they meet Marcus' brother

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I don't own that drawing but shot out to the drawer

No one's pov

Marcus was wondering is Bayon ok? He thought they soon heard a scream Marcus ran to his room he opens the door and Bayon came out into Marcus' hands Bayon was crying what happen? Marcus thought he looks at his room only to see darkness he heard a whisper "LoNg tImE No sEe" he heard it before but he couldn't put his finger on it he finally remembers the voice "oh no" he whisper he soon saw eyes they were red the eyes soon close and someone walk out of Marcus' room he gasp a what he saw so did the others the kid had on black clothes and he had very light grey skin and his hair was purple and a little blonde he had bat ears and wings he looks kinda like Marcus he gets up with Bayon the kid grins "what do you want?" Marcus growls "oh nothing just getting out of that uncomfortable prison you put me in brother" the boy said in a aggressive tone that took everyone in shock "HE'S YOUR BROTHER?!?!" They all yell except Ghost "yep" he groan "is he a grim reaper like you?" Mikey ask Marcus "no he's a demon" Marcus told the rest but Bayon was scared of him "what's your name?" Bayon ask the kid looks at him "oh it's Lucifer" he told Bayon but you got a problem with your love don't you Lucifer said in Bayon's mind Bayon nods his without speaking "look I need to take a shower" Marcus said Bayon just noticed that he had blood on him and Bayon love nothing more than blood his demon instance was going to come out but he held strong and sigh "you'll take the shower while I'll get your clothes ready" Bayon told Marcus.

Marcus' pov

I was hoping that Lucifer won't even hurt Bayon but I trust him I walk to the bathroom and got undress I look into the mirror and saw me I smile at the mirror I close the door and lock it now that I'm alone I finally let my wolf ears and tail come out it's been 67 years since I had held them in I turn on the shower and washed my self I look to the side of my hip and saw 3 balloons marks those wasn't there before but I ignored it

10 minutes later

After I was done I walk to my room I heard conversation in my room I didn't open my door but I listen to it "Lucifer what if he doesn't like me?" Bayon ask "well your a demon so yeah he'll love you" Lucifer said I was shocked and surprise that Bayon is a demon.

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