Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 

"So, how was your evening with the Captain?" Shehu asked over an early breakfast the next morning, studiedly casual. The cook had taken advantage of the regular traffic down to the planet to stock up on local produce so today they were all eating platters of rather bland but juicy yellow fruit. Someone with a questionable sense of humour had already named it Jillyfruit. 

Petrov hoped he wasn't blushing. "Fine," he answered, concentrating on the piece of fruit he was spearing with his fork. "We talked about hiking and fishing." Which was perfectly true, as far as it went. They were sitting opposite each other at the long table, a gap between them and those few members of the crew up early for the next shift. 

"Are you free this evening?" Shehu asked. He already knew that he was off duty, having rechecked the schedule as soon as he rose but he was trying hard to avoid appearing too possessive. Petrov seemed a little withdrawn this morning he thought, maybe he was just tired. He wished they were having breakfast together in his quarters so that he could talk to him properly and ... he swallowed as he watched a trickle of juice run down Petrov's chin. 

"I was wondering if you might come and have a game of chess with me, after dinner tonight?" he waited hopefully for Petrov's response. Perhaps he could get some more of that fruit for later- 

" 'Chess'?" Petrov couldn't help himself, he raised an eyebrow. 

The other man was watching him intently and Petrov saw his eyes flicker at his unexpectedly sardonic tone.  

Shehu stiffened, drawing back infinitesimally. Was there a problem here? He felt frustrated, unable to ask what he wanted to know in the middle of the refectory. "Chess," he repeated firmly, holding the other man's gaze. Actually, he had been rather desperately looking forward to taking Petrov in his arms and kissing him senseless before taking his clothes off really slowly and then ... but if he wanted to play chess, they'd play chess. Maybe then Petrov would tell him what was going on.  

He was still waiting for Petrov's answer when his wristcom flashed. He glanced at it and frowned. "I have to go, the Captain wants to see me immediately." 

He looked up in surprise as Petrov coughed and spluttered. "Are you alright?" 

"Went down the wrong way," he managed to explain between spasms. At least it gave him the perfect excuse for a red face. Damn but he had to stop reacting like this every time he heard Jake's name. What was he going to do for god's sake when he actually saw him again face to face? Shehu was looking at him oddly, but he couldn't possibly explain. He felt rather like a juggler with too many balls in the air, caught in the middle of everyone's secrets.  

Hurriedly he waved him away with one hand, "Go on, I'm fine. I'll see you tonight."  

Only partially reassured, Shehu stood up and walked quickly through the refectory, on his way to see what the Captain wanted. For a horrible moment there it had seemed as if Petrov was having second thoughts. He was probably imagining things, it was more likely Petrov was simply unhappy with his need to keep their relationship secret. For that matter, he wasn't too happy about it himself. He frowned, Farrell had a lot to answer for. And what could possibly be so urgent that he needed to see him right away? 

Farrell paced back and forth in front of his desk, unable to sit still. He had to get a grip on himself, after all, what was the worst that could happen? Shehu would be shocked and horrified, possibly even disgusted, but he was hardly going to attack him! True, he was almost certainly going to lose his respect but he'd have to get used to that. 

He realised Shehu was already outside his door and called out an invitation. By the time he entered, Farrell was seated firmly behind his desk, his face set in hard lines. 

"Please be seated Lieutenant," he ordered. Shehu found himself wondering wildly what he had done wrong. The Captain's next words didn't help. 

"Do you remember the story I told you, about the reason why I ban sexual relationships on the Diell?" 

Shehu nodded, his lips pressed grimly together. Here it came, he was going to be reprimanded. Surely the Captain wouldn't transfer him immediately, not without giving him a warning! But how on Earth had Farrell found out about his relationship with Petrov? They'd only had one time together, a few hours at most, not even one night. 

"Two crewmen fought over a third, to the death of one of them and the imprisonment of the other," Farrell continued. He cleared his throat. "What I didn't tell you before, was that I was the man they fought over." 

Shehu stared uncomprehendingly, still thinking that he was the target of the lecture. "Sorry, sir? You were-?" 

Farrell frowned at him. "I was the man they fought over," he repeated. "I'm telling you that I'm an om, Lieutenant," he clarified, just in case Shehu still hadn't got it. 

Shehu was certain he was sitting there with his mouth hanging open. He closed it hurriedly. The Captain was telling him he was homosexual? It was hard to absorb. His first thought was scalding resentment. How dared he deny his sexuality all these years, make everyone else suppress theirs? But then he realised the impact that his lover's death must have had on a young man. Reluctantly he found himself also sympathising with Farrell's decision to ban all relationships, it must have seemed like the only possible choice at the time. 

He realised Farrell was sitting there silently watching him, waiting for his reaction.  

He caught his breath. Why was he telling him this now?

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