Fake Friends 💔

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Have you ever get that feeling when you tried so hard for them but they didn't valued it trust me those who value everything who gave them are the real ones I don't know who is real or who is good but I know that those are good will do anything to hangout with you even if you are in  problems they solved it for you.

They never judge you on who you are they always understand your estimation and how several times you tried for them  They have time with you they come home seeing you because they love you they will never leave you because you make them feel happier.

I don't know how to start my story or how to express it but I know I tried enough to make my life better but it's seems all my whatsapp just based on  the fact that some girls can't meet me I don't know why.

I only need friend one best friend who loves me who care about me Ik I have that man but I know true best friend love hanging out with me she do anything for you.

Fake friends are nothing but they hurt you several times until you feel bad about everything.

I don't know if I could understand fake friends or real friends. All my life based on same problems I solve something they banned me like I'm not even existing..

What shall I do?
I wish I have real friends who call me text me cares about my feelings but seem I'm the one who is  real they  want to hurt me.

Let start about my story.

I was thinking all my life today every morning that will I ever find someone who loves me I don't mean boyfriend I mean best friend true best friend who always struggles her life to see me will I ever found her or I'm just imaginating it.

Have you tried all ur best to make her happy but seem she didn't do anything back to you?

Will you ever think that all ur friends in social media are the same fake no one is real?

Trust me you willnot know who is real who is fake but the one is real stay with forever forever forever forever forever.... Until you die she will be by ur side no matter how time was tough she come to grave seeing you out a red rose for you.

But fake only for limit of time they don't care ur pain or ur feelings they cares about how u help them in every problems they don't damit shit about you all they care was and you solve everything they don't care if u are happy sad but once solve them they vanished from your life.

I can't believe I say everything about fake friends it's seem I been through experience that I actually loved it.

Real friends stay real
Fake friends stay bitches in the end.

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