Cupid Love

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Once upon a time there is a girl who always wishes to have a prince but too bad devil  put a spell on her only gentleman will break that spell, The kinds of this spell is to not to shout or scream to older ages no matter what and to obeys her orders . When she grows up she was the beautiful girl and she was stunning. Everyone in her neighborhood loves her and they are so kind and sweet and mostly generous towards her.

Every morning, she gets up from bed and goes to the bakery to get some delicious bread for her father unfortunately, her mother died when she was 6 years old. She loves to go to the river to the feed animals.

4 months later,

Her father decided to go to another town to get some money to bring her sweet fancy gifts but she was sad, depressed, worried, terrified, and lonely, broken. She says: "Okay Papa" .take care comes back in winter because I will miss you *she leaned kisses his cheeks but a tear fills her eyes*...

Winter comes,

She went and waits next to the door for her father but something unexpectable happened ,Her father didn't come she feels something have just happened ,later she heard that her father died this due by storm of wind while he was returning to his home.

She was crying for ages ......

One year later,

The devil mother came in with 2 step sister names

· Katie

· Rebecca

Isabella was shocked standing next to door carrying in her basket cheese, bread, jam.

Katie and Rebecca took that basket and try to ruin it but the devil mother stops them immediately.


Isabella: "Who are you?"

Devil: I'm your step-mother "

Isabella: 'I don't have another mother I only have my mother which died years ago.

Devil: 'Your poor father he marry me he told me a lot about you but I wasn't satisfied thank god he die because I don't love him (Devil laugh).

Isabella:*she cries*

End of conversation

Isabella she runs every night from house because the step devil mother treats her cruelly and she never let her to eat she sleeps next to river where her animals protect her and brings her food she was safe but in the same time she was broken.

The next morning ,she saws a prince she didn't know it's a prince so she decided to sing just for moments .The prince hear beautiful voice but he is lost where that voice come from so he steps closer-closer until he founds her .

Isabella looks at him for 4 minutes and asks him: "What do you want "she says. The princes: "Nothing you have an incredible voice". *Isabella smiles*.


I: What's your name?

P: I'm Henry what about you?

I: Calls me Isabella

P: Such a beautiful name just like you.

I: *Thank you*, what are you doing her

P: I'm a prince so I need to smell nice air and check the condition in this town.

I: I'm so—sorry I didn't know, she stands up and bow to him with word saying: "With all my respect forgive me".

P: *he smiles*

End of conversation

Every moment they go out do picnic have fun and have blast day of her life she ever forget that's she is living with her devil step mother she doesn't care anymore she was the happiest girl in the world .Isabella return to her home she found that devil step mother yelling screaming and shouting she even locked her in the room she was just crying she never stop.

Unfortunately, the prince was following her because he wants to tell her that he loves her he saws everything so the next morning he call the bodyguard to break that door .The devil step mother and 2 step sister reaction was: "Who are you to enter and break someone door without our permission" *GET OUT IMMEDITELY *

He says :"I'm the prince you don't have the right to treat her like this so she has the right to do whatever she wants on you when I marry her you all will obeys her orders if you all don't then I prefer to rotten yourself in the jail.

The devil mother and two step sisters: "Yes Sir!"

The prince and princess Isabella got married and the step mother and the two sisters where the nannies of cleaning and cooking .Isabella spell was broken she lives with the most beautiful handsome prince. Princess Isabella and the prince they both did mature thing and she gets pregnant she even love the way *he kisses' her on the lips she was getting sweet love butterflies *and what is the cuties thing when *he kisses' her on the cheeks and forehead whenever she wakes up in the morning*. The prince was dirty loll anyhow every morning he *kisses' her neck where she just feels weak *and He loves her when *she smiles*....

After 7 months,

Princess Isabella gets a cute girl; she even names her on the name of her mother (Katie).

They both lives like happily ever after ..........

The end 

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