The Kid's nightmare and his true form

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??? Dream Pov

I was on the ground my vision was blurry but when it stopped I looked at the ground and blood on the floor and I noticed I was in a dark room I look beside me and saw my family dead. I tried getting up but my legs were weak so I crawled to my mom and turned her around and saw her paled face tears starting to build up I couldn't hold it anymore so I started to cry. But I saw a hand from the shadows grabs me and pulls me up I was struggling to be free until I heard a deep dark voice "well, well, well the kid still living" I was scared. He pulls me close and whisper harshly "let me put you out of your misery" he lets me go falling to the floor I fell into a pitch black.

End of the dream

I woke up screaming. I stopped I have was breathing heavily until I around me to see I'm in a lab "where am I ?" I wishper I noticed I was on a table I got off the table and look at my hands only to see them cover in bandages I was confused of how they were in bandages and how I got here until voice snapped my thoughts " oh you awake" I turned around to see 4 Turtles  teenaged turtle one had a blue bandana the other had a purple the other two, one had a red and the other had an orange " y-y-y-your  Turtles" I stutter " let me introduce ourselves" the blue one said and walked towards me "I'm Leo" Leo said "I'm Donnie" the purple one said "I'm Mikey" the orange one said "and I'm Raph" the red one said I "what's your name?" Donnie ask me "my name is Marcus" I said I wanted to grab my sword bu I realize my sword is missing I panicked "where's my sword ?" I asked them they looked a little question until "oh you mean this ?" Raph said and showed me my weapon I gasp and he gave it to me I was happy until I looked at the sword I remember hearing my family screams I was scared and sad cause I lost my family

Leo's pov

He looks at the sword then back at us and said "can I trust y'all ?" He ask us we all looked at each other then back at him "uh yeah sure" Donnie said, he closed his eyes and all of the sudden a flash came out of nowhere we covered our eyes. The flash stops I open me eyes to see Marcus but he was floating his pupils were red he had a dark clothes he had a tight hoodie and ripped pairs of jeans I look at his hand to see a death scythe "death scythe ?" Mikey ask him "that must mean" I thought Marcus sighed and said " yes I am a GRIM REAPER" in a dark tone at the end.

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