Diary of Syaoran the Rabbit

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Day 1

Dear Diary,

I got my own diary five days ago! Someone dropped it in my cage by accident! It took another three days for them to drop a pencil in here, and it took me two days to learn how to write so I can start writing my own diary! I still haven't learned how to read yet, so I wonder what am I writing. Anyway, I think I'll start with an introduction! My name is...hm...wait, I don't have a name yet! I don't have an owner! I still live in the pet store...;_; I wonder when will people be coming in and buy me, I bet that it would be the happiest day of my life!!

 ~A no name rabbit

Day 2

Dear Diary,

A girl was staring at me today. She is cute, but her stuffed animal is not, it jumped out of her bag and kept referring me as "the kid". I wonder who that is? That sure was some strange stuffed animal, it talks and flies too. But the girl sure was nice, I think she said something like I look like her boyfriend. I wonder if she will buy me? She left sadly today, I don't think she has enough money. Maybe if I write a sale sign and stick it to my back, she will buy me! Hm...note to self: get tape.

P.s. Note to self #2: Learn how to read.

~Still a no name rabbit

Day 3

Dear Diary,

I was writing a sale sign on my back, and added an extra zero on my price. Since zero means nothing, adding a zero to my price is bound to make me cheaper so that girl can buy me! Anyway, I didn't find normal tapes, but I did get my paws on some duct-tapes. I hope I won't pull my fur off when I have to take the sign off. The girl kinda got surprised when she saw the price on my back, I guessed adding a zero didn't make me cheaper, I'll try a one next time! She peeled off a bit of my fur when she ripped the sign off of my back secretly, that hurt really, really bad! She bargained and she bargained and she bargained. I guess she must really love me! She bought me with a price of "free" dollars! I guess that means I'm free! Yeah! I have an owner! And she told me her name is Sakura, and she gave me a name too! I am named after her boyfriend. Now I'm call Syaoran the Rabbit!! Yippi~Hm...I wonder what Syaoran looks like?? Maybe as handsome as I am!

~Syaroan the rabbit

Day 4

Dear Diary,

I never knew having an owner was such a happy thing! She bought me a new cage, gave me tons and tons of carrots that I'd never, ever go starving! Everything was fine except for two things...Sakura's brother gave me this mean look when he saw me! He looks like he was going to eat me! Ah! What if he will?? And Kero never gets his eyes off of my carrots! What should I do~??

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 5

Dear Diary,

This morning, Sakura brought me out of my cage, and all the way to the shelf in the kitchen. I traveled for five metres! Wow! This is the second longest trip I've ever gone to! (The longest trip was from pet shop to here) Anyway, Sakura showed me the picture of "Syaoran"! He looks handsome. I should've figured he would look as good as I am. We are sooooo charming. Kero kinda got boring as Sakura told me stories of "Syaoran". Wow! He lives in Hong Kong! I wonder where that is? It could be close to the pet shop, maybe even further...like ten metres further. Whoa...that's gonna be far. Hm...I know! I'll look at a map and see where Hong Kong is! Since Sakura misses him so much, maybe I'll visit him someday!

P.S. Note to self: Learn how to read a map.

P.S.S. Note to self#2: Learn how to read, so I can read what's on the notes to self

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 6

Dear Diary,

This house is full of weirdos, I tell you! Today Sakura's dad tried to give me a bath! I tried to hide, but the only place I can hide behind is my water bottle. He found me right away, I backed up till I can't back up any further. God, can't this guy take a hint? I DON'T WANT A BATH! Why didn't Sakura try to stop him? Why did she just stand and watch and laugh?? Doesn't she love me anymore? Her dad got me, and put me into a sink full of hot water! He scrubbed me so hard, that I thought my whole fur coat would come off! Then when he finally got me out of the sink, he shot me with this gun that shoots hot air!! That was torture, torture I tell you!!!!

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 7

Dear Diary,

I got mad at Sakura because she let me get tortured yesterday. I went to the corner of my cage and ignored her for a whole six minutes. She kinda got the idea that I was mad, and picked me up. I thought she was going to torture me again, so I struggled and struggled. Instead she brought me up to her room, and played with me for the whole afternoon. She gave me a big piece of carrot, and patted me as I ate it. We had fun all day, she let me play with her rabbit stuffed animals, and she fooled around with my tail. I had so much fun, that I forgot what I was mad at her for! Hm...why was I mad again?? (Look back at previous page's picture since still can't read) Oh yeah! She let me get tortured!! How could she?? Oh well, I forgive her.

