Chapter 1- Hogwarts Ho!

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Eliza's POV

I'm still shocked yet exited. I'm a witch! I have magic, and my friends do too! This is so cool. I look around at everyone.

Lilly is petting her still unnamed cat. The gray and cream feline purrs in her lap. Aris is talking to Blu about Hogwarts and what they'll do there. Preston fell asleep reading a book as Ace... Is drawing a mustache on him. Classic.

"Ace please stop." Me and Blu say at the same time, then laugh. "Ace it's not right to prank your friend." Blu said. "Put emphasis on the word friend." I add. Ace pouts and turns away. "You guys are no fun."

Preston wakes up, oblivious to his mustache. He looks in his book. "So apparently there are four houses. Is that right, Lilly?"

Lilly nods. "Yeah. Their based on personality. There's Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Hufflepuff. My sister is a Ravenclaw !" She responds.

"Hufflepuff sounds cute." I say, smiling.

"They're the friendly and loyal ones." Preston informs me. "They're also good finders. The Hufflepuff symbol is a badger."

  Aris leans in to look at the book. "The other symbols are: Ravenclaw's Raven, Gryffindor's Lion, and Slytherin's snake."

  "You guys sure love books." Ace says. "You should be in the smart house." She chuckles a bit.

  "It's Ravenclaw." Preston corrects.

  "Same thing." Ace says. "Ravenclaw equals smart house."

  Blu rolls her eyes at Ace yet smiles.

   This is gonna be a long ride.

Ace's POV

  Everyone starts talking as we arrive at Hogwarts. I look at the window to see a giant castle, light from the windows glowing in the twilight. I quickly change into my robes then we're out of the train.

  A big man with a beard yells for the first years. So apparently we have to take boats. Nice. Me and my friends all climb into a boat and the castle inches closer as we sail across the water.

  Preston glances into the water to see his mustache. He immediately scowls at me then uses water to wipe it off. Blu and Luna smile at the fish. Aris looks above at the stars as Eliza looks around at the kids in the other boats.

  Soon we're at the castle and Preston yells, "Hogwarts Ho!" We reach surface and start climbing closer to our new home.

Blu's POV

I never realized how BEAUTIFUL Hogwarts could be! If I had my camera I'd snap 100s of pictures. All the paintings that line the walls are...alive? This is truly the best!

We enter the great hall and I gasp. The wall looks like the night sky and floating candles are above us. We're directing to a line where we're placed in alphabetical order. So apparently this hat decides our weird....

Suddenly the hat comes alive and starts talking about the houses? Okay.. Is it just me or is magic stuff so weird it's awesome? Up first is Aris. I wonder what house she'll get. I hope we all get the same.

Aris' POV

The hat is on me, and apparently it's reading my mind. And it's mumbling things to me.

"Hmm..." The hat ponders. "I'm stuck between two houses, but I think instead of Gryffindor you'd be better of in..."

I brace myself for the worst.

"Ravenclaw!!!!" The hat decides. All the Ravenclaw's clap as a I join their table. I sit beside a blonde haired girl who looks like Lilly.

"Hello!" The girl said. "I'm Luna. Are you Aris?" I nod. "My sister, Lilly has told me so much about you."

I smile. "It's the same thing with you."

Lilly's POV

She did it! Aris is a Ravenclaw! I'm so happy. She's talking to my sister as if they had always been friends.

More people are called. A girl named Pairs Bandersine became a Gryffindor, while her twin brother, Andy, became a Hufflepuff. Even more come up until I hear, "Lovegood, Lilly." I walk up and the Sorting Hat is placed on my head.

"This is an easy choice." The sorting hat chuckled. "Ravenclaw!!!" I smile happily and sit down with Aris and my sister.

Preston's POV

Preston Main. The first boy in the M section. On with the sorting hat. Almost the second it touches my head "RAVENCLAW!" Is announced. I sit with my friends. Maybe we're destined to all be Ravenclaws.

Luna, Lilly, and Aris are laughing and chatting. "Do I really have to wait for all the others to be sorted before I eat?" Aris asks. Luna nods. "Our headmaster, Albus Dumbledoor, has to make a speach too. Well, he does sometimes." She replies. Aris sighs.

This is the start of something awesome, or so I thought.

Blu's POV

Aris, Preston, and Lilly are Ravenclaws. Now me, Eliza, and Ace have to get in the house. I'm so distracted that the professor calling the names has to say my name twice before I sit on the stool.

The sorting hat thinks. "Hrmm, I don't think Ravenclaw would be a good fit." Crud. I'm gonna be separated from my friends! "I think...Gryffindor!!"

I stand up sadly and walk over to the Gryffindor table as the students clap. I sit down next to a girl with brown hair and a bit of pink in it.

"Hello! I'm Rose Mason!" She greets. I smile. "I'm Blu Orfield!" I try to stay happy but all I can think of is my friends in Ravenclaw.

Eliza's POV

  Now I'm really worried. Blu is separated from the others. I hope I get Gryffindor now, just so she won't be alone. My name rings through the air like a bell and I find myself sitting on the stool and the hat being placed on my head.

  "You're compatible for Gryffindor but I feel like there's one that outshines it." The hat says. "How about, HUFFLEPUFF!" Dang it! I'm not in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw! This stupid school is ruining our friendship!

  I sit down and Preston's words ring in my head. I guess I am loyal and value friendship. I was the one who found Preston's lost dog last summer. Maybe Hufflepuff is for me.

Ace's POV

So lemme get this straight. 3 of us are in one house, 2 in different houses. THIS SORTING SYSTEM IS CRAZY! I look behind be to hear 2 boys whispering.

"I hear Slytherin is where all the bad guys, including Voldemort come from." The redhead says. "Also Snape and Draco."

"All bad guys are in Slytherin, but I don't think all Slytherins are bad guys." The blonde says.

"Undines, Ace!" The lady calls. I sit on the chair and the old, talking hat is placed on my head.

The hat starts talking to itself, but also me, I guess. "Hmm... Gryffindor....Oh, wait! I have a good idea! Slytherin!"

Slytherin? The bad guy house? The Slytherins clap and cheer as I sit down with them. A brown haired boy smiles. "I'm Dalton Panning! Don't worry, this house isn't all bad! I heard our common room is in the dungeons. It's supposed to look super cool!" I smiled. Maybe this life won't be as bad as it seems.

Heyo guys! It's Forever! Welcome to book one of my Harry Potter fanfic! This book happens in book 4 of the Harry Potter series. I hope you enjoy it! Also, guess who all the characters are! They all have wattpad accounts!
Also, thanks to -bxbycakes- for Rose! I'll use her wisely!

See ya next chapter!- Forever_Undertale

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