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Hi...thanks alot for your support and love..i knew you all have reached at some conclusions about this story...lets check whether they are true or let's move on to story...
Abhi looking at photo...
Fuggi...till now I have no courage to face you again.. but in these you knew how much I miss you..each moments without paining it is.. fuggi..i knew you hate me to the core...but I love you that much...i can't forget you..what ever happens between us is not because of me..fuggi... I love you that much I did before...

Screen shifted to pragya...
Pragya is feeding roshini... you knew today I fight with tinku...he is very bad you knew how he behave with girls...he always flirt with them..
It was that time pragya thinks about a conversation with abhi..
Abhigya is sitting on footstep of their college..pragya is talking with abhi..for a long time..
Pr;abhi..what is your opinion...and look at him.. it was that time she seen that abhi is looking or staring at a girl who is sitting under the near by tree...
Pragya takes her book and beats with book...
Ab;oh..what is this fuggi..
Pr;you are asking what is this...too bad abhi..
Pr;when will you stop flirting with girls...always roam around girls...
Abhi slowly place his hands over pragyas shoulder..
Ab;I will stop this after marrying you...
Pragya blushes...
Oh my fuggi is blushing...
Fb ends...
Ro;mama..where are you lost...
Pr:sorry roshini.. you knew tomorrow rockstar is coming to our school...
Ro:haa..rockstar abhi..
Bulbul reached there hearing their conversation..
Bul:roshini.. come with me..lets go and sleep ..tomorrow you have class n.a...
Ro;no mummy ...i will sleep with mama.. are always with your mama n.a...please give spend time with your mummy..
Ro:mama..look mummy is getting jealous for us..
Pragya smiles..
Pr;haa..roshini you go and sleep with your mummy and papa..
Ro;as you said I agreed with you..
Bul;oh..that much love for mama..
Roshini hugs you too mummy...
As bulbul and roshini starts to leave...
Pr;bulbul.. please ask purab to meet me..
Bul:haa di..she leaves..
Pr:abhi...why you came back..after this much year...when I see you ..i remind my Priya and her death..
Her thought get stopped as purab calls di...pragya turns and look at her..
Pu:di..did you call me..
Pr;haa..purab what's all this..
Pu;what's all this mean...
Pr;don't you knew what I mean..
Pr;don't act In front of me..purab..
Pu;di..are you talking about abhi..
Pr;haa...why you bring him again Into my life..
Pu;di..i didn't bring him into your life..i just call him for handovering your I think there no other apt person for it...because he is the reason of your writing...
Pr;yes.. .he is the reason of my writing.. not only that..he is reason of everything...
Pu; too I telling you that abhi is innocent...
Pr;stop it keeping everything you still supports can you do that..i knew you are good friends...i didn't stop you to do friendship with him n.a...
Pu:di...i knew everything.. i knew my di still loves him..and he too loves are still be single as you loves him...
Pr;no I hates him to the core..i have no feelings for him..
Pu;no still loves him..
Pr;no..i hates him..
Pu;k..i agree you hates him..then will you be ready for a MARRAIGE..
Pragya stood as shocked..
Pu;what can't do that right...that shows you loves him..purab smiles...
Pr;who told you..yes Iam ready to get married...
Pr;yes i am..
Pur;k di..soon I will find someone for you..
Pragya goes from there..
Pur;di..what ever you said..i knew Whats in your agreed for MARRAIGE I knew how to make you convince how important is any for you..and you can't live without him...
Screen shifted to abhi...
Ab;it was my fault..when you too blame me In front of everyone..i was completely broken..and I goes away from you..but I must understand your situation at that time..when you lose your sister who came to this world with you..who always be with you...but I didn't do that..when I understand my mistake and tried to contact you really goes far away from me..that I can't reach there..but I still hope that you will you knew how Mushkil se..mein ne purab se phir se friendship start kiya...i don't knew where you leave after that event..with 6 years search for you I find out where you are..and contact with purab..
Fb shows..
Purab was coming out of a mall..and going to get in car and close the door at that time someone pulls the door..purab sees Abhi..
Pu;tum..and tried to close the door..
Ab;purab..please try to understand..i want to talk with you..
Pu;there is nothing to talk with us..
Ab;please.. purab angrily close the door..abhis hand get block in the door..and he screams was that time he too notice that and opens the door and look at his was bleeding..purab rushes and take first aid box from car and starts to treat for the wound...abhi seeing this and smiles..
Ab;purab..still you consider me as your friend right..
Pu;don't over think rockstar..iam just helping you..considering you as a human.and showing some patience..
Abhi smiles..
Ab; haven't change yet..
Pu;may be you are right..i haven't change but people around me change..situation change..
Ab; are right..situation change..people change.. the one who consider me more than his brother hates me now..
Purab look at him...
Ab; is she...
Pu;why are you asking about her..
Ab;because still I loves her.. I search for her...purab please belive me..iam innocent ..i haven't done anything.. iam not reason of her death...
Pu;how can I belive itself claim that you did it n.a...
Ab;purab..i Says so because of my situation.when she blames me..i feel..purab..please can you help me to get her back to my life..
Purab look silent.. you knew when you all left me what I feel..i feel alone.. is there for me..purab..i can't live with our her..
Pu;abhi..i will help you..but I will not compel di..its your duty to make her understand.. I'm doing this not because as you said..because I knew my abhi.. will not do such things..
Ab;did you believe me..
Pu;of course...both hugs..
Fb ends..
Episode ends.. .

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