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 8

Dear Diary,

Sakura's friend was a weirdo...she was absolutely freaked when she saw me! I know my handsomeness has that effect on some people, but she was totally obsessed with me!! I mean, she even put a big bow on me and video taped me all day! What is the deal with that?? I'm a guy! What good does a bow do on me???? Sakura, you should've never told your friend about me. The next thing I know, she could be putting me in a puffy dress~!! This is the last time I'm going to meet someone that's related to Sakura!!

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 9

Dear Diary,

Sakura was carrying me around and playing with me as usual, when suddenly, her dad came in and gave her this letter. She looked at the letter, and her eyes glew as bright as the light bulb above my cage! She dropped me, and danced around the kitchen. Not only did she dance, she jumped around the house, acting like a rabbit herself. She would make a good rabbit. Then she apologized to me about dropping me, and brought me to her room to read the letter. It was a letter from Syaoran! No wonder she's so happy! She read it to me out loud, he used hard words, I didn't understand half of the letter...She read it again and again and again...I lost count around the fifth time(Can't count higher than 5). Hm...I wonder when will he send the next letter?

P.S. Note to self: Learn how to read fast, so I can see what Syaoran wrote, and learn how to count higher than 5!

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 10

Dear Diary,

Kero and I had a HUGE fight today! Sakura was giving us carrot cake for snacks, and we were all enjoying it happily and peacefully until we reached the last slice. Kero and I headed for it at the same time. We glared at each other for a whole five seconds, then Sakura left the room because of the tension between me and Kero. We started fighting for it. First we had a rock, scissors and paper battle. Then we went into staring contest. Kero won the first round. I couldn't help it! Kero looks so funny when he puffs his cheek! We were going to do wrestling when Sakura's brother came in. Kero pretended to be a stuffed animal. I followed him and pretended that I'm a stuffed animal, then I remember I don't have to pretend! I was diving for the cake when Sakura's brother said. "Mm...carrot cake." He picked up the cake and left! How dare he!! Not without a staring contest!!

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 11

Dear Diary,

I thought Sakura's friend was weird. But Touya's friend was even weirder! Sakura and Touya invited him over for dinner, he finished SIX plates of pasta!! While Sakura went to the kitchen to get his dessert, he saw me, and started staring at me with these horrible eyes! He looked like he was going to eat me! Then he reached into my cage, I thought he was going to eat me for sure, so I covered myself under my paws. Instead, he went for my carrot! Okay pal, eating me is one thing, but taking my carrot? You're messing with the wrong rabbit!! I was going to bite him when Sakura came to the rescue and gave him the whole cheeze cake for dessert. He happily let go of the carrot, and Sakura introduced him to me. This is one nutty house...

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 12

Dear Diary,

Everyone left for work/school today, and I thought it might be another boring day for me when Kero came to my cage and asked me if I want to play video games with him. He lifted me out of my cage and flew me up to Sakura's room. He introduced me to this thing called game system. All he did was press a button, and the box on top of it suddenly lid up. He taught me how to play it, and we played "Smash Brothers". I chose this thing that looks like a rabbit; it says "Pikachu" everytime I use it to do moves. Then I found out that it was no good against Kero's ballon looking dude, so I used someone with a sword and elf ears. I won! I won! Just when Kero was calling for a rematch, Sakura came back! Kero picked me up, and threw me back into my cage. (It hurts!) You just see Kero, I'll defeat you anytime!

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 13

Dear Diary,

Sakura took me out and we traveled again! We went on a big car filled with people! She said it's call public transportation, whatever the heck that is...She said we were going to see someone special! I was looking forward to it until I actually saw where she was taking me...I was in this place with a lot of animals that screamed and yelled...it sounded like someone was torturing them...and you know what? Someone was torturing...When it was my turn, I was shaking. A lady in white coat came to me, shot lights into my eyes, did something to my ears, and worst of all, poked me with a needle!! What did I do to deserve this?? Why did Sakura take me here? Am I a bad rabbit?? Is she punishing me?? First Kero and Touya picked on me, then I get tortured by Sakura's dad, then Tomoyo put a bow on me, and then someone tried to eat me and my carrot. I can take all of those, but now THIS?? There's a limit to one's...ah...limit!

