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Date: 02.03.2063

Night was falling when the car pulled up outside the palace where Louis spent most of his days and Jane stood in awe outside of the beautiful spectacle. Marble pillars directed the new pair to the front door that was held open by a guard, Louis didn't even think to thank the man and instead walked straight into his home.

Jane, who possessed some manners, muttered a polite 'thank you' to the man who was holding the door open for her and the guard smiled at the well mannered young lady who the leader had brought home. Scrunching his nose at Jane's behaviour, Louis guided the girl up the stairs of his home to her bedroom that had been prepared for her arrival.

"You have so much to learn," Louis told the girl as he opened the door to her bedroom, the place was as elaborate and grand as the rest of the house.

Jane didn't even bother to answer her husband's statement and instead ran into the room that was one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen. A crystal chandelier was hung in the middle of the room, and the soft light bounced onto the walls; all across the room, scenes of angels with harps had been painted onto the walls. Her canopy bed lay to the left of her room and she resisted the urge to jump upon it, knowing that she had to remain as ladylike as she could in the presence of the man who ruled the country.

She noticed a desk in the corner of the room and saw a notebook placed on the top of it, her heart leapt at the sight. She had loved her diary dearly, writing her daily escapades had calmed her down, had made her forget about the pain.

"I will speak to you in the morning Jane," Louis was about to leave when he decided to put the new lady in her place, "I do not want you here, I am forced to have you here.If you are to live happily with me, I suggest you follow my orders and speak only when I ask you to. I do not expect you to be intelligent enough to hold a conversation, therefore I suspect we will see very little of each other."

Jane was stunned by the man's words, and by his disregard for her feelings; she had to remind herself that she was speaking to a man who had single handily split the nation in two. He had waged war with anyone and everyone, he had killed thousands for the sake of his pride.

Louis left the girl alone when he realised that she wouldnt speak to him, and walked off to his own bedroom where he swallowed four pills down. He didn't care if anyone saw him, he could have them silenced with one finger click.

"That Jane is a beauty," the voice of Zayn Malik woke Louis out of his daze as he saw his friend walk towards him, the smell of smoke strong on visitor.

Louis took the cigar from his loyal buddy and took a long drag, before blowing the smoke into the air. He had needed the taste of tobacco all day, it was something he craved for.

"She is a bore," the dictator complained to Zayn who had taken a seat on a chair, "She cries and weeps as if she is being taken to the chopping board."

Zayn laughed loudly at the way Louis talked about execution despite the fact that death wasn't something that could be laughed at. 'The chopping board' was slang in the leader's vocabulary for the executioner's stand where so many had shed their blood.

"You can ignore the cries of women, they have little reason when the do shed tears," Zayn took a sip from a wine bottle that was resting on a table and Louis reluctantly took a sip after him, trying to not react to the horrid stuff that he was swallowing. He was determined to keep his hatred of wine a secret. He didn't want to seem common by preferring beer over white wine. Cider over red wine.

Louis sat next to his friend, thinking about Jane who he guessed was crying in her room; he couldn't understand why the woman wasn't more happy about marrying him. He usually had women throwing themselves at him, and it was just his luck that he had chosen the one girl who didn't want to be his bride.

"You don't need love to be happy," Zayn said as if he had read Louis' mind; Zayn knew that inside his friend was nothing more than a meek man, but one who had an ego the size of the galaxy that hung above them.

"Is love even real?" Louis said aloud, wondering what the supposed emotion felt like. He had never experienced it, only heard about in the books he had read.

"No," the cynic by his side replied back, running his hands through his dark hair before taking another sip of the wine bottle. Zayn wasn't a good influence of Louis, none of Louis' friends were charitable people who benefited society. They were the type of people who ruined the city even more. They were the ones who trashed the streets with wine bottles, they were the ones who raped unsuspecting girls, they were the ones who stole what little money the homeless had.

Zayn left Louis alone when the wine had run out and the conversation had turned to silence; once alone Louis hummed quietly to himself a tune that he vaguely remembered from his childhood. A servant stood at the threshold of the door, unsure whether to disturb the peaceful state that his master was in.

"Come in," Louis called to the eavesdropper who turned bright red when he realised that Louis was aware of his presence.

"There is letter from the forces in Egypt. They say 20,000 men have died and 3,000 women have been taken as brides," the servant's hand shook as he told the bad news to the leader.

"Less than last week," Louis mulled over the news, not sure quite how to react. He had been confident that his troops could have conquered Egypt in less than two weeks but three months had passed and the only thing that was being conquered was his troops.

"Yes Sir," the servant said solemnly, not quite sure how to reply to his master's statement. The servant couldn't help but think of his brother fighting the war in Belgium, another place that Louis had been set on overpowering.

Shooing the servant away, Louis made his way to bed, knowing that he would need some sleep. The man was not a machine that could work for hours upon end.

So here's a disclaimer: Louis isn't nice in this story, so any Louis girls that are going to butt hurt about that please just stop reading cause he gets worse. He isn't the hero of this story, he isn't the prince charming.

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