9 | Alora

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I gulped down my frustration and glared firmly at her. "I-I'm sorry, Vivian... I mean it this time. What you said back in school got me thinking and I realized that I've truly been a bitch to you and I'm so sorry... I've never been the sister you needed and that's why I want to make up for a-" her eyes glittered with tears as I sharply cut her off.

"I've heard enough of your lies. Now could you give me some space?" I tilted my head as I glared fiercely at her. Eyes void of emotions.

Her eyes widened, "Please... I'm really sorry... D-don't shut me out," Her voice broke into a soft whisper.

"Fine. If you ain't leaving, then I am." I strode past her and slammed the door with a loud thud.

I stormed out of the house and crouched on the front porch, my head between my knees with my hands clasped above it. "Can she ever be understanding. Urgh, I'm so fed up of living in this choked up place." I got up and headed out.

A few minutes later, my phone rang.

"Who's speaking." I said in an almost deadly tone. "Jeez, you got hit by a car? Could you be any less aggressive? It's Adira. I'd like to meet up with you at our usual spot now. Don't be late." She uttered and ended the call.


Yeah, no need to ask how I'm doing. Just give out orders and I'll follow your royal highness. I heaved a sigh.

I wandered into their underground hideout only to witness an intense sparring session going on. "Urgh, I didn't know there'd be a live-action movie going on here. Should've brought in some popcorn." I facepalmed myself as I surveyed the place for any sight of Adira or Sebastian. I glanced back at the two people sparring so intensely. "Found my two favourite couples," I said as I strode towards them.

"Any news, Adira?" I inquired.

"Give us five minutes, we are occupied at the moment," Sebastian said.

Oh yeah, sure why not! It's not like I hadn't just wasted fifteen minutes of my time coming here and now I've got to waste an additional five more waiting for you dimwits!

My mind burned with pure rage ever since the conversation I had with Ruby. Why must she always be so.. so... I scanned my mind for the perfect word until a familiar voice echoed in my ear.

"We're done sweetheart, sorry for the delay," Adira said as she dabbed her face with a towel to dry out any remnant of sweat.

I rolled my eyes and heaved an audible sigh, "It's about time."

"We've found a lead on your mother. Her name is Alora Reichmann, red eyes just like yours and long dark hair. She is currently in Los Angeles. As for why her hair isn't red is still a mystery only Alora can solve."

My eyes widened in surprise and disbelief. "S-she's alive?" My face lit up but I still felt a glint of sadness. So she has been alive all these years and not once has she bothered to come find me. My heart ached.

"I've booked a flight for Los Angeles which takes off within 48hrs," Sebastian uttered.

"48hrs? I can't just leave home without anyone's knowledge."

"Then notify them." Adira shrugged.

"Huhn?" My brows creased in confusion. I was a bit lost.

Sebastian sighed, I whipped my head in his direction. "Must we relate everything in baby terms for you? Thought you'd be smarter." He stared nonchalantly at me. I gritted my teeth, ticked off by his statement.

"You!" That stoic expression of his so puts me on edge.

"Just freaking make up an excuse. It's as easy as that." He added.

Ha! I scoffed, "That easy Huhn.... what excuse could I possibly come up with that'll involve me travelling to Los Angeles."

He soothed his temple and peered at me. "Really?"

"Ok, fine. I ain't that smart. I'm as dumb as pig. Now tell me what your point is Mr Know it all." I scowled at him. I so wished I could smash that smartass face of his.

"Just tell her you want to pay a visit to your cousin in Los Angeles."

"Yeah right. A cousin I never knew existed? That's not a brilliant idea coming from Mr Know it all." I smirked noticing I finally got a reaction from him.

"Aurora? Could you let him think?" Adira butted in.

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"When I said your cousin, I meant your friend's cousin and by your friend, I mean... me."

I pressed my lips into a thin line trying as hard as I could to hold my laughter which erupted eventually. His last statement caught me off guard. "Oh, I'm s-so sorry." I laughed once more.

Sebastian glared at me like he would slit my throat wide open any moment. I immediately regained my composure. "Don't you think you're getting ahead of yourself by tagging yourself, my friend?" I raised a brow as a playful smirk found its way to my lips.

"Aurora? C'mon, stop this silly act." Adira interrupted.

"So, as I said earlier, I would come to your place as a friend, explain it all to your aunt, you'll leave that part to me. Then we'll take our next step... Also, don't get ahead of yourself thinking I'd wanna be friends with some naive self-centred weirdo." He rolled his eyes before walking out.

My fist curled up tightly in anger. How dare he. He is the naive self-centred weirdo.

"When did these two start all these mindless quarrels." Adira murmured

"Is that all the leads you got on my mother. And why are you helping me." I said through gritted teeth.

"Hm... I won't consider it as helping you cause we're both aiming for the same goal."


"Ok... I guess I can't keep this out any longer. Alora was one of the scientists in charge of that experiment and... my h-husband was among those chosen for the experiment that ended up taking their lives." She said in a low tone as her eyes welled up.

I choked, w-why would she take part in such knowing how much life she'll endanger?! I was shocked and taken back.

"I'm so sorry. B-but why did your husband volunteer?"

"He didn't." She said sternly.


"All scientists were supposed to contribute to the growth of the experiment but those who refused to comply were forced as their subjects."

Tears trickled down my cheek as a sudden realization dawned on me. D-dad... he was also a scientist in that company. How come mom survived and he didn't? Unless...

I flopped to the ground and placed my hands over my mouth.

S-she killed him.

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