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Diell Breaker - Epilogue 

(Three months later) 

Lei Cheung peered into the mirror. Was that dark blue eye shadow too much? He tilted his head, no, he decided. He liked the air of mystery it gave him. He tested his breath against his hand and cleaned his teeth for the second time just to be safe.  

He smiled self consciously at his reflection, any one would think he was nervous, haha. He turned sideways to the mirror twisting his body to try and see his back, did those new pants show too much of his ass? They were the latest fashion, hip huggers, designed to sit low enough to offer a tantalising glimpse, without leaving him hanging out entirely.  

He turned front forward again. He fingered the new sleeveless shirt he had bought especially for this occasion. It was made out of soft brown string looped in centimetre rounds, exposing a lot of smooth brown skin. He hoped Jake would like it. 

He glanced automatically at his wrist to check the time then remembered he had left his wristcom out in the bedroom while he primped in the bathroom. Enough! He was as hot as he was going to get, time to stop fluffing around and go and meet his date. He was just turning towards the door when everything went dark. What the-? The damn power had shorted. He should have known it was a false economy to stay at the Shooting Comet instead of the Blue Nova. He waited impatiently for the power and lights to come back on. What a cheap dump! 

Several minutes passed and he was still waiting, getting more and more impatient. He felt his way gingerly to the door, but naturally it wouldn't open without the power. 

"We are experiencing a few minor technical problems," advised the automatic voice from the next room. "Our technician is working on the problem. Please be patient, and one of our friendly staff will be with you shortly to assist." 

Cheung swore, but he wasn't really worried. It wouldn't hurt Jake to have to wait a little. However, as the minutes ticked by and nothing happened he began to get anxious. There was absolutely no way out except through the door. He had an inside room so there was no window to try and crawl out of and the air vent was the size of his fist. He began pacing back and forth. There was a huge difference between being fashionably late for a dinner appointment and not turning up! 

"We are experiencing a few minor technical problems," advised the automatic voice from the next room. "Our technician is working on the problem. Please be patient, and one of our friendly staff will be with you shortly to assist." 

Cheung swore violently. He banged on the door and shouted but there was no-one to hear him. After what seemed a few fruitless hours he sat down on the toilet lid and put his face in his hands. He imagined Jake sitting in the restaurant waiting for him, growing more and more impatient, at first unable to believe he was really standing him up and then storming off to find someone else. With his holovid face and body he would have absolutely no trouble in finding another man eager to be his lover. 

If he'd been younger he would have cried in disappointment. He supposed it served him right for turning him down all those times before. 

His mind went back to the last time he had seen Jake, in person, not on a com unit. He and Jake had had one really hot night together, when Jake had been looking for a one night stand and he had seized the opportunity to fill the role. The next morning he had been careful to dress and leave his room before Jake woke. He had been very clear he'd only wanted a one nighter and Cheung didn't want to see that awkward look in his eyes as he tried to disengage. 

To his surprise, Jake had followed up with a call the next day to see if he wanted to get together again, but he had cheerfully declined. Once was a memory to be treasured, twice and he'd start feeling used. 

He stood up and banged on the door again. This was ridiculous! How could he be trapped in the dark, in a fucking bathroom, in this day and age? 

"We are experiencing a few minor technical problems," advised the automatic voice from the next room. "Our technician is working on the problem. Please be patient, and one of our friendly staff will be with you shortly to assist." 

If Cheung heard that one more time he was seriously going to kill someone when he got out. 

Jake had continued to call him, proving that there was some truth in the old adage known by many women over the centuries that to catch some men, you had to play hard to get. When Jake had finally offered him a real date, dinner in a fancy restaurant instead of a quick drink in a pub before what was obviously going to be a quick fuck, Lei had finally said "yes."  

And now here he was, locked in a fucking bathroom for god's sake, standing up the man of his dreams. As soon as he got out of course, he would call Jake and explain, but ... it would be too late, even if he believed him. 

He sat there alone in the dark, wondering why he had kept turning Jake down. Why hadn't he simply seized every opportunity he was prepared to give him? He had wanted to be certain Jake desired him for himself, that was why, not merely as a substitute for someone unobtainable. He got up, felt his way to the sink and washed his face, there wasn't going to be any date tonight. Then he sat down again on the toilet lid, letting his head slump against the shower alcove in defeat. Pride was pretty cold comfort at the moment. 

"We are experiencing a few minor technical problems," advised the automatic voice from the next room. "Our technician is working on the problem. Please be patient, and one of our friendly staff will be with you shortly to assist." 

As soon as the friendly staff member appeared at his door, he was going to kill him, Cheung promised himself. At least that would make him feel a bit better about the whole debacle. 

He heard a knock on the outside of the bathroom door. "Lei? Are you in there?" Someone called out tentatively. 

He must be hallucinating. That sounded uncannily like Jake's deep voice. He opened his mouth to reply but nothing came out. Hastily he cleared his throat and tried again. 

"I'm in here! The door's stuck!" he added unnecessarily. 

"Stand back! I'm going to force it open," said the voice which sounded like Jake. 

A few moments later, the door flew open and Jake stood there panting, a metal bar in one hand and a potable light in the other. "Are you okay?" he asked. 

Cheung flung himself forward and Jake dropped everything to catch him in his arms. So much for Mr Cool, he thought. "What are you doing here? I can't believe you came looking for me!" Cheung babbled. "I thought you would have given up on me and found someone else!" 

"I admit I was a bit cross at first but then I realised something must be wrong." He kissed him. "I may not know you very well, yet, but I do know you wouldn't play those kind of games. If you hadn't wanted to see me you would have just said so." 

Jake held Lei tightly against his body. Mm that felt good, he liked that string thing Lei was wearing. He wondered if he could persuade him to wear it to bed. He cupped his bottom, his thumbs tracing the skin at the top of his pants before he remembered his promise to himself. This time they were going to have dinner and conversation before sex. 

He looked around the rather basic room, lit only by the glow of the light he had brought, now resting on the floor. "Hmm. I know I promised you a proper date but I think we're too late for dinner at the Epicurean. However I have a luxury suite at the Blue Nova, with 24 hour room service. What do you think? Will that do?" 

"That sounds wonderful, I'll look forward to it," Cheung said, releasing Jake for a moment to pull the hotel door shut again. "But I don't think I can wait. I feel like an appetiser right now." He smiled and started to unfasten Jake's pants. "Let's hope they don't fix that technical problem too soon, I'd hate for us to be interrupted by a friendly staff member." 


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