Note to self: LEAVE HOME!!! NOW!!!

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 14

Dear Diary,

As much as Sakura loves me, and I love her, I cannot live in this place any longer...;_; I've had enough torturing as it is, and can't stand anymore of it! I've packed a simple luggage of the most important things I need (water, carrot,and of course, my diary), and piled all the wood pulps in my cage to a corner to build a staircase that helps me escape. I'm on my own now. Good-bye, Sakura; good-bye,Kero; good-bye, Touya, I sure won't miss you. Good-bye sad world, and helloooooooooo freedom!!

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 15

Dear Diary,

I'm free! Yeah! Freedom smells so good...no wait, that's the smell of someone's barbecue next door, never mind. But I'm free!! Yeah!! The first thing I'll do is going to be...hm...I never thought of that. Let's see, what's the most free thing you can do when you're free...? I know! I'll run around for as far as I want! (Drop diary and ran around) (Huff...puff...) It's too tiresome...I'll skip that...Hm...what's the next most free thing? I know! I'll eat carrots whenever I want! Wait, don't I do it already before I'm free?? This is harder than I thought...oh well! I guess being out here under the sun is free enough! ^w^

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 16

Dear Diary,

I've fallen in love! With the most beautiful creature I've ever seen in my short, little life! I was sleeping near a bush today; when I heard noise, I got up and looked around. And there she was...standing there in the middle of the lawn...a pinkish wild rabbit...licking her paw...oh how much would I pay to be that paw she was licking! I want to get to know her...but how can I ever do it?

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 17

Dear Diary,

I have thought of the perfect plan to meet that lovely rabbit! first, I'll give her my carrot (hey, everyone loves carrots!) Then she'll be so thankful, that she'll fall in love with me!! This has to work for sure! What a perfect plan; what a perfect girl; what a perfect carrot! Yeah! I'm gonna get a girlfriend!! I'll carry out the plan tomorrow!! Oh~I can't wait!!

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 18

Dear Diary,

When I was about to give that lovely rabbit the carrot today, I couldn't find her. But when I did, I found that a wild cat was attacking her! So I did the unthinkable...I bit the cat's tail to save my lover!! Big mistake! The cat changed its target, and chased me around!! I ran, and I ran, until I couldn't see that pinkish rabbit anymore. The cat caught me, and scratched me on the face!! It really, really hurt!! I ran some more. Finally, I reached an alley; I turned into it and hid behind a garbage can. The cat couldn't find me, so it left me alone. This is the worst day ever...;_; I even dropped my carrot that I was going to give that lovely rabbit! Wah~ What am I going to do...??

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 19

Dear Diary,

The most amazing thing happened today!! This morning I was hurt and alone when I was hiding under a tree in the park. Just then, the lovely rabbit came up to me! She brought the carrot I dropped, saying that she would return it to me because she saw me drop it yesterday. She also said that she was here to say thank you for protecting her, even though it was obvious to her that I could never defeat that wild cat.(I don't know whether I should be thankful or mad about that) She saw the scratch on my face and felt sorry for me. That was when the amazing thing happened: She licked me gently on my wound!! I almost passed out!! It was sooo sweet, sooo tender...She even said that she would be my friend!! It's so good to be alive!!

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 20

Dear Diary,

After the lovely rabbit came to visit me, she stayed with me all the time. Now we're traveling together! I told her my name; but when I asked for hers, she told me she didn't have a name. She asked me to give her a name. Since she looks a little like my old owner Sakura, I've decided to call her Donna! (Don't ask me why) She didn't like that name, so I just called her Little Sakura, since she's little. She liked that name, so she happily kept it. She asked me about my past and my owner. I told her all about it; how Kero picked on me, how Touya picked on me, and how all the torturing occurred...it was sad. Little Sakura told me that I shouldn't have ranaway, even if there was a lot of "torturing". She said it was lucky to have an owner for she has never had an owner that loved her in all of her life...Hmm...I wonder if that's true, should I've not ranaway??

