Ribbons of Fate

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Dídymes flóges. In Elysia, the word was loved, cradled close by some, while scorned by others. But however any one of them felt about it it, the meaning remained the same. In Greek Mythology, the words stood for Twin Flames, the idea that each and every human had another half, since they were split into two. Some stumbled through life trying to find them, some ignored the idea completely, while some were lucky enough to find their partners at the start of their lives. In Elysia, things weren't so different.

But one thing remained the same.

Everyone had one. Some had more than one, but that was rare, though not too uncommon.

Every pair was granted power. Some had more, some had less, but every single pair had contrasting powers. Someone with the gift of water, would pair with someone with the power of fire. Love at first sight wasn't uncommon, because almost every pair just knew.

The bubbling of love in one's stomach, the unmistakable draw that brought a pair together. The feeling of euphoria that gushed through you, coursing through your veins when you looked at them. Of course, nothing was ever easy, and just being soulmate's wouldn't solve every problem in the world. But for some, being soulmate's was enough. Not every soulmate was bound by the red thread of Fate, and some would stumble around without finding theirs. Some were friends, some were lovers, some were family and the rest were strangers.

After all, there were so many different forms of love, and who was to say your other half had to be a lover?

Still, the thought of one brought a smile to Wei Wuxian's mind, his thoughts banking back to a memory he'd held onto for so long. Smiling to himself, he sprawled over the bed, letting exhaustion seep into his bones as the world turned into a swirling dark abyss. He descended into blissful oblivion, finally free of the troubles that bound him.

"Ai, catch me!" A tiny Wei Wuxian squealed, prodding through the little woods. He climbed all the way on top of the slide, not caring if it made his clothes muddier. Not that anyone else could tell, since he was wearing black robes. The name of the other boy blurred in his brain, and he couldn't seem to recall it. Either ways, it had long ago been replaced by Ai, even in his memories.

Almost immediately, a young boy that couldn't be much older than him looked up at him with deep gilt eyes, rushing to the end of the slide. He wobbled slightly on the way, but determination painted his eyes as he held his hands out. Giggling, Wei Wuxian let go of the slide, loving the feel of adrenaline that gushed through his veins as the air whooshed through his hair, kissing his sticky face.

The end of the slide neared, and he could feel himself being engulfed in someone's strong but tiny arms. He looked down at the other boy, giggling at the monotonous expression on his face. "That was fun, Ai! Let's do it again."

The other boy's face was resolute, once clear, now blurred. "Mnn," he answered. "Wei Ying can do it as many times as he wants to."

He beamed cheerfully, eyes glowing as if he'd been handed a puppy. "Again, again! " He cheered, climbing back on the slide.  He couldn't recall how many times he'd gone, but he knew the other boy caught him every time, sending him into cheerful laughter, while the other simply looked on contentedly, his eyes brimming with an emotion Wei Ying couldn't quite place a finger on.  But the boy filled him up with joy, familiar warmth lapping at his stomach.  He felt safe in the other boy's arms, and he loved the intensity of his gaze on him, that made him so happy

By the end of the day, both of them were sticky and sweaty, though the other was still immaculate in his medium azure robes, though his hair was slightly messed up. Tiny Wei Wuxian decided he liked it that way, the wisps of his ebony hair hanging framing his face. They looked so soft, and Wei Wuxian couldn't help but reach out and touch them.

"Ai, you'll catch me every time, won't you?"

The boy's gaze didn't even waver, although a slight flush crept up the back of his ears. "Mm. Will never let Wei Ying go. "

The words sent butterflies swirling around in his stomach, a blissful grin spreading over his face. "Then I'll never let you go, either. "

He chuckled softly thinking about it. Yet I still forgot your name. Sometimes I wish I had an eidetic memory, Ai. I wish I could see you again.

In his memory, tiny Wei Ying did exactly as he had, engulfing his love in a hug. Silently, he pulled out a ribbon. Tucking on his soft hair, his eyes glittered with hope. "Can I tie it? "

The boy looked apprehensive for a moment, before eventually giving in. "Yes."

"Yay!" Wei Ying set to work, threading his fingers through his soft, ebony hair before setting to work. Deftly, he plaited his hair, bringing random strands of hair together into a beautiful plait. Wordlessly, he tucked flowers into his hair, and took out a blue ribbon, weaving it into his hair and tying it. 

After he was done, he clapped happily, surveying his handiwork. "Turn around!"

The other followed, his face as impassive as ever. "You look so pretty!" He beamed, overjoyed with his work.

"Mnn. All thanks to Wei Ying. "
The smile on Wei Wuxian's face grew wider, and he handed a few cornflower blue ribbons over, mixed with a few azure ones.

"For you!"

Golden eyes swept over the ribbons, racing over the intricate motifs on it. There was one with a few white and grey rabbits, eliciting a smile from Ai.

"You like it? Wei Ying has a few too!" He took out a few crimson ribbons from his pocket, showing them to Ai. The patterns were similar, only the motifs were mostly red and grey, instead of blue and white. The boy slowly nodded.

"Love them," he declared. "Like Wei Ying."

Wei Ying smiled, pulling one of the ribbons from his hand and exchanging it for one of his own.
"Here, " he breathed, "Now you have something from me and I've something from you! You can remember me with the ribbon," he gushed impulsively, "and I'll think of you when I look at your ribbon."

He stroked the soft silk ribbon. It was plain and discreet, safe for the faint patterns of clouds on it. 

"I hope you'll remember me."

The words caused Wei Wuxian to jolt awake, sweat trickling down his back. Instinctively, he fumbled around for the locket around his neck, snapping it open and seeking the treasure that lay within.

His long fingers traced over the familiar pattern of clouds, blue and white lining his vision as he gripped it tightly, stroking it softly.

Remember me.


A/N: 1178 words! Here's the first chapter of this story, since...well...I had the idea for this a while ago, but LuvLaws stunning cover motivated me to bring it to fruition! I can't thank you enough, honestly! I hope the story lives up to the cover...

Either ways, thank you so much for reading comments are welcome! ♥️

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