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Jin's P.O.V

I went into Taehyung and Kookie's once garden of love until I noticed Taehyung and Jungkook from afar.


I smiled when I saw the way they looked at each other.

I turned around to leave as the smile on my face never left.

'One more time.. maybe this time they could finally be happy again.'


Yoongi's P.O.V

"Uncle~ when will Appa and Papa come home?" Soobin whined as he sat beside me on the couch.

I sighed since Hoseok had left to buy some ingredients.

I turned to Soobin and chuckled. "They'll be back soon. They're just having quality time together." I answered.

His pout was soon replaced with a warm smile. "Then... I hope Appa will fight for Papa."

My eyes widened in surprise. "What do you mean?"

"I woke up to see Appa was sad one day.." he trailed off.

I nodded, gesturing for him to continue.

"He asked me what I think love is.. I answered him and asked him if he loved Papa.."

"He stared at me in surprise but he looked down, admitting that he didn't know. He was at war with both his thoughts and mind but I could clearly see in his eyes that he truly loves him." He finished.

I felt myself smile as I patted his head. "You're quite observant even in your young age." I admitted.

"What else?"

"I told him what papa told me before going to sleep one time."

"What did papa tell you?"

"If you truly love someone, you should fight for them, no matter what tears you apart."

I stared at him speechless.

"You love him, don't you?"

"Of course I do."

"Then fight for him. If you truly love someone, you should fight for them, no matter what tears you apart."

I smiled and pulled him into a hug. "Uncle?"

"Good job Soobin.." I praised, until the door opened.

"Hey Yoongi-" a soft yet squeaky voice cut itself off when I quickly let go of Soobin, turning to the door only to see the God of Life stare at me with amusement.

"Oh, is my dear hyung soft right now?" He teased as he closed the door behind him.

"Speak of this with the others and I swear Jimin, don't talk to me."

He giggled as he approached us.

I turned to Soobin to see him staring at Jimin with bright eyes.

"Uncle Chimchim!!" He squealed as he jumped off from the couch into Jimin's arms.

Jimin laughed as he spun Soobin around. "Hello little one! Has Uncle Yoongi been nice to you?"

I glared at him as I thought...

'How could you be so cruel?'

Soobin then giggled and hummed. "Yeah! Uncle Yoongi is the best, he's my favourite uncle!"

Jimin blinked as he got teary-eyed. "I-i'm not your favourite..?" He stuttered out.

I smirked. 'Ha! Serves you right.'

I yelped in surprise when Hoseok appeared from behind the couch as he screamed.

"WHAT ABOUT ME?!-" He stopped when he realized what I just did.

He turned to me while I just hissed at him. "You. Saw. Nothing."

"NOTHING I TELL YOU!" I screeched while Hoseok just laughed and rolled his eyes until our attentions were back to Jimin and Soobin.

"You're my second favourite!" Soobin stated as he kissed Jimin's forehead.

And surprisingly, I felt my heart melt at this certain moment.

"Aw... this is sweet and all but would you care to help me prepare lunch Jimin?" Hoseok hyung asked.

Jimin giggled and nodded as he handed Soobin to me, both him and Hoseok going to the kitchen.

"Uncle, let's play a game!" Soobin then suggested.

I raised an eyebrow as I asked him.

"What game?"

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