A side story: today I "over ate" dinner but somehow I lay on the bed instead of walking around. Now, at midnight, my stomach gets on my nerves, hence, I'm standing to type these lines. (Standing and moving, especially walking has an enormous impact on relieving and reducing full bellies!)


Sun. 27

Today is just a lovely weekend as other days. I have Really nothing to tell about ...

But next week it's gonna be happier and more exciting! Really looking forward to document-laden nights:)

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