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 21

Dear Diary,

Today was raining cats and mice...or was it mice and dogs...oh well. We hid under a cardboard box to make sure that we don't get wet. Poor Little Sakura was shaking furiously, she said she' s afraid of the thunder, so I tried to comfort her. The rain lasted for a whole day. Living outside is hard! I wonder if it's wise to return to my owner Sakura...but I don't want to leave Little Sakura! What should I do?

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 22

Dear Diary,

Little Sakura was desperate of having a home, so I've decided to come crawling back to my owner Sakura. I'd do anything for Little Sakura, so I found out where Touya's working for his part-time job, and planned to hitch a ride on his motorcycle. When I finally found him outside a fastfood restaurant, Little Sakrua and I jumped on the back seat without him noticing. But the terrible moment was when the wild cat came for revenge. It attacked me, and I fell off the motorcycle!! I ran and lost the stupid cat, but I couldn't catch up with Little Sakura. Now I'm all alone...I just hope Little Sakrua's fine...

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 23

Dear Diary,

I was wondering around the lonely street today when I bumped into that cat again! Oh, how much I hated that cat. I wish a dog would chew on it or something. Then, right on cue, a dog appeared and began chasing the cat around. I didn't know why I did what I did, but I decided to rescue that cat. I found a Super Mario Brother mask lying in the garbage, so I wore it, and freaked the dog out! The dog ranaway, and the cat is now friends with me for saving it. I hope it can help me on finding my way home to Little Sakura...

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 24

Dear Diary,

I rode on the cat's back, and it took me to the store Touya was working at. But the store had a "wanted" sign, so I thought Touya commited a crime and was now being hunt down by the police. Then the cat told me that was not what it meant. It meant Touya quit this job and they are now hiring. Great, Touya doesn't work there anymore...so where does he work now? The cat took me down the street and we looked for him in the stores...but no luck. Oh man~ now how am I supposed to get home?

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 25

Dear Diary,

I didn't find Touya, but Sakura sure found me. I was going through the stores to look for Touya again when I saw Sakura in the stuffed animal store. She looked at a stuffed rabbit and sighed. She looked sad...and tired...she must be worried sick about me. I was going to tell the cat to turn around when she saw me, and picked me up. She looked so glad to see me, and she cried, too. Okay...I'll go home...just for you, Sakura. And of course, for Little Sakura who will be at home waiting for me! ^w^ I'm finally going to see her! Yeah!

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 26

Dear Diary,

Wah...Little Sakura's not home...where can she be...? I'm so depressed that I didn't write my diary for the last few days...I've lost the love of my life! Sakura received some more letters from Syaoran...she looks happy. Well, at least one of us is getting news about their love. Wah...where can Little Sakura be??

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 27

Dear Diary,

For a moment there...I thought I had Little Sakura back! But when I reached for her paw, she turned into a carrot!! And that was when I woke up from my dream and realized I thought my carrot was Little Sakura when I tried to grab her in my dream. Ah...Little Sakura, how much I miss you. Oh well, one good thing happened, at least I know you didn't turn into a carrot.

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 28

Dear Diary,

Sakura said something like I'm feeling down these days. (Duh! I lost my girlfriend!) Then she said she knows just the thing to do for me! At first I thought she was going to find Little Sakura for me, but instead, she brought me to this horrible place where they stabbed me with needles!! I fought in Sakura's hands, then she asked. "What's wrong? Aren't you sick?" Of course I'm sick! I get sick everytime I see this place! I think this place is one of those places that makes you sick!! So why did she brihg me here?? I was very relieved when she went home...I'd better stop looking sad or she'll bring me to that place again.

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 29

Dear Diary,

My, my, my!! Sakura had a big clean up today! She said she's expecting visitor tomorrow...I forgot who was it supposed to be. Come to think of it, she's been acting weird since the last time she received Syaoran's letter. She was extra jumpy when she read it, jumping around like a non-stop bouncy-ball. I wonder why...Anyway, when she cleaned my cage she almost sucked me in with her big sucking monster thingy that has a long neck! Then she squirted blue water on my cage's glasses, and wiped them so clean that it looked like there were no glasses there at all! I hope I won't go and hit it. I sure am looking forward to see the visitor tomorrow!

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 30

Dear Diary,

Today, Syaoran the human (?) came to Sakura's house for vacation(one month, however long that is...)! So that was why Sakura had a big clean up. When he came in the house, I could see Sakura hanging on Syaoran's arm, so tight that you'd think she'd never let go! (And if she can, she would!) Sakura introduced us and the first thing Syaoran said was "What the heck...?" I think that's "Hello" in human language. "What the heck" to you, too! So he's Syaoran...so big and tall and strong. I must look exactly like him! Hm...I look good! I never looked at myself in a mirror before (Sakura said mirrors are suppose to be one of those things that you see yourself in), so I wouldn't know. But who knows! Maybe I'm looking at a mirror right now! Maybe Sakura didn't bring Syaoran back, she brought a mirror back! No wait! Where's the handsome ears and the charming fluffy tail? Nope, that's not me in mirror, that's just Syaoran the human! In that case, I'm cuter.

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 31

Dear Diary,

Today is the happiest day of my short little life! Little Sakura came back! She was hurt, but she seemed alright. She said after we got separated, she jumped off Touya's motocycle to look for me. She said she wouldn't dream of having an owner if I weren't by her side. That was the sweetest thing I've ever heard. ;_; She was traveling around, trying to find me and that was when Syaoran the human found her. His original intention was to seek revenge at Sakura for buying a rabbit that looks like him(me). Whether it's a stupid plan or not, it worked. Sakura was pissed off when she saw him with the rabbit. She said something like he's picking on her. That didn't matter, Little Sakura's here with me now! She said she thought she was dreaming when she saw Syaoran, but she soon realized that he wasn't me. Of course, I'm cuter! It's okay now, Little Sakura. Now that you're with me, you'll be fine...

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 32

Dear Diary,

We went on our first double date today, Little Sakura, Sakura, Syaoran and I (ladies first) that is. First we went for a stroll in the park. Then we went to a expensive Japanese restaurant. Well, at least two of us was in there, Sakura said pets aren't allowed, so she made us stay out and went in by themselves. I was gonna runaway again because I was mad, but then Sakura and Syaoran brought back two pieces of carrot that shaped like a flower! It was so precious, that I didn't eat it...for three seconds (A record!). Little Sakura put it on her head, and I ate it two seconds later. She got mad at me...for three seconds (another recond!). In the end, we watched the sunset...that looks like the biggest carrot I've ever seen. I wonder if it's edible. Someday, Little Sakura and I are going to eat it together...with most for me...maybe a little more for Little Sakura...I said maybe.

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 33

Dear Diary,

Today was the big day! I've been so busy preparing for this day that I didn't write my diary for a long time! Little Sakura and I had our wedding today! I think I might be the happiest rabbit in the whole world! It was Tomoyo who came up with the idea the instant she saw Little Sakura and me. She even made our little wedding dress and tux! She's so nice...Then Kero was our pope. He said a whole bunch of mumble jumble and told us to say "I do". Then I kissed Little Sakura. Aw...our first kiss, I thought I was going to faint! Sakura and Syaoran seemed a little embarrassed. They say it was like watching their own wedding! ^w^ Then we had carrot cake! I think that was my favorite part of the whole wedding, beside that the kiss of course! Now Little Sakura is officially my wife! I must be the luckiest rabbit in the world!

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 34

Dear Diary,

This week, Little Sakura and I went to Hawaii for our honeymoon! It was a wedding gift from Tomoyo; she called the special pet travel agency, and arranged this wonderful vacation for us! ^w^ It was sure a nice honeymoon, the beach, the ocean, the carrot juice, and best of all, Little Sakura is with me! ^w^ But on the way, we met two strange friends...how strange? I'll tell you tomorrow when I have a picture of them!!

~Syaoran the Rabbit

Day 35

Dear Diary,

As I was saying, I met two new friends! They are sooooo weird!! They said their names are Cookie and Cream. When they told me their names, I thought they were telling me their favorite snacks! They even gave me their website! It's all in Japanese...I don't get it...They told me about their adventure of saving the moon, and this is their "Jungle World" or something. They want us to assist them, they look kinda mean, so I didn't say no. So, Little Sakura and I began our adventure with Cookie and Cream in a very very strange land...

~Syaoran the Rabbit

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