17 | Wanted

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"Aspen's dead?!" He was as horrified as I was which took me aback. I caught a glimpse of raw emotions whiff through his molten-brown eyes.

I thought he had no feelings for her.


"Cut the act! You know my name, don't you." His expression turned stoic. The hurt, feeble boy was no longer there.

I scoffed, "Oh my, bravo, bravo, Shane. Here I thought you'd come clean..." the rest of my sentence drifted off as my throat tightened, I swallowed hard as he narrowed his gaze on me.

"I-I just thought... we had something real..." I forced the words out, unable to meet his gaze.

"S-sorry, that came out wrong. I was just being foolish. I didn't deserve your honesty or trust... I never did."

Turning to walk away, hot tears dripped down my cheeks as I felt a sudden ache in my chest.

"Uhm... sorry to interrupt the 'show' but I've got something to say." Ruby butted in.

She never picks the right time to showcase her stupidity. H-he didn't even utter a word... not a single apology! Aspen was right... oh, Aspen... your death won't be in vain, I will get the psychopath behind all this and make her wish she was dead!

"Just say the fuck you wanna say and get it over with!" I lashed out.

"Uhm... ok, since Shane still refused to open up about this, I decided I couldn't keep it a secret any longer. We-"

"Ruby!" His hoarse voice echoed in the room, silencing whatever Ruby was about to disclose.

"Say it!" I demanded, peeved as to what he was concealing once again.

"Urgh fine! We can't return with you at the moment because we're currently on a d-date." Her eyes stared apologetically at me but her words were far from it.

Tears pricked my eyes, unable to comprehend the words that filled my ears.

Ha! How long had they met, they already hooked up... and it just had to be with her!

"I-I'll return alone. You two should enjoy your... date."

I jerked my luggage and hastily walked out of the room, slamming the door on my way out.

"Ugh, did you have to say that? You could have come up with a better excuse." He said as he caressed the bridge of his nose as a slight frown pulled up beneath his lips.

"The deed is already done. If you can't live with it, run after her and sort things out, but trust me, it won't do either of you any good." Ruby entwined her hands waiting for his decision.

"Do you ever think how much she's gonna fucking hate you for this?" A hint of anger leaked into his voice.

"Us. Hate us, you're in this as much as I am. She already hates my fucking guts long before all this and I don't blame her, I've been a fucking bitch."

"You... you seem different."


"Nevermind." I must be imagining things.

He shoved aside the faint uneasiness and trudge over to the bed. "So what's your plan?"

"Don't have any." She said quite relaxed.

"The fuck do you mean by that! So why did we have to lie to Aurora!"

"Don't you dare raise your fucking voice at me! If you care so much about your girlfriend, then go chase after her!" She heaved an audible sigh as she swore under her breath.

"Who are you?!" The uneasiness in him grew, he felt it since the first day he met her and it won't brush off ever since. Her unusual attitude and change of tone proved him right.

She giggled as a smirk tugged at her lips. "I'm Ruby, handsome. The Ruby we both know."

He couldn't quite put his fingers around it but there was something off with the way she said that and stared at him. The hair on his neck rose, which was oddly unusual. He wasn't confronted with any threat or in any possible danger, unless... the threat was sitting casually right in front of him!

The journey back home wasn't what I had envisioned it to be. Nothing turned out the way I expected. I lost two people dear to me in less than a week, lied to by someone I thought I knew, and found out the two people I cared about had been hooking up behind my back, one my suppose sister, the other my partner. Leaving me all by myself travelling back in the airplane. My eyes darted through the window, awed by the scenery below, losing myself in my world as the soothing sound of the music plugged into my ear calmed my nerves, and transported me into the abyss.

I stood out of my home with my luggage in my hands hesitant to step in. The memory of Michelle drifted through my mind, her smile, laughter a-

The jabbing sound of sirens filled my ear cutting me from my trail of thoughts as the sound grew louder.

The cops? What the hell are they doing here?

Three cops pulled up beside my house, they stepped out with their guns pointed above their shoulders aiming at me.

"You are under arrest for the murder of Mrs. Michelle Deville. Take her!" A man in his late 30s with foggy beards and dishevelled hair instructed the lady beside him who seemed to be his partner. A pretty blonde with sapphire blue eyes. She strode towards me and towed my hands behind my back.

TF! You've gotta be freaking kidding me! Can't I have a day off from all this shit?

I was crammed forcefully against the wall as I felt the silver metal press against my wrist with a click.

She pulled me along with her and was about to shove me into their vehicle, I jabbed my elbow into her ribs as she crashed into the ground wincing in pain, and ran.

My mind was in chaos, I couldn't afford to get put behind bars when the psychopath is still out there on the loose. I had to make an escape. I halted by an alley, huffing.

They were finally out of sight.

I'm so fucking screwed!

I had no other place to run to, no home elsewhere, no family, Michelle was all I got.

My phone vibrated as I picked it up from my side pocket and switched it on. Two notifications and a message popped up on the screen.

Wanted: A female with red hair and eyes. Murdered her aunt, bruised a cop, and eloped. If located please report to the nearby police station.


I was wanted, on the run. Not only has she taken away the people I loved, now she took away my freedom! The fucking psychopath framed my arse!

My phone slipped out of my hands as it bashed into the ground, wrecking the screen. I quivered at the thought of what I had seen.

The message read:

Aurora, my favorite person in the universe. How are you relishing your time... behind bars? Oops, I forgot you knocked over a cop and fled. That was a pretty bad move. I wanted to make things easier for you but since you declined my kind gesture, you left me with no other option than to do this. Surprise!! XD ok just kidding, she did that to herself.

A picture of a girl with a slit throat came into view, dark red liquid flowing down her face drenching her cloth and the floor. Her creamy white bob was smeared in thick, sticky dark liquid.


My throat went dry as panic flooded my veins. She couldn't bear the death of her best friend... she must have ended her life because of guilt... it wasn't your fault, Abby... it was all mine! I'm the one to be dead! Not you!! Tears clouded my vision as I bit down on my tongue.

Another message sprang up on my screen. I squinted my eyes to see it clearly due to the several cracks on the screen.

Unknown number:
Three murders in one week, caused by you, Aurora. How long do you wanna keep playing these games with me?

What the fuck do you want, psycho?

Unknown number:
Bring me your mother and it will all be over! (:

Fuck you!

Unknown number:
Wrong answer.

A deafening sound rippled through my ear as my head throbbed badly. Dark crimson liquid trickled down my face as I tumbled to the ground. My eyes caught sight of a muscular silhouette figure looming above me before the darkness slowly engulfed me, sending me into the endless abyss.

"Do you think this is worth it?" A masculine voice said worry etched on his face.

"Of course it is! Don't tell me you're having second thoughts working with me... don't forget who took you out of that place." The mysterious voice responded.

"Never! I pledged my life to you ever since that day, and I will serve you till the very day I breathe my last." He kowtowed, erasing all emotions on his face before he took his leave.

"This should be fun. Break a finger or two if she still refused to talk. Report back to me when the task is done." The mysterious voice ordered as the light click of her heel against the tiled floor reverberated through the room.

"Your wish is my command... my lady." A wry smile coated his lips.

Now that those two are gone, let the fun begin!


Thank you all for reaching this far with me!!

I'd love to hear your thoughts on the chapter:D

Next update will be next two weeks thursdays, I apologise for the late update!~(^з^)-♡

Vote. Comment. Enjoy!